Seeing Xiaozhi and the others ignoring him, Gu Liu was also embarrassed. . But there's no way, it's just that Xiao Zhi and the others have done too much.

A little too far? There are so many evil forces surrounded and protected. Could it be that he saw something?

Gu Liu never thought that Absol had always been considered a disaster because they could predict danger.And every time they appear, it's just a warning to humans and Pokémon to be careful.And now Absolu's premonition tells him that he has to stay by their side to ensure Ash's safety. So Absol not only came back by himself, but even pulled - Duiren will Xiaozhi, Nazi and Xiaozhi Blue is protected.

While surrounded by Pokémon, Ash secretly asked Nazi, "Nazi. How is your Hudi?"


Your medicine will be fine in the future, but it is probably difficult to attack that masked man, his little boar is very strong. "

"Then what if I gave you a chance 2"


Hearing Xiao Zhi say that, Na Zi was stunned.

"You still have a way 3"

"of course."

Saying that, Xiaozhi looked at the snake-striped bear who was standing on his shoulder and stared at the little boar. !

Chapter 1 The Impact After Thousands of Tests ([-] More)

Snake Bear, a Pokémon captured by Xiao Zhi in the Fengyuan area.What's special about him: maybe it's stupid? Due to unknown reasons, this snake pattern of Xiaozhi can seem to have a head injury, so his IQ is the same as that of a child.At the same time, because of this injury, Snake Bear did not return to learn other attacking tricks.He only hits with one stroke.

However, even this seemingly weak Pokémon has its own shining points.That's his hit

For Serpentine, since he only has 2-one attack tricks, he has been learning this trick all the time.Keep practicing and keep practicing until it becomes instinctive

to the top.

"Snake energy: impact:"

Following Xiao Zhi's soft command, the snake pattern, which had already been stored up, jumped to the ground and then ran straight out.Although he couldn't learn the renaming attack skills, he was able to learn to take a deep breath, and when everything merged, he gathered his strength to two points, and condensed everything in this one collision.

And as the snake-patterned bear rushed over, Gu Liu felt an unprecedented sense of crisis when he looked at Xiaozhi's snake-screwed bear, a feeling he hadn't felt for a long time.

bang bang bang

A straight line with serpentine energy protrudes into each.

All the ice puppets standing in front of him were smashed into pieces by his body, but the serpentine bear himself was not hurt in any way.After all, even if the snake bear can only attack with attacking skills, it does not mean that he does not have other auxiliary skills. Keep moving forward with the shell guarding this move.

And as the snake pattern got closer and closer, Gu Liu also felt an unprecedented sense of crisis, so he said to the little boar, "Little boar blizzard," "Pfft!"

Hearing Gu Liu's order, the little mountain pig directly faces the snake bear

A terrifying blizzard erupted, and the intensity of that blizzard made A'du's scalp tingle. After all, what he was most afraid of was the ice element as a dragon king.

However, this trick that worried A'Du was unable to stop the snake pattern energy at all.I saw the serpentine bear leaning on a green protective film and rushing towards the little boar e.

"Protection? 1 And still run with protection?_!."

Gu Liu was also surprised by the strange operation of the snake-patterned bear, but before Gu Liu could react, the snake-pattern energy had already rushed in front of the little boar, and then: hit

It was a one-stroke impact that condensed the countless years of the snake bear, that

It is the strongest attacking trick that Snake Grip Bear has trained time and time again, and it is also the only attacking trick he knows.

With a loud noise, the thin ice protection in front of the little boar shattered. 2. The snake bear was castrated and slammed into the little mountain pig.

At that moment, the thin ice protection around the masked man's body and the ice puppets all broke the city because the little mountain pig was knocked away. At the same time, Xiao Zhi also said to Na Zi, "It's time for wife L to come on."

"Become a doll."

With Nazi's superpower, a powerful force of nine was launched towards the masked body, and seeing this superpower, Gu Liu also knew

teach yourself

"Ghosts _" a.

With the appearance of Beers. Z Nazi's super power was defended by him. At the same time, Koyama Nagisa of Gu Liu also got up again, but his expression was very painful.

Just when Xiao Shanzhu was about to fight back against Snake Bear," it found that Snake Bear had run back to Zhi quickly, and all of Xiao Zhi's magical treasures together surrounded Xiao Zhi Nazi and Xiao Lan.

"Ha! That masked man really wants to stop people, everyone protect the boss, meow!"

With Miaomiao's voice to Xiaozhi's magical treasures, Xiaozhi and the others are surrounded even tighter.

_ And Ash took this opportunity to secretly throw the overweight ball to the ground.

Gu Liu looked at Xiao Zhi, who was almost face-to-face protected by a bunch of evil-type Pokémon, and they couldn't help but twitch.

"I know you guys like your trainers, but are you going too far?"

Don't blame Gu Liu for making such complaints.It's true that Ash's gang of magical treasures are too worried about Ash's safety, and almost all of them are attached to Ash, and in this case, how do you let Guisi control Ash?

And Xiao Zhi couldn't help but smile after hearing Gu Liu's leaf groove, "Xian

Adore it.. Envy is useless to retreat! "

As soon as Xiao Zhi's words came out, a ripple began to appear, which was the door for Xiao Zhi and the others to return to their own world.

Seeing that Xiao Zhi was going to run away, Gu Liu quickly said to Xiao Boar. "Full force blizzard to stop them L,".

"Fast dragon!. Bring back the golden badge!"

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