"poi poi. poi

With Fat T's singing, everyone present except Xiao Zhi and the others were wiped out. _two!

Chapter [-] The Pink Devil Is Super God

Fat Ding. A very special Pokémon, her combat power is almost non-existent, but for unknown reasons, this guy's singing is a god-level trick, as long as you sing, you must be corpses everywhere.. Whether you are human or magical All the babies were put to sleep and the whole examination room was wiped out with the two songs of the fat workers who sang in.

Seeing everyone who was already asleep, Ash showed a sinister smile.

Looking at the still angry fat Ding Xiaozhi, he took out an oily pen and said, "Fat worker, do you need help?".


Fat I, who was still angry because another group of people fell asleep, was seeing

Xiao Zhi was happy immediately after she was all right.And she also recognized that the masked person in front of her was the one who helped her cure the noise, so Fat I took out his oily pen and nodded.

"POI!".. (We start _

"Let's draw together!"

Subsequently.The entire examination room was punished inhumanly, and the troublesome group led by Xiao Zhi and Fat_Gong and the jenny turtle started to act. The three unscrupulous guys painted a bunch of things on almost every person's face. Chi's favorite is to draw a little king lhe on the face


Seeing that everyone except Xiaoxia has been painted with a fat face, he was finally satisfied, while Xiaozhi took pictures of everyone with bad intentions and reported it to the alliance.

one-one dividing line - one

When Damaranch was drinking coffee and going to watch today's news, a message came to him.And when I saw this news, Damaranch sprayed.._

"What's the situation? All the candidates, examiners, and even the audience in the Pokémon League appraisal test are all wiped out?⊥" Looking at the photos, the examiners, the candidates and the audience had all kinds of paintings on their faces, Damaranch didn't know What to say.

The report of the document is what Xiao Zhi said about the test questions and the poor emergency response ability of the test examiner.

"The topic is very strange? Let me take a look.

When Damaranch read the so-called question, the head of the elf alliance was completely

"What idiot asked the damn question? I want him to know what the wrath of the Elf League looks like!"

: With Damaranch's roar, the order for the forcible suspension of the elf alliance appraisal test was immediately issued.

However, at this time Xiaozhi did not take care of it, but left a letter and carried Xiaoxia immediately.

When Xiaoxia woke up, she saw Xiaozhi wearing a mask.And Xiaozhi was helping the fat worker adjust a microphone at this time.

"Uh...Xiao Zhi, you are in the king. 2." Seeing Xiao Zhi adjusting the microphone, Xiao Xia had a bad premonition, 2 and Xiao Zhi smiled evilly. "Xiaozhi 3 What Xiaozhi?, I'm Sebastian, the general of the Rockets, you're already in my shape, miss. Pfft"

As the pillow hit Xiaozhi's face, Xiaoxia said with a blushing face, "Don't say this in front of Porkby L."

"Porkby is sleeping. Really_yes, never again without a sense of humor.

Good with kids. "

".... Isn't that how you bring children?_!" Following Xiaoxia's roar, Xiaozhi quickly handed the finished Max to Fat Ding and said, "Okay...let's do it first, this It was a pleasure working together.”


The fat worker smiled and nodded, then shook and left.She also wanted to see if there was anyone other than Ash and the others who could listen to her singing to the end.

And seeing the fat worker leave, Xiaoxia also got up and asked, "That's right. How's the exam?"

"Don't worry.. now Pokémon

The beta test should have been stopped. This incident actually reflects a lot of problems.For example, there are questions that the question maker may not be able to answer, such as a battle that depends entirely on luck. "

Saying that, Xiaozhi took out a document and handed it to Xiaoxia.

"This group of examiners is uneven, and some are not qualified at all, so this is the real reason why Lao Wei asked me to help."

Xiaoxia was also stunned when she looked at the list of personnel that Xiaozhi handed to her.. Xiaozhi can get such a confidential document,-

"According to what you said, 2 Then this time. Isn't the Pokémon Appraisal Test a miserable 3"

"That's right, I'll be scrutinized. But that's fine. The people who come here to take the test are all just luck.._

When Xiaoxia heard Xiao Zhi say this, and remembered the conversation between Instructor Wei and Xiao Zhi before, she suddenly understood.

"This time... won't it be Xiao Zhi, you_ did it on purpose?"

"Hey, who knows?"

Look at the smile on Xiao Zhi's mouth.Xiaoxia understood that all this was the plan of the instructor Wei and Xiaozhi.

And as Ash said, the Pokémon identification test was stopped.And the reason for the stop is precisely because of the information that Ash gave.

Lao Wei smiled when he saw that the identification test was stopped for the Pokémon, this time it should be able to make some people suffer.Make the Pokémon Alliance identification test more realistic. z now seems to be achievable and achievable.

"Heh, I hope Xiao Zhi likes that gift, it's a thank you gift from me.

Thinking of what he had prepared before, Lao Wei smiled and walked to Xiao Zhi and their temporary residence!

Chapter 2 Tyrannosaurus ([-] more)

"I didn't expect it, Lao Wei still has something in his hand."

Throwing the things in his hand into the sky, Xiao Zhi returned somewhat unexpectedly to what Lao Wei said when he gave him a thank-you gift.

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