"Forget it, then, Lao Wei, do you have anything to do with me? I'm traveling here." Xiao Zhi

As he spoke, he looked at Minas, who was still pestering him, and said, "It's almost time to come down."


Nodding obediently, Nas stopped pestering Ash.And Xiao Zhi looked at Lao Wei and asked: _ "So what's the matter with me?

"Unwise. Do you want to try to be an examiner?" A strange smile appeared on the corner of Old Way's mouth looking at Xiao Zhi. U people

Dividing line --

"Pokémon League Appraisal Instructor

When Xiaoxia Archer still had a little surprise after hearing Xiaozhi's introduction, A and Xiaozhi... was patted

Lao Wei said, "That's right. This is Lao Wei, the bishop of the Magical Treasure View Alliance's appraisal test here. Of course, you can just call him Lao Wei."

"Hello, I'm Xiao Zhi's friend Lao Wei. This time I may have to trouble Xiao Zhi - it's time." Lao Wei smiled and gestured to Xiao Xia and the others, and then said, "How about Xiao Zhi? ?Do you want to come and have a try? It's like being an examiner once."

Looking at Lao Wei Xiaozhi and thinking about it - then he asked, _ "Lao Wei, you asked me to help you want to make trouble - don't tell me you don't know what my Pokémon battle looks like."

"Heh, that's interesting, doesn't it?

Is that right? Don't think I don't know you don't have an idea for the dry alliance appraisal set. Lao Wei couldn't help showing a weird smile when he looked at Xiao Zhi, and Xiao Zhi also showed a weird smile and said: "Indeed, it's almost time for those guys to understand one thing. The so-called theory is that tricks and power will be used. Completely shattered. "

Looking at Xiaozhi's strange cage Rong Xiaoxia, they know that something big is going to happen next.

Soon Ash became one of the examiners for this Pokémon identification test as Sebastian, but the big R on his clothes was too conspicuous.

"Ahem, the Rockets

Bastian is the first cow.Next, I would like to ask you to assist Instructor Wei in the examination.Eryi: To be honest, I'm not used to working with people from the Rockets:: &#;- After the instructor told Xiao Zhi what he was going to do, he couldn't help but sigh, while Xiao Zhi, who was wearing a mask, smiled. Said, _ "It's okay, after all, we have been ruined a lot by the hated guys, and it's good to be able to restore some now."

"Sorry, _ is just not used to it:

Xiao Zhi smiled at the examiner's apology. It would be better to say that the examiner's reaction is normal now. The Rockets' whitewashing plan is in progress. Because of Xiaolan, even Sakagi can't help it.

They are all paying more attention to the white selection plan. After Xiaozhi's godfather, Sakagi's wife and Xiang woke up, Sakagi's boss entered. In a special state, it can almost be said that the gods blocked the gods and the Buddhas. Even for the sake of Show your strength and fight Chengdu's champion, Yulongdu, the king of Kanto.The final result 1ing made the league very happy, and Sakagi won.

Sakagi won with a stingray and a Pokémon that the league didn't record.

In this case, even if the league knows that there is something tricky, it has to agree with the Rockets' whitewashing plan. After all, the Rockets' strength is too strong now.Don't make a fuss

All hurt.

And when the alliance learned from Da Malanqi that Sakagi's godson, the owner of the Continental Hotel, Xiaozhi, has a phoenix at home, and there are even more behind it.

When they were all silent.Now it is absolutely impossible to provoke the Rockets. The Rockets' original intention to choose a white transition is also what the league intended to see. After all, compared with other regional organizations, the existence of the Rockets is what really makes the league fearful, and it makes the league more willing to force it to calm down. There's this scary guy named Ash:

Only those who truly know the power in Ash's hands will understand.What the Rockets.What a league of elves.In the eyes of the man named Xiaozhi, it is not at all.

It's a problem, and no one dares to really touch Xiaozhi, because everyone who knows it understands - one thing. The consequences caused by moving a little wisdom are not what anyone wants to see. _.⊥

Chapter [-] Xiaozhi who no one dares to move

Xiao Zhi, a person who can be said to be amazing in the league's data. Although he is fifteen years old now, his background is very complicated.

Although according to the information of Xiaozhi himself, he has only his mother Hanako to depend on him except for a father who is suspected to be missing and cannot be found, but he showed abnormal behavior when he was very young, such as his relationship with Pokémon. Super affinity, such as the morbid desire to make money.

And these are not really scary are Ash's ability to make friends and terrifying medical genius.

This kid named Ash leans on through and wild Pokémon

Bei's good relationship found that some plants that could be used as medicine were made into medicines by his never-before-seen technique and then applied for a patent by Dr. Damu. The patent alone is enough for this kid to eat for a long time.However, Xiaozhi, "Tu Wuqi", did not stop because of this and started to expand his business, which is really strange in the eyes of the Elf Alliance.How can a child have such a .. um.. terrifying desire to make money?,

However, when someone wanted to investigate thoroughly, the old champion, Dr. Omu, began to obstruct for unknown reasons, which made some people in the league who wanted to reach out had to withdraw their hands.

Of course, this is not the most terrifying real

What is terrifying is the terrifying network of the guy named Xiaozhi. No one knows by what means that guy became friends with a bunch of top hotel bosses, and no one knows the entanglement of interests. They only know one thing. thing.If the alliance wants those old families to pay their taxes, they can't move Xiaozhi. This has always been a question for the alliance. What kind of magic does Xiaozhi have to make so many people protect him 2

But the elf alliance knows that the consequences of moving a little wisdom are not what everyone wants to see.

Of course, what the Elf League doesn't know at all is that "Xiao Zhixuan" and the owners of those old-fashioned families have been friends in previous years.

their personal health advisor.It's a surprise, right? But this is Xiaozhi's method. Xiaozhi will not feel that private health care is very shameful because of his identity. Xiaozhi is very grateful to this group of old men and old ladies who once jointly protected him, so for Their physical condition is always very concerned.

As for Xiao Zhi, a long-term friend and a personal health consultant, the first thoughts of these old men and old ladies were that they wanted to have someone who could talk about them, until Xiao Zhi was blessed by Feng Wang__

There is a very miraculous thing. The blessing of Ho-oh was actually blessed by Arceus, so Ho-oh blessed the colleagues of Ash's family, as long as they think of Ash

Those who care are also blessed together.And this rejuvenated the old millet old ladies who were still feeling bad even with Xiao Zhi's help.

In fact, neither Xiao Zhi nor these old ladies knew about this.But Xiaozhi and the others don't know that they can't stand the changes in their bodies when they can't help the old men contact each other, which makes these old men and old ladies very strange.And coincidentally - an old man's family is a detective family.After the old man has reasoned through everyone's relationship network, he came to an unbelievable conclusion.

"Our health is better because of Ash."

This is the conclusion that the old man of the detective family came to. Although it seems absurd, all this is impossible.Xiaozhi took a group of doctors to treat Ho-oh, and now he has been blessed by Ho-oh, but it shouldn't have anything to do with them old guys, right?

But the old detective finally just took a puff of cigarette and said his bold guess with a smile.

"I think the real situation should be that Ho-oh blessed Ash and his family, but because of a certain person.." Having said that, the old man shot his pipe and watched

Looking at the sky, the meaning is self-evident.And a group of old nobles immediately understood what he meant. They knew that a certain strange person called all the people who were related to take a photo with Arceus.Anyway, the doctor was so excited to draw a lot of people that they didn't know it.

"Because a certain person has enhanced the blessing, maybe even the people who Xiaozhi cares about a little bit have been blessed." After that, the old man smoked his pipe again, and then he was sent to his main palace to give it to him. Twisted ears and brought them aside.

"Xiaozhi has told you many times to stop smoking. When you analyzed it just now, I don't care to shut up now. w.___

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