Hearing Arceus say this, Guisi said a little surprised, "Wow, you don't know what's going on, do you? _ Does that affect the boss?,"

Guisi is really anxious this time, after all, it involves Xiaozhi and even can make Arceus pay attention, and Arceus

It is to comfort him and say I2 "It's okay. Now that power will not affect Xiaozhi, it will only become his nine weights. And what are you worried about? Xiaozhi is covered by me."


So close that Arceus actually admitted that he was wearing Ash.The two Ho Kings and the Three Holy Beasts were a little surprised.

And Guisi was relieved after hearing Arceus' words.

"Really: It turns out that you are covering the boss, so I can feel at ease:"

Seeing that Guisi would actually ask Arceus with great interest because he was covering Xiaozhi; "It seems that

You guys like Ash so much I wonder why you guys like Ou Xiaozhi so much? Does he have any magic powers?"

Hearing the question of Arceus, Gus thought for a while, then smiled and said 1_"I don't know, I just want the boss to be healthy, maybe it's because the boss used to feed me when I was weak. it's gone"

"What an interesting answer:

Although there is no specific answer, Arceus has long known why Ash's Pokémon are like this, because in their eyes Ash is not just their trainer.It is their ._family.

and also

They didn't find out. When Ash was with them, they didn't look at Ash in the same way as their master or trainer. They really treated Ash as family.

Just like when I fought with the masked man before.Just because of one of Absol's Pokémon reminding Ash, they spontaneously gathered around Ash to protect Ash.This kind of behavior can be said that they have become accustomed to protecting Xiao Zhi, which is an instinct-two behavior.

Although in the eyes of others, the appearance of Xiaozhi and the others may be a bit ridiculous, after all, Xiaozhi planned to be posted by his own Pokémon while protecting Xiaolan and Nazi.

Protected by the body, Bokajin, Miaomiao, Happy Egg, Absolushaniduo, they are already face-to-face protection Xiaozhi.That scene is really funny. 2 But the more funny the scene is, the more I can see that Ash's Pokémon love him, if not really like Ash.Ash's Pokémon won't be protected in such a funny way, after all, sometimes this clumsy way is more obvious than a cliché, but it's more obvious that Ash's Pokémon love him.

And although Xiaozhi seems to be carrying two big bags, in fact, he really wants to say that Xiaozhi really has nothing to do. This is not to cover up, after all, Xiaozhi

Chi didn't know what was going on, and Russa Mina was arguing, so they comforted each other. Maybe Sasaki's grove is really beautiful?

Now the only thing Xiaozhi cares about is whether Russa Minai has absorbed all of it and will be pregnant, although even if Russa Minai is pregnant with Xiaozhi, she will be happier and prepare for the wedding.

I don't know if Glagio and Lillie have any idea about having a younger sibling.

And just when Xiao Zhi had such an idea, Xiao Xue found Xiao Zhi and said something that surprised Xiao Zhi."

Chapter 2 The Agreement ([-] more)

- "What are you going to study with your mother 2⊥"

When Xiaoxue told Xiaozhi that she was going to study with Xiaozhi's mother Hanako, Xiaozhi was stunned.After all, even though Ash knew that his mother used to be a well-known breeder.But I didn't expect it to be Xiaoxue's idol.

"I didn't expect Hanako's mother to be my idol, but wouldn't it be better? Studying with Hanako's mother used to be a good girl.

"Okay: It's a bit unexpected, but if that's the case, it's good to learn from my mother.."

Xiaoxue has said that it is impossible for Xiaozhi to say anything else, after all, since

It's impossible for my fiancee to study with my mother before, right?

And Xiaoxue's colleague Lin also needs to leave the team.

"Xiao Zhi, the harvest season for medicinal herbs is coming, I need to go back and watch.

Although I really want to continue traveling with Xiaozhi, Lin can't leave it alone when it is time to receive the medicinal materials, after all, although it can be said that Xiaozhi's wife. , but Lin doesn't want to eat plain rice, she still has to do her work, it's her little willfulness, right?

As for Lin's decision, what should Xiao Zhi do? Of course, Xiao Zhi, who has long been familiar with Lin, can no longer be familiar with her. Of course, Xiao Zhi understands that he can't stop Lin.

Neng said helplessly, "Don't be too busy with Fuzi, and don't be too tired. If you go out, remember to put on your clothes."_

After Xiaozhi rambled for a long time, Lin and Fuzi were finally going back.

"Fuzi, you too, be careful when grazing. Although the Flying Mantis Lada and the Flame Horse can help you, you still need to pay attention to your own safety. By the way, if the Kentaro is disobedient, I will help you. Make him roast beef."

Hearing Xiaozhi say that, Fuzi is helpless - laughs and then said, "Don't be so scary.

But thank you, then quartz carry

Count on cheering”⊥.”

When everyone was almost gone, Xiaozhi had to finally tell his mother, Xiaozi Xiaoxue and Nanamei to arrive. "It may be a little troublesome to have another Ho-wang near the house, but there is nothing you can do, you should pay more attention to your own safety. And Sister Nanami, you must pay attention to Ogi Hakutu and don't let his old husband harass Ho-wang. "

After being reminded by Xiaozhi, Nanami realized that her grandfather seemed to be looking at Ho-oh with the moonlight like a wolf.

"Let's go, I'll watch Grandpa, Xiaozhi, be careful yourself. Pay more attention to safety."

"Let's be small, Xiao Zi is waiting for me at home,

After a while, we'll go get Lucario back together. "

Hearing Xiaozhi say that, Xiaozi nodded.

"Keep it small."

Afterwards, Hanako and the others also left the group, along with Kiyomi and Ayano. The two of them wanted to chat with Hanako's mother-in-law.._

And Nazi had already used teleportation to go home. For her, the short trip with Xiaozhi today was very happy.

Xiaolan, on the other hand, wants to go back to Sakagi-Joban City.And Xiao Huang will walk with Xiao Lan and Sakagi - together a


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