"Bright""! "2

The blizzard that accompanied the two double purgatory attacks on the messenger bird was neutralized.And Xiaozhi quickly came to Xiaolan and Nazi with his Pokémon.In front of Nazi and Xiaolan, the happy egg is unfolding the S-worker's position to protect them.

"Are you okay everyone?"

When I came back, I gave Happy Egg a healing medicine, and then Xiaozhi looked at Nazi, Xiaolan, Miaomiao, Pikachu and her.

them.Beside them, King Nido and Queen Nido were looking at Xiao Zhi while covering their frostbite.

"This kind of frostbite - is in trouble:"

After spraying King Nido and Queen Nido, Ash looked at the person he had attacked before.A guy with a mask.

Nazi came to Xiaozhi and grabbed Xiaozhi's hand and said, "Be careful that the masked man is very strong. The field of his Pokémon can suppress my super power."

"Really-. No wonder you didn't use teleportation to evacuate everyone, it seems that this time is a big trouble." The head said, "Little Xiaozhi, that guy's messenger bird's ice-type trick is very good.

Horror - Your King Nido and Queen Nido were frostbitten by it. "

"Is that so..then Pikachu."

"Pickupee!" (To the point where I played 1)

"Snake twisted bear|"

"Snake!" (Bump him!_

At Ash's call, the two Pokémon jumped onto Ash's shoulders.And Xiaozhi suddenly roared. "The group has 1 outbreak ⊥ withdrew!"

Ash's sudden order made the masked man stunned for a moment, and at this moment, esa Heilu _ plus aifte wolf art meow meow auspicious egg Aber all suddenly started running towards him.

Immediately afterwards, he said, "The messenger bird took me to fly!"

With the violent explosion, the floor of Siruf's company was blown up.At this time, Sakagi has already obtained the Taishi ball he wanted and relied on the medicine that Xiaozhi gave to treat the dark injury before.

The state-of-the-art Taiji bee taught Hong how to do s.After seeing that the floor where Xiaozhi but Yezi was in charge actually exploded, he even opened the communication and asked. "Sebastian, how are you doing?"

And without letting Sakagi wait for Ash's voice, it came from the communication.

"It's alright... it's just that Zhe Da was too troublesome this time."

Then Shanaido's mind power flew in the air

Ash and the others fell silent when they looked at the Pokémon carrying the Masked Man, because it was the legendary Pokémon Hoo Shang.


Accompanied by the sound of Ho-oh's cry, a ball of sacredness was beaten to Ash and the others by him.And seeing this situation, mesa Heluga's eyes flashed a fierce light and rushed directly to the sacred fire en

"Hey hey hey! The πm that mesa Kuruga is playing is Ho-oh's flame, you bastard, save me some snacks, Shanaido to relieve mesa Kuruga's psychic power!. me8-a Kuruga, give me back!"



mesa black rugadi go up

was really frightened. mesa black _ Lujia this thing is soaring Ni Duo to release the power of mind and pull out the baby ball to take back the masa black Lujia e--a Hei Lujia refused to return to the ball, and at the same time used the momentum to fight to the holy flame.And mesa Heruga called twice while rushing towards the sacred fire, but countless people including Ash knew what it meant.

"As long as it's for you. Then what about purgatory ahead?"

Then mea Heruga launched Cerberus flames. Mea Heruga turned into a hellhound burning this flame, three heads biting towards the holy fire


"Woo ⊥"

When the three-headed hell dog bit the sacred fire, the sacred fire began to burn the MS Army Luga continuously. Even if the Qaa Black_Luga and Xiaozhi evolved and retained their original ignition characteristics, they still felt endless pain. . But when he thinks that behind him is Xiaozhi and the others, the fierce rice in the eyes of Heluga is even more fierce, biting the sacred fire like biting the prey.

"You bastard! If that's the case, then give me a complete bite of that damn flame⊥ Come on mea Heruga

While talking, Xiaozhi took off the mask and at the same time, the bond between Xiaozhi and mea Heluga was born.

The pain suffered by mesa Heluga who resonated greatly was also fed back to Ash, but the corresponding pain of msa Heluga was famously shared.

"Crush his mega Heruga⊥ and become the real gatekeeper of hell!"⊥,

Accompanied by Xiaozhi's roar, the three-headed flaming hell transformed by msa Heluga, who has the same mind with Xiaozhi, roared directly and smashed the sleeve of holy fire completely!

"Ouch L11⊥"

After biting the sacred fire monkey flames spurted out golden flames.That was the flame that Ho-oh had just used to attack.holy fire


Get out of the way!"

At this time, the masked man was also shocked and speechless. Although his Dubao Jian could defeat the divine beast, it was his old friend.And this one in front of me is oddly capable of taking Ho-oh's flames as its own 3

I found that the masked man was stunned because for m

Xiaozhi, who shared the pleasure and needs of Napi and Xiaolan, smiled and said. "So you'll be shocked too. Then it's more fun later, since Ho-oh's holy fire has been absorbed by Black Ruga... so be malicious!"

"Woo~ hoo LLL!"

Accompanied by the roar of mea Heluga

Black flames were sprayed towards Ho-oh.Facing this kind of flame masked man that he had never seen before, he did not ask Tai, but directly chose to let Ho-oh avoid. , they have already arrived safely on the ground, and Xiaozhi did not stop at all, but fed Heluga a recovery medicine and released all his Pokémon.

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