"Haha, sure enough, the one with Xiaozhi is not a fuel-efficient lamp, it's very good."

"Where, this time I also won because of Xiao Zhi's help."

"Hahahaha! It's okay. This is also a kind of ability. But unfortunately Xiaogang seems that I can't date you this time_."

Hearing Gegeland say that, Xiaogang suddenly sighed in relief, after all, with Miss Gageland

It's really hard to date him. .And taking this opportunity, Xiaogang quickly said, "That's right! Since we met Xiaozhi, let's go on a trip together. I feel like I have no problem now."

"Are you sure? Didn't your butt hurt just now?"

"It's okay!. My ass is so good for you now!"

Saying that, Xiaogang pouted his butt and patted him loudly.

"That's the case. So is it okay for Dr. Jonore to be discharged here?"

"Of course. It would be better to say that I am very optimistic about a child like Xiaogang.

Oil, Xiaogang, don't let us all take your special training in vain

Saying that, Dr. Jonor slapped Xiaogang on the buttocks.Xiaogang, who was already enduring the pain and slapped himself, almost cried out, but in order to escape from the devil's cave, Xiaogang could only be patient.

And when Gregory saw that Xiaogang could be so happy, a man could not help but slap him on the shoulder and said, "Very good, man! I like you like this. This is a reward for you."

Saying that, Gageran hugged Xiaogang with a bear hug and then kissed Xiaogang on the face, and Xiaogang fell into a petrified state after being hit by Gageran's tank kiss. Xiaozhi looked at him.

They turned their heads reluctantly.

"It's too scary. This guy Xiaogang actually attacked Miss Gegran, it seems that this is Jieqin who is going to be jealous of death...__.

Looking at a group of muscular men who looked at Xiaogang with murderous eyes, Xiaozhi dared to be sure that as long as Xiaogang reappeared in Taoyuan Gensokyo Hospital, he would definitely die and not even the scum would be left.

"Oh, it's good to be young, then we are going to go shopping here.

Chapter 1 Xiaoxia's letter to the remaining female sisters ([-] more)

"Miss Xiaoxia, please check your emails outside the company."

When Xiaozhi accompanied Xiaoxia to go shopping in his company, a broadcast called Xiaoxia outside the company, and when Xiaoxia and Xiaozhi came out of the house together, they saw three trucks.

"Excuse me, you are Miss Xiaoxia, this is your goods, please sign for it. At the same time, please tell us where we need to deliver it to

Looking at the signature sheet handed over by the truck driver, Xiaoxia is a little strange_ She doesn't remember that she ordered so many things 2

"May I ask who bought this? I don't remember buying these?"

"Oh, I forgot to tell you. This is a custom doll that your husband bought for you."

Speaking of which, the truck driver lifted the cargo box away from the façade and it was a pile of custom-made Pokémon dolls.

"Surprise, yes I decided, I hope you like it, although you won a set yourself, didn't you say you want dolls before?"

Seeing Xiaoxia stunned, Xiaozhi smiled and raised her thumb, making it the same as nothing, but Xiaoxia still slowly buried it in Xiaozhi's arms.

"Thank you.. Ash."_

"It's okay, it's okay, after all, Lingtian is a baby sister. I don't buy gifts for my girlfriend.

Can't make it through. "

After Xiao Zhi finished speaking, he was immediately praised by the jealous women around him. . And Xiaozhi silently gave the surrounding - a look at the present.The women around immediately took this opportunity to grab her boyfriend and go shopping. At that moment, Ash seemed to hear the whine of countless wallets.

'Ha ha ha, it's so much fun to cheat people⊥

Thinking of this, Xiao Zhi gave a wicked smile.

On the other side of the Rockets team, although Musashi lost the game, the entire mall was [-]% off today, so Musashi also bought a set of dolls for himself and sent them home with sufficient funds.

"Hey. The chance of 2% off the audience is not much ah, I really hope to be able to z. Straight this. .

Hearing Musashi asking himself, Meow exploded instantly, and shouted while eating grilled fish, _ "Don't remind me meow!. Don't you know that the devil's kiss of the lip-smacking sister is famous and scary?. She ate it. A bunch of garlic, 1_

"Hey.. Thank you for your hard work. Let's eat more while _ even shopping malls and restaurants are carrying a [-]% discount."

"I don't need you to tell me, I want to forget that memory!"

One by one dividing line --

in the afternoon

, After countless shopping, Xiaozhi and the others are finally leaving, and Xiaozhi's subordinates have also helped Xiaogang get his luggage back.

"Then if there is anything in need of treatment, just send it to us. We are still very good at jade treatment."

"Thanks to Dr. Jonore. Xiaogang has been taken care of by everyone during this time."

"Hahaha, it's okay, we also like such a motivated boy, in short, you have to do your best."

Saying that, Jonoel and Xiao Zhi shook hands, while Mrs. Medal came over and hugged Xiao Zhi at this time, "Don't forget to exercise.

kid. 2 And I must come when Jonoel and I get married

"Definitely Mrs. Merda. Don't be jealous, Dr. Jonore, this is a hug between siblings."

"Hahaha, I haven't gone too far yet."

Xiaoxia also said goodbye to Gegeland, Gegeland smiled and shook hands with Xiaoxia and said, "Very good, Xiaoxia, next time we fight again, being able to command the Pokémon of that kid Xiaozhi shows that you don't either. Worse, bring your strongest team to fight with me next time."

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