"No matter how powerful he is, he is not as powerful as Xiao Zhi. It's a pity that the boy's body type doesn't know why he didn't become a super macho. It's a pity."

"Hahaha, maybe it's a physical problem. But don't worry about that kid."

"Yes, then let me see this

How about a guy named Xiaogang?_"

Then, Xiaogang's training program began.

one-one dividing line-one

While Xiaogang was treating his butt at Taoyuan Gensokyo Hospital, Xiaozhi and Xiaoxia continued their journey happily.

And since a guy who is actually the same as a light bulb is gone, the couple travelers, Xiaozhi and Xiaoxia, can let go a little. Of course, letting go is just - holding hands to go shopping or go to the mainland hotel to eat or something .And it's more Erxia and Xiaozhi- discussing the water-type Pokémon together: after all, Xiaozhi's Minas is now

Zai followed Xiao Zhi

"It turns out that Xiao Zhi, your Chanas was raised when the ugly fish was born?"

Seeing Minas Xiaoxia, who was almost pestering Xiaozhi, was a little surprised, while Shaozhi touched Chanas' head and said, "That's right. This kid was actually quite unconfident because he was an ugly fish. Yes, if it wasn't for the Carp King and the others who had been with her all the time, I would have worried that she would be depressed."


Minas seems to be a little embarrassed because he was told about his embarrassing things, so he leaned slightly behind Ash.

And Miaomiao sees Minas like this

He smiled and said, "It's okay, meow, who has never had a time when they didn't like it, so life is real. Don't you see Snake Bear living happily?"

"Snake pattern!"

It's a little strange to be meowed by the snake bear." She glanced at Miaomiao, then shook her head and continued to let Xiaozhi scratch his head for himself.

Looking at Xiaozhi's snake-patterned bear, Xiaoxia was thinking. After a while, she asked cautiously, "What's wrong with this child, Snake-pattern?"

Bei Xiaoxia, who was so careful, picked up the snake bear and rubbed it on his head and said, "How can I say it... This child is because of

He had a head injury before, so he was kind of stupid, and he couldn't learn any other attacking skills. If you let him bite, he would. However, his attacking skills are only impact, and it seems that the child can't evolve. "

Xiaoxia never thought that such a happy snake bear would be so miserable.

"It's okay, this kid doesn't care, so you don't need to worry about him. As long as this kid can live happily every day, that's fine. That's right 2"

A serpentine bear like Xiao Zhi smiled and nodded, and then pointed to a tree fruit in front of everyone, and Xiao Zhi immediately understood what it meant and fed the tree fruit to him.

Seeing Xiaozhi and the others, Xiaoxia smiled slightly.But then he still asked: "That. Xin Xiaozhi, aren't you absolutely tired like this?"

There is a reason why Xiaoxia is like this, because Xiaozhi's style when she travels is really too dry.In the clothes, little Ibrahimovic shows his head and looks around. There is a Duck sitting in the backpack, Pikachu and Snake Bear are two guardians on the shoulders. Fortunately, Miaomiao and Happy Egg don't like to sneak up on Xiaozhi, otherwise the shape will definitely be better. Wonderful.

As for this question, Xiao Zhi said after thinking about it for a while, _ "It's okay. I don't think there's any problem with this, after all, it's just exercise."

, you are so good

"That's a must". If you don't have enough 5.5 stamina and individual strength, it always feels unsafe to go out on an adventure trip". And the more I do this, the more you can feel safe, right?"

Saying that, Ash showed off his muscles.And Xiaoxia was a little speechless.

"It always feels like you are treating travel as a dangerous journey.."_

"No Xiaoxia, I think we should be careful. Because you don't know when something will happen..."_

"Cough, Xiao Zhi, I'd better remind you - next time you encounter danger.

If things go wrong, Sister Rusamine will really kill her.

"Dear Xiaoxia, let's go to the next city, there is a department store there."- ⊥

The 3th chapter of the green onion thief ([-] more)

Don't blame Xiaozhi for changing the subject, it's really the lover of Rusha Minai's past life, Xiaozhi knows that what Rusha Minai said is true as long as he dares not to take his own life. Next time Waiting for her is not Rusamina, who can be solved by comfort.

With such an idea, Xiao Zhi can only rely on shopping and shopping to forget his fear of Lusa Minai.

After all, it was terrifying that Rusamine was really angry. w,

While Xiao Zhi and Xiao Xia were shopping, they unexpectedly learned something unexpected from some people.That is, there are green onion ducks nearby.

After hearing the name Green Onion Duck, Xiao Zhi's eyes changed.

"Duck with green onions? Hey, duck with green onions..."

Looking at Xiaozhi Xiaoxia, whose eyes began to become weird, she asked Miaomiao worriedly, "That.. Meow 09 Miao Xiaozhi, what's wrong with him? Is there anything different about the scallion duck?"

After hearing Xiaoxia's question, Miaomiao was silent for a while." After a while, she said, "Well, how do you say it... Do you still remember the Kanto roast duck you ate at Tailu Hotel?"

When mentioning the Kanto Roast Duck, Xiaoxia also drooled unconsciously.

"Hmm, then

A roast duck is really fragrant, don't you think?! "

Just when Xiaoxia thought that the raw material for the roast duck was green onion duck, Miaomiao explained, "It's not as you think that L is not made with green onion duck. The roast duck is made from Xitong's domesticated edible duck."

"Oh, does that have anything to do with the green onion duck?"

"It does matter. The green onions of Taisong Duck are the best, and the old lady's favorite is to use the green onions of the roast duck as the material.."_

"Uh... so Xiao Zhi is carrying _

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