Just when the wonderful frog flowers and Xiao Zhi's wonderful frog seeds came to fight, there was a burst of laughter in the sky.

"Ha ha ha ha! You have no chance

Hearing this laughter, Xiao Zhi rolled his eyes helplessly and said, "You three, we are just about to open up here. Can you not bother?"

Musashi roared when he heard Ash say that. "No drama! Those vines actually hit people's faces just now, we are here to take revenge⊥ We will accept these frog grasses! Let's do it⊥"

Following Musashi's order, Miaomiao pressed it directly, and the remote control in his hand turned on.

Off then - a giant vacuum cleaner emerges from the Meow Meow hot air balloon, and Team Rocket begins its own capture divination. _: !

Chapter 1 Blood Thick ([-] more)

Xiao Zhi was a little surprised about the Jade Rockets' direct action. It stands to reason that these guys should say their lines first in the supplementary books?

And just when Xiao Zhi was puzzled, the laughter of the three Rockets came over.

"Meowhahaha L. We summed up the experience of failure before. That is, we are always attacked by you guy for saying lines!"

"So this time we will fight directly" How awesome is it, go hahahaha!

"x." *N_

Xiaozhi and Xiaoxia looked at the three of them speechlessly, not knowing what they were thinking.

What is raid?


And just as the power to speak has gone, the frog flower has been stretched out, and countless vine whips have pulled some frog grass, but it is still not enough. There are too many frog grass.

Seeing the wonderful frog flower so thankless, Xiaozhi said helplessly to the wonderful frog seed, who was holding "nine zeros". "Miao frog seed. Are you ready?"

Hearing Xiao Zhi's question, the seeds on his back had already radiated endless light from the frog seeds and nodded.

"Very good" Sunshine flames launch! ".

"Boom on the Seed"

As the white light beam rushed to the sky rocket team's Meow Meow hot air balloon, it heard the explosion, and seeing this situation, the wonderful frog flower also used her own K spit knife. But what does this flying leaf knife look like in Xiaozhi's opinion? It's like a blade storm

The web pages of the frog grasses were easily cut with the I Flying Leaf Quick Knife of the frog flower. The frog grass also, in this case, returned to the ground, and at the same time came our dear rockets Team three.

Looking at the Froggrass and Frogflower that have been surrounded.Miaomiao smiled awkwardly and scratched her head.

".that two: we say this

It's all a misunderstanding, do you believe me meow 2"

"Yeah, we just want to take everyone on a free flight, don't get me wrong⊥"

"Looks like everyone doesn't like flying, so let's leave first?"

Looking at the gags of the Arrow team, Xiao Zhi smiled.

"Don't worry, we'll give you a ride." All of them were attacked by vine whips!"

"Seed ⊥."

"Grass!" N


Along with a brutal and inhuman beating, Team Rocket successfully lifted off again a


I'm sick of feeling [-]!"

Seeing the three people flying away, Ash sighed.After seeing the blood, the wonderful frog flower said.Then, the guy who came to disturb has already been carried away.Then we can almost continue the fight. "

Hearing Xiaozhi say that, Frogflower nodded, and Froggrass also gave way.

"Frog Seeds. Are you ready?

Looking at the wonderful frog seeds not far away, he nodded.

"Very good. Then get ready to start. This is the stage for you to prove yourself, to prove that you are still strong even if you don't evolve. Let's leave the battlefield first."

talking small

Zhi and Miaomiao and the others returned to Xiaoxia and Chuaneng who had come over, and only the seeds of the frog and the flowers of the frog were left on the battlefield.


With a roar, the wonderful frog flower took the lead, and the flying leaf knife like a leaf blade storm quickly rushed to the wonderful frog seed. He was not surprised by the sudden appearance of the wonderful frog seed in Gongxian County. Instead, he used his own quick response. Ability to quickly dodge attacks.

And Xiaozhi said at this time. "Use sleep powder!."

"Seed ⊥."

After hearing Xiao Zhi's order, the seeds of the frogs were quickly released towards the flowers of the frogs

However, in the face of the sleeping powder rushing towards her, Miaowahua blew hard.

In an instant, the sleeping powder that was blown to the frog flower was blown away, but before waiting for the frog flower to act, Xiao Zhi suddenly said, "Sunshine flames are launched!"


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