To be honest, Xiaozhi still admires Gan Xiaogang. He was never broken in Taoyuan Fantasy Silk Hospital. Even now, he can still make a wish with a blind woman. It seems that he will have another person who needs treatment next time. It's time to ask Dr. Jonor and the others to step up their efforts. I.⊥_

"Cough cough, it's fine for me to bring one or two children, but I really can't do it in kindergarten. This situation is a pile of children. I don't know what their personalities are. And I have some magical treasures. There are more dangerous parts of the body that can easily hurt people. So..”.

Xiaozhi, who is able to lead the way, refuses to be his own child.

However, Xiaozhi still underestimated Xiaogang's ability to make things up, who wanted to get close to beautiful women, only to see Xiaogang righteously say, "Let me explain it here - let's go. In fact, let the magic_ Baojian and children Playing isn't just good for kids. It's relaxing for Pokémon as well. And Ash, you need to get into the holiday spirit right now!. So come on. Let's bring the kids together!

Listening to Xiaogang's fallacies, Xiaozhi and Xiaoxia really admire them, it's just for the sake of forcibly raising their IQ

"Or . . . I'll sting his ass with a big needle and take it away?."

looking at constantly

The kindergarten teacher Xiaogang Xiaozhi felt that he should prepare to attack, and Xiaoxia took Xiaozhi's hand and said in his ear after thinking for a while: "Just this time, after all, you will cheat him. It’s also a very powerful pit, so let’s take it as compensation this time 2”

"Well...Pikachu meow meow, what do you think?" After thinking for a while, Xiao Zhi was a little shaken when he thought that he had really cheated on Xiaogang before.

"I have no opinion. Actually, it's okay to play with children." Miaomiao didn't think there was anything.Just a child, he can still handle it.


"Well... well we agree [-]_⊥"

Two-one dividing line one-one

The kindergarten teacher doesn't know whether he is right or wrong to ask Xiaozhi and the others for help, and Xiaoxia Xiaogang's Pokémon are all right.Of course, the fossil helmets, ammonite beasts and mini-dragons in it are considered not to be seen, but Xiaozhi's teacher doesn't know what to say.

At first, the Frog Seed Jenny Turtle was good, even the Fire-breathing Dragon was no problem.But after that, how did the Pokémon get weirder and weirder?

Even kindergarten teachers know the grumpy hot-tempered monkey with a pattern on it that can scare children.

He is the same as Helga, who has returned from hell, and a big wolf dog with fierce eyes.Beagle and Gentleman Crow looked around silently.The flaming horse burning with blue flames, the most frightening fossil pterosaur, and two sickle helmets, the new park teacher doubted that if his heart was not strong enough to bear it, he would have fainted now. What the hell is a fossil pterosaur? ? Isn't that thing almost extinct?!"!

At first, the kindergarten teacher thought that Xiao Zhi and the others would be cute trainers when they saw the bear and the happy egg.But now it seems that he is too naive to think:

On the other hand, Xiao Zhi's love is not much better than that. He is now being haunted by two Pokémon __

Needless to say, the two are Shanaido, who is obsessed with Ash, and the other is Minas, who is Ash. Two Pokémon, one is holding Ash's arm, and the other is wrapped around Ash. They all stared at each other.

"Sana!" (Leave dear!

"Beauty!" (I won't let you do anything to the master, you dangerous element ⊥

_"Sana on" (You are courting death⊥)

"Beautiful!" (Take a fight?)

Seeing that the two of them were about to fight, Fengsugou tilted his head helplessly and came to Xiaozhi silently.

Beside him, he glanced at Absol, who was also silent on the other side of Ash, and took a helpless breath.

But Kuailong and Bo Yi Shang Ke Dora, who have been fathers, are still very easy to treat the children in kindergarten, and the big needle bee silently took out some honey and handed it to the children for them to taste e. . ask for flowers 0

"I can't walk away from here for the time being, so I'll leave the child to you, Minas, you're too upright ⊥ Shanaido, are you going to tear off my arm?_"

Seeing Xiaozhi's miserable appearance, Miao Miao smiled unscrupulously. But then a child ran over and said, "It's Miao Miao _"

"Huh? Is there something wrong, kid?"

"Meow meow! Can you fly kick please?

Miaomiao was stunned when she heard the kid's question, but then she replied, "Of course it will, what's the matter with the million tons of two flying kicks?"

"Sure enough 1 I said 1. I was chased by a giant stinger before. It was a meow that rescued me, and he drove the giant stinger away with a flying kick⊥"

"Oh? The same clan who can fly with millions of tons. That's really an accident. It seems that he is also very powerful.".

"Of course, in my opinion, Miaomiao is a very powerful elf!


When the child said this, Miaomiao couldn't help scratching her head and said, "Hahaha, I'm really embarrassed!"

While Xiao Zhi and the others were taking their children, the Rockets silently observed Xiao Zhi and the others.

"I'll just say it" Little Guitou definitely has good things! Look at ⊥ Quick Dragon and Mini Dragon! Although the Mini Dragon is a little girl, it is definitely related to Little Guitou!"

"Yeah, yeah, it's too much, and it's never been used. 2 We must grab it this time."

However, for Musashi and Kojiro's snatch plan,

, Miaomiao said helplessly; "Are you sure we can come back alive now in the past?,"


Looking at the lineup on Ash's side, Musashi and Kojiro silently put down the binoculars.

"Let's plan ahead.

*2 [-]-l

Chapter two hundred and seventy-ninth water field (1 more)

If you are bringing your own children, Xiao Zhiran is - [-] willing.However, when the goal is - a group of able children, Xiaozhi is a little helpless.

Fortunately, happy eggs and wearing bears are good choices for taking care of people, so for these children, Xiao Zhi can still spare time to chat about them one by one. Of course, Da Duck is a little unlucky.I don't know if it's a bit dull or what's the matter, and the children are more close to chasing it.

As for this, Xiaozhi watched the play silently, after all, Xiaozhi had been worried about this duck many times, and now it is not dangerous to see that it is unlucky - Xiaozhi is still very happy].

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