It's you who did it,

Seeing that Xiaozhi had discovered him, Team Rocket jumped out without hiding his whereabouts, but the three of them were exuding a terrifying "flying air" that was visible to the naked eye.

"The three of you. Just chased after you all the way?_"

Looking at Team Rocket Xiaozhi, who was still smelling, he and Miaomiao: -Granted gas masks to everyone present while quietly pushing Xiaoxia and Joey on their bodies, and Team Rocket was seeing Xiaozhi's Immediately after the small action, he roared: . "You guys still dislike it _ Is it because who do we do this because you don't have a point in your heart?⊥"

"Well... no, you have a good emperor, go and wash it-wash it. Otherwise, Porkby should be scared."

Saying that, Xiaozhi pointed to Porkby with a small gas mask county.

"What a joke, we're here to grab...".

Stab it!

Before Musashi's words were finished, Meow Meow knocked her down with a frantic grab.And then Miaomiao looked at Porkby and nodded and said, "Indeed, it's easy for us to scare the egg baby like this now, so let's go wash first."

". Meow meow where are you?_

Xiao Shenlang looked at it speechlessly.

Miaomiao really can't understand his brain circuit.And just when Kojiro was speechless, Ash's big stinger appeared silently behind him and Musashi.

"Om!" (long time no see)

"Uh... Big Stinger Bee. Long time no see...".

"The stinger bees sent them with a missile needle."



With the sound of an explosion, Kojiro and Musashi covered their buttocks.

"The little devil's hornet is getting stronger again

"Better than boredom"*2_

Meow meow

Seeing Musashi and Kojiro flying away, he was a little speechless, but then he realized that Ash was looking at him.

"Um_. What do you want_

"Nothing, just do the right thing."

Then Xiaozhi grabbed Miaomiao and walked to the bathroom of the elf center.

"Meow! What are you doing!"

"Don't move, I don't want to waste time."

"Oops" the water is so hot!_"

"It's impossible that the water temperature I adjust is not a problem at all!"

Hear the noise coming from the bathroom

Xia was a little strange, but Miaomiao smiled slightly and whispered, "The boss still hasn't changed. He always says that he is a bad person or something, but he is actually gentler than anyone else."

As for Meow Meow's Pikachu, he nodded in agreement.

"Pikapi." (This is the so-called arrogant babe) _!

Chapter 3 Angel's Kiss ([-] more)

After Xiao Zhi helped Team Rocket's Miao Miao clean up, Miao Miao from Team Sure Arrow looked at Xiao Zhi strangely and asked, "What are you doing, kid?"

"After all, you took care of Porkby who was still an egg before. So it's not impossible to give you a small reward."

Saying that, Xiaozhi took Miaomiao's neck and brought him to Porkby, then hugged Porkby and said, "Well, this guy Porkby took care of you when you were still an egg, so I came here for this guy. A little thank you, Mr. Nanny, for a short time."

"Chabby Chabby!"

Hear Ash's words, Porkby

Laughing and nodding, then with Ash's help, he kissed gently - Team Rocket's Miaomiao's face

And was melted by Porkby's meowing kiss.

"Meow...that's great~"

"It's a thank you for taking good care of your eggs, and then your punishment for stealing them."

Although Xiao Zhi said so.But Miaomiao was still immersed in Porkby's angel's kiss and couldn't extricate herself, so Ash silently tied him to the second kick of the trait.

"Huh? Omg!. What are you doing?

"Send you back, then please light the fire-breathing dragon!"


Still the same familiar formula, the fire-breathing dragon directly ignited the lead with its tail, and Meow Meow started to blow frantically.

"Isn't it still harmonious and friendly just now? ⊥ What's the situation now 2!"

"It was just now, now is now. This is the war of daddy, then the loser is out!"

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