"Messenger Bird



The terrifying blizzard reappeared under the attack of the messenger bird, and just at this moment, Ash's fire-breathing dragon X suddenly rushed up - a punch of flames hit the messenger bird, and I don't know when it appeared next to the messenger bird. The mesa stinger stabbed the messenger bird with its poisonous needle


Masked Man didn't expect that Charizard and Stingray would suddenly appear and attack his messenger bird, and the two Pokémon appeared without warning at all.

In fact, the reason why the fire-breathing dragon and the bee meet

The sudden appearance is all relying on Nazi and Shaneduo with two superpowers. With the help of the super-human-Pokémon superpower, the big needle bee and the fire-breathing dragon were directly sent to the messenger bird, which is why the fire-breathing dragon And the reason stingrays attack messenger birds, because their target is messenger birds from the start.

On Xiaozhi's side, Nazi and Shanaido were a little dizzy after the use of their superpowers, while Xiaozhi hugged Nazi and Shanaido quickly.

Nazi looked at Xiaozhi and said, "Sorry, that's the only way. There's a strange barrier around that masked man.. My teleportation just now is the limit."

"Sana.." (Sorry dear _'s..)_

"It's okay, it's enough."

After comforting Nazi and Shanaido, Ash looked at the messenger bird that fell from the sky and said to King Nido, Queen Nido and Potucadora beside him, "Double Earth Sword L Botuko Dora Heavy Impact!

"Roaring Mountain⊥⊥⊥"*3_

Accompanied by three roars, King Nido and Queen Nimin smashed their fists to the ground together and Bo Shi Ke Dora launched Di Feng.

Accompanied by a huge stone sword rising into the sky.The messenger bird was hit hard, though it was

Ground line skills But now the messenger bird has no ability to evade at all, so the messenger bird directly eats the husband and wife version of the sword of the earth 2 sides of the king and queen Nido, just when the messenger bird just ate the sword of the earth Afterwards, Boscordola had roared and rushed up and then slammed into the messenger bird.

In this way, with the heavy blow of Potucadora, the messenger bird of the masked man was poisoned and blocked, and Zhuo was finally completely solved.

And the poisoned Hoo-wang in the sky is also not easy, Miaomiao seized the opportunity and started to attack Ho-wang with frantic grabbing.As for the fact that the phoenix is ​​a divine beast.In Miaomiao's view, no matter what you are, as long as

If the boss wants to beat you, he will carry it!

And taking the opportunity of Miaomiao's constant attack on Ho-oh, the Aberrat kept injecting its own venom into Ho-oh's body to ensure that Ho-oh would always be in a state of poisoning.

And the most surprising thing about Abe's monster being able to poison Ho-wang is Aju. After all, he had found a venom bead from Ash before.

"It's a powerful venom to actually poison the beast."

And just when Aju sighed with emotion, Xiaozhi's Pikachu was ready, and he jumped high and activated his most powerful control skills, Baosa Qilu plus

with huge

The thunder and lightning dragon formed under the electric shock of Pikachu, and the thunder and lightning beast opened its mouth towards Ho-wang and bit him fiercely.

And Miaomiao and Aberguai jumped on the fossilized pterosaur together for a long time.


The terrifying thunder and lightning continued to ravage Ho-oh's body, but even so, Ho-oh was still able to move. Pikachu knew that it was only a matter of time before Ho-wang broke free from Ba'o's bite, but his mission had been accomplished. z Now is the time for someone else to perform.

"It's now! _Go on my vicious dogs! Bite that god"⊥! ".

Pikachu bought enough time.It's really enough. Absol Heluga and the wolf dog have long been ready. At this time, they have turned into three-headed dogs and stared at Ho-oh in the sky.

And Ash said the words they had been waiting for.

"Cerberus Trio, evolved into Fenrir, the wolf swallowing the sky!"

"Ow ⊥⊥_ ⊥⊥⊥"

With a wolf howl from the ancient times, the three hell three-headed dogs once again merged with the black energy.Then turned into a giant wolf.

The energy body giant wolf flashed in the eyes of the queen who saw the sky in the sky

A ferocious ray of light then opened its god-killing fangs.


Along with the mesa Absol mega Heluga and the great wolf dog, the giant black wolf jumped together - the same jump and then rushed to Fengyu, biting!

Click! Boom⊥⊥⊥⊥

Along with the god-killing giant wolf's z-mouth bite on Ho-oh, a huge explosion erupted in the sky_ and in front of the masked man, there were ice walls.Then a little boar slowly came out from under his cloak and looked at Xiao Zhi and the others.

When Xiaozhi saw the little boar, he couldn't help but stunned, the little boar

Gave Ash an unprecedented sense of danger.Not kidding.It was a real sense of danger, that sense of danger that made Ash stop paying attention to Ho-oh.

"Snake bear, keep an eye on that little boar

At this time, Xiao Zhi was unprecedentedly serious, and the snake bear also jumped on Xiao Zhi's shoulder and stared at the little boar.

No one noticed Xiaozhi's nervousness except for the masked man, Nazi and Xiaolan, because they just witnessed a scene that people can't describe in words.

God Killing 3. 4L_

That's right, killing gods.Ho-oh was defeated. In a place called Fenrir

Completely defeated by tricks

Looking at Hoo falling from the sky, everyone was silent. They found that the man who claimed to be Sebastian really did it. Using evil to kill God, he proved the power of evil-type Pokémon.Even if they relied on countless other Pokémon to foreshadow before killing the gods, they really did it, killing the gods

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