So Xiaozhi deliberately and quietly sent Taoyuan Fantasy: The doctors in the township sent z emails about Xiaogang's color embryo problem, and with the help of this email, Xiaogang completely embarked on the road of training a macho.

"Xiao Zhi.. You are laughing so terribly now. Porkby is scared 13_

"Oh? Is it? Sorry I adjusted-

When he found out that he was indeed waiting a bit evil, Xiao Zhi quickly adjusted it, otherwise it would be bad to scare the children later.

"Excuse me, are you a Pokémon trainer?,"

Just when Xiao Zhi adjusted his smile, he thought that Uncle Mountaineering came over, and when Xiao Zhi saw this, he understood what he wanted to do.

"Pokémon battle, right?"

"Yes, let's have a fight between men" Come out, one-horned rhino! "

The one who saw it was the single fish and rhinoceros Xiaozhi smiled and said, "The seed of the wonderful frog."

With Xiaozhi's words, the wonderful frog seed jumped out of the treasure ball by himself.

"on the seed"

Uncle Mountainee smiled when the seeds of the frog came out.

"It's actually a wonderful frog that hasn't evolved yet.

Seed, I thought you'd let the bear behind you come. "

You will cry if you believe me, but it's almost done now ⊥ Wonderful frog seeds make sunshine save unlimited launch industry"

"Seed ⊥"

Hearing Xiaozhi's order, the wonderful frog seed, who had not evolved and was brooding about what the uncle said before, put a smile on his face, and then the seed on his back emitted a dazzling light.

Uncle Mountaineer was stunned when he saw it. .

"You don't need to... charge up?"_

"My Frog Seeds do not need to be charged up and are fired in bursts" l


"Seed⊥!⊥⊥" (launch! launch 1. launch L⊥⊥)

"Roar" ⊥⊥⊥_ ! "(Help 1⊥⊥L)

"Single fish rhino, I'm sorry for you." The frog seed on the opposite side is a monster."

When Uncle Mountaineering hugged his one-horned rhino and cried bitterly.Xiaozhi took out his ears and hugged his own frog seeds and said, "I said uncle, no matter how you say your family's one-horned rhinos are 4 times restrained by my wonderful frog seeds. Because the frog seeds have not evolved, they will be looked down upon. He will pay the price."

"Ring Ming Ming

.I know, but I didn't think that your wonderful frog seeds, sunshine and flames, don't have power, or they have bursts of hair. Who would have thought."

Saying that, the uncle was holding his horn again. Rhino burst into tears, while Xiao Zhi shrugged.This is one of the few guys who was praised for underestimating the enemy and cried because of himself.

"Seed ⊥_" (Those who look down on people deserve to be beaten and cry.)

Because of the experience of being abandoned by people, the seeds of the wonderful frog are relatively resistant to evolution. Fortunately, Xiaozhi is an unconventional master who can train with a ramming serpentine bear every day.

After practicing to the extreme, the wonderful frog seeds have now become a mobile fort under the training of Xiaozhi.

And just when Ash's wonderful frog seeds were proud, his body radiated light.Frog seeds immediately began to suppress their own s

Seeing the seeds of the wonderful frog, Xiaozhicong Miaomiao took a stone in his hand and said to him: "Use this immutable stone, so that you don't need to suppress it."

"seed" (thanks)

After Frog Seed took over Ash's immutable stone, the power of evolution in him began to change to increase himself, and the power of evolution under the influence of Frog Seed's deep breathing began to be absorbed by himself.the frog species

Zi was also relieved and rubbed Xiaozhi happily.

Uncle saw that Xiao Zhi did not let such a strong frog seed evolve and said L, "Why don't you let your own frog seed evolve? You know that it will become stronger after evolution."

Miao Frog Seed was upset when he heard the words of Uncle Tai, but Xiao Zhi knew that Uncle was kind.

"It's alright. My family's frog seeds don't like evolution, so my training for him is not based on the frog flower. The shape of the frog flower is different from the shape of the frog seeds and the frog grass, so the training The policy is also different, since the seeds of the frog do not like evolution,

Then I can train it to be a mobile turret. "

Hearing what Xiao Zhi said, the uncle shuddered when he thought about the way his one-fish rhinoceros was beaten, "It's really a mobile fort... You're amazing...___"

Chapter 1 The Incredible Garden ([-] more)

After saying goodbye to the uncle, Xiao Zhi and Xiao Xia went to the nearest Pokémon Center first. On the way, Frog Seeds happily rubbed against Xiao Zhi, fully expressing their love for Xiao Zhi.

"Frog Seeds I know you like me very much but it's almost alright, some people are starting to get jealous.."_

Saying that, Xiaozhi looked at Shanaido who came out of the baby ball and smiled helplessly. After a moment, thinking of N's previous instructions to Xiaozhi to pull Shanaido over, he said, "Okay. Don't be jealous. For everyone, I But I like it."

Shanaido's unhappy heart being hugged by Ash

The situation improved in an instant, and then he leaned against Xiao Zhi with a happy face.

Looking at Shanaido like this, Xiaoxia doesn't know why there is a sense of disobedience, 2 Is this Shanaido really affectionate to Xiaozhi? Why is it that the more you look at it, the more wrong it is?

With this thought in mind, Xiaoxia quietly asked Miaomiao, "That... Miaomiao_Why do I feel that Xiaozhi's Shanaido is not right? She doesn't seem to regard Xiaozhi as a father, right?"

Miaomiao looked at Shanaido who was eyeing her trainer. After thinking about it, she still didn't reveal it. After all, she would rather demolish Z temples than destroy a marriage.

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