Meow scratched his head embarrassedly and opened another file.

"That's right."

When Xiao Qian saw the data on the file, he couldn't help frowning.This data is really scary.

The data recorded on the Miaomiao tablet almost had troubled family members breaking into the conference room without knowing how to get the doctors to treat them as soon as possible.


Xiaoxia is starting to understand a little now.It's not without reason that Xiao Zhi's gang of doctors would be angry, and it would be nerve-wracking for everyone to be harassed like this all the time.

"Although the Elf Alliance has been sending people since then.

Help assist (aibb__) us.But because of the disgusting experience of the consultation, each of our doctors hated the guy who came to interrupt our meeting.We don't have time to mess around with them, we're racing against death six and fighting death, these guys are just like teammates pigs. ""Okay: I understand-"

It's a good Xiaoxia to understand why Xiaozhi and the others are like this.Completely conditioned reflex

"You can understand. Xiaogang doesn't have to worry about having great medical staff to treat him. He should be fine, and I paid too much money to get the best doctor to help." 11

"Dr. Du, they are the doctors who operated and they are not in charge of this. I don't worry, I have asked the best anorectal doctor to help him."

Hearing Xiao Zhi's words, Xiao Lu froze for a moment and the corners of her eyes twitched a little.


"Yes, you can rest assured that since of course he is going to see the anorectal department. How could I possibly avenge my private revenge." Ou Xiong held her in his arms.And Miaomiao quietly said to Xiaoxia, "It's the private price of the communique:: Trust me. Xiaogang's suffering has just begun."


two - dividing line - one

the other side

Xiaogang, who was being sent to the special hospital, did not know how terrifying his hospital was for him.

"Um.: Muscle strain? So it's to prepare you for exercise:"

A doctor with a golden-ratio muscular body sighed as he looked at the medical records in front of him.Then he said to the strange force wearing a nurse uniform next to him, "Gui Li, take this heroic force to the treatment. Really, it is very troublesome to say that you don't exercise well and prepare well for exercise."

"Strange Power"

The strange force in the earth-protecting suit nodded and then went to the treatment with Hao Li, who was a little red on his face, after all, in Hao Li's eyes

This monster is really beautiful.

When the muscular doctor looked down - a medical record, he was stunned for a moment.

"Huh? Was it attacked by flying needles for breaking into a doctor's surgery meeting? Really, those doctors' meetings still dare to interrupt?"

Just when the doctor was speechless, an employee of the Continental Hotel came over and said. "Doctor. Please let the best female doctor here help him treat him. He is a friend of our boss, and our boss accidentally injured his butt.."

"Okay, okay. What a lucky boy, Erda, this guy named Xiaogang, will be handed over to you."

"Okay.. Really privileged class is good :-"

With a female doctor who is bigger than the muscular male doctor, he came out.

And seeing this muscular female doctor doing a lot of muscular men couldn't help but blushed a little, they liked this type, it was a perfect muscle proportion. The fleshy female doctor looked at his small body and said, "Hmph, not good. Consequences of exercising. Ass This is because of breaking into a medical conference led by Ash and Dr. Du. Oh?"


"Ah ah ah ah!"

With the female doctor's too palm slapped on Xiaogang's

On the butt, the huge pain caused Xiaogang to scream in an instant and then fainted

"No, you should be very courageous to dare to break into that meeting, otherwise no one will dare to approach those monsters: Forget it anyway, there is no need for anesthesia. It's the gang who are going to perform an anorectal examination on his ass. How many times has the doctor attacked his ass?"

And following the female doctor's words, he helped Hao Li, who was wearing a soil protection suit, to pick up Xiaogang. Instead, he began to put on disinfectant gloves and said, "Really, let's do anal test first. I hope those doctors didn't carry the medicine. Too much, but I feel a little overwhelmed by the swelling of that kid's ass.

say this

The female doctor took her own heavy steps and used a very heroic posture. It didn't take long before Xiaogang's cry came."

Hearing Xiaogang's cry, many muscular men said with envy, "That's great. There is Mrs. Melda to help with the treatment:-"

"Don't call it delayed treatment, what should I do?

"Ah ah ah!"

With Melda's roar and a crisp applause, Xiaogang's voice stopped again in summer."

Chapter 1 Taoyuan Fantasy Township Hospital ([-] more)

- "I don't know why, I always feel that Xiaogang will be miserable:!"

Second, when I think of Xiao Zhi's weird smile before, Xiao Xia feels that things are not easy. And Xiao Zhi, who specially arranged Xiao Gang in the macho's favorite hospital, hurriedly said after finding out that Xiao Xia seemed to have found something, "Where, Xiao Xia, you Thinking too much, just enjoy the journey without the so-called big sister while Xiaogang is away and we travel together. 上_”

"Sure enough: Xiaozhi, you are very suspicious: and what the hell is the journey of the big sister:"

Although she was a little speechless, Xiaoxia still said what she thought of Ye Slot and saw Xiaoxia.

Xia couldn't be fooled by Xiaozhi and could only cut a sigh of relief and said, "Che, have you been found? Well, I admit that the hospital I sent him to is indeed a little special. It is the favorite of the macho. Taoyuan Jixiang Township Hospital!"

"Taoyuan Hongxiang Township Hospital 3"

When I heard this strange name, Xiaoxia didn't know what to say, but Miaomiao took out her tablet and started a video.

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