Helping the security guards won't touch the boss's bad luck, the old lady is the same as a housewife and a man.

And just when everyone was noisily rushing for things, another wave of troops arrived

"Mamma Mia!"

When seeing a group of muscular elder brothers escorting the two muscular elder sisters to the arrival, even the girls who were extremely combative because of the discounted merchandise took a step back.

After seeing this group of people, Xiao Zhi said a little surprised, "Dr. Jonoer? Miss Melda? Mrs. Gagland 2 Are you all on vacation?"

Seeing that it is Xiao Zhihou Gege

Lan is generous.

"Hahaha, I said who would be the same as Auntie when the products are on sale. It's really you, Xiaozhi."

Merda looked at Xiao Zhi slightly and quickly confirmed that Xiao Zhi did not relax and exercise, so she said with a smile, "It seems that you have not neglected to exercise, so that's good, isn't it Doll's Day today, we and Gregory It happened to be a holiday, so I came to see Z. As for Jonor and the others, the messenger of flowers."

"Ah~ I think it's because you are afraid of Miss Melda, you will be taken away, doctor, you are too understanding.

When Xiao Zhi said this, Jonoer, a tough doctor, turned his head in embarrassment and muttered.

. . "Xiao Zhi, you talk too much."

"Oh, you really understand, doctor, but I can understand, I can understand.

He patted Dr. Jonoel on the shoulder, Xiaozhi's face was full of a pregnant smile, and seeing Xiaozhi like this, Jonoer could only change the subject and looked at Xiaoxiae

"This is your travel partner, I heard Xiaogang say it. It looks like you two."

"The relationship is based on marriage. This is Xiaoxia, and Xiaoxia are the doctors of Taoyuan Gensokyo. They are all very good people."

Xiaoxia looked at Melda and Geglana who were more handsome than men.

Look at a group of "Hua" messengers who were stunned for a moment - then introduced themselves, "That:: Hello, my name is Xiaoxia. It's Xiaozhi's girlfriend.

Merda looked at Xiaoxia for a while and then said with a smile on the corner of her mouth, "Although you don't have any muscles, it seems that you have exercised well, which is very good, and it seems that you are very good at swimming, so your body has recovered. So fast."


Xiaoxia heard Miss Melda's voiceover at once.And Xiaozhi also hurriedly broke the road, _ "Cough cough Shang Xiaoxia's home is Hualan Taoist gym, so it is normal to be able to swim."


Oh, what did I say.So you are the younger sister of the three little Y-heads who were trained by me.Although I heard them talk about it, it was the first time we met. "

"Hey? Sister Melda, do you know my sisters and the others?" She looked at Melda Xiaoxia unexpectedly. She really didn't expect that Melda would know her three sisters, although she knew that her three sisters were taken by her father. After my mother took her out for special training, she came back crying, but I didn't expect that it was Miss Melda who was in charge of the special training ___

And Merda smiled and held down Xiao Lan to be punished? Although her hands were full of calluses, she was unexpectedly warm.


That's right, according to your parents' idea, you were originally going to be sent to me for special training, but now it seems that there is no need.Traveling is also a good exercise, but it's best to take precautions when doing cardio, if you have kids:

"Cough, sister Melda, if you like children, get married with a doctor and have one."

Seeing that Merda's topic was about to stray, Ash quickly changed the topic.As for Xiaozhi's digression, Dr. Jonoel gave Xiaozhi a 'good assist' look and said with a smile. "By the way, I forgot to mention that we brought your companion Xiaogang too. Let him rest."

"Xiaogang is here too. Then his ass..."

"Well: there are some reasons why his ass is not getting better for the time being. But don't worry, we will treat it as soon as possible, but it's strange that Xiaogang has not made a sound."

Just after Dr. Jonoer and Xiao Zhi looked at it together, they found that Xiao Gang was holding his butt and pouting. Seeing this, Xiao Zhi snapped his fingers.


"what happened?"

"Mr. 2 Gang was kicked in the ass when he approached the lady who was fighting for goods."


After hearing the answer from his subordinates, Xiao Zhi shook his head helplessly and said to Pikachu on his shoulder, "Actually, I admire Xiao Gang's perseverance. Of course, if he is not like a pig, then he will persevere a little bit. Should have taken it down..."


As soon as Xiaozhi finished talking about the group of muscular men and Miaomiao, he took out a small notebook and started recording.And the little notebooks of those muscular guys also had weird names written on them.

"Love A Handbook. How boring are you?"

Seeing that this group of unscrupulous guys, Xiaozhi, has completely disappeared.But these shameless guys are so shameless

shouted, _"Master L, we want to learn your strategy skills!"*NL!

Chapter 1 Special Program ([-] more)

Because of meeting acquaintances, Xiaozhi and Xiaoxia's big shopping trip also slowed down a little. Xiaoxia chatted with Merda and Gegran, while Xiaozhi and Dr. Jonore were in charge of picking up package work.

"So Xiaozhi is so popular at Taoyuan Fantasy Township Hospital?"

"Hmph, that kid Xiao Zhi is really popular. After all, we guys who like to exercise are freaks in the eyes of other people. On the contrary, that kid Xiao Zhi gets along very well with me."

"That's right, but it's true that as long as it's not too much, Ash is really easy to get along with.

After chatting together, Xiaoxia found that she was

As Xiao Chi said.Melda and Gagland are really good, although they may be attracted by their stature for the first time, but after talking to each other, it will be found that both Gagland and Merda are actually very easy to get along with.

Gegeland is bold and unpretentious and can quickly become friends with people. Although Merda always says that others are stupid, she really cares about them.

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