Seeing the miserable appearance of the giant mantis, Xiao Zhi just looked at him sympathetically. As for the Tyrannosaurus who said he was because of this? How is this possible.You must know that the tyrannical carp dragon beat the giant pincer mantis for its own sake. Anyway, Xiao Zhi thinks that there is nothing wrong with it. _"

Chapter [-] The patch is still going on

- "Xiao Zhi, I feel that if I don't rescue that Mianxian person again. He may be digested by the solution of Dashihua. 3

Looking at the battle that was completely over, Xiaowei confirmed that Bishas, ​​who was still bitten by Kojiro's Dashihua, should be rescued. After all, Dashihua has a solution.

And when I heard Xiaoxia's reminder, Xiaozhitu hurriedly shouted to Xiaojiro as if he remembered something, "Didn't you say that it is your Dashihua? Hurry up and let him spit it out, or guess that People are digested⊥”

Hearing Xiaozhi's reminder, Xiaojiro froze for a moment, then ran over and shouted, "Hurry up and vomit.

Come out, Dashihua. A dirty⊥_”

On the other hand, Dashihua looked at Kojiro and then at Bishas in her own mouth. After thinking for a while, she spat out Bishas.

And seeing Oishihua obedient, Yeidebishas Kojiro also breathed a sigh of relief.

"Huh. That's great. But congratulations on your evolution from Dashihua: Minghu⊥" Xiao Lunlang's words were swallowed by Dashihua before he finished speaking, and when he saw this, Xiao Zhi smiled and patted it. Kojiro's legs, who were still struggling outside, said, 2 "Congratulations, your family's Dashihua is very close to you, but it's just a little bit: Sick Jiao, it should be like this, fortunately my wife is not sick Jiao

. "

After speaking, Ash looked at Bishas again and nodded to Pikachu.And Pikachu, who has a close relationship with Xiaozhixin, started to discharge his cheeks.

"What are you going to do on the forehead? What are you going to do⊥" Seeing the blank smile on Pikachu's face, Bishas raised his hand in a panic, while Ash said with a cold face i "Be safe, Pikachu gets an electric shock". "


Dividing Line - One

"Now we are arresting you on the charge of fraud, if you have anything to say, wait until the prison to say it." Although you may not be able to speak now:"


Blackened Bishas by electricity.Armado, whose head was still stuck in the wall and did not come out, and Kosaburo Junsa, who had been beaten and completely lost consciousness, coughed awkwardly, then looked at Xiaozhi and said, "Don't be so ruthless next time. Thank you very much though. Assist but if you can. It is better to have less resort to violence.

Hearing Jun Sha's words, Zhi Er nodded as if I was a good person and said, "Er Si is good, Sister Junsha."I'll pay attention and won't let the demons in my 1 come out again

The crowd watching Chidu silently took a step back.But they saw that the so-called fill-up knife in front of them was famous and terrible.


That's the guy who made Pikachu electrocute after electrocuting the masked man." And the most terrifying thing is that this guy actually made Pikachu frantically discharge and electrocute the man after hearing that the man was electrocuted. L waited until that The man from Mianxian was completely unaware of being electrocuted. He actually stopped, and this wasn't the worst.This guy actually made Jenny Turtle fart in front of that masked man 1. How much do you hate him?"

Of course, all of this is a leaf slot in everyone's heart.If they did say it, they wouldn't dare.

And just when the reporters were going to risk their lives to interview Xiao Zhi, a dangerous person, Xiao Zhi's phone call

rang.And when he saw the real name of Russa Minai on the phone, Xiao Zhi had a bad feeling for some reason, but when he saw the reporters who were about to interview him, Xiao Zhi suddenly thought of a terrible possibility.Is my dear wife too human?"

When Xiao Zhi answered the phone shiveringly, Rusamine's gentle voice came from Xiao Zhi's phone.

"It's me, my dear husband, so do you have time now?"

Hearing Russa Minai say that, Xiaozhi looked at the reporters who were going to interview him and couldn't help but feel a cold sweat on his forehead.

"it should be no problem.."_

"It seems that there is something more troublesome. Then, dear, you should find a quiet place, a quiet place, I have something to say to you on my side_"

At this time, the smile on Ash's face, who was in Alola's Russa Minai watching the cold sweat on TV, became more and more terrifying: Lillie and Glagio both hugged their Pokémon tightly.

On the other hand, Xiao Zhi said to the reporter who wanted to interview him, "I'm sorry, I have a phone number here, so don't do the interview.

"Sir, we won't disturb you for a long time"

"Yes, just answer a few of our questions.

"Can you fucking reporters stop disturbing other people's private time? Why are you interrupting when my husband is on the phone? Are you sick? Do you pay for the call?⊥"

With the roar of Lussa Minai on the phone, Xiao Zhi held up the phone and said to the reporters with a smile you deserved. _"I'm sorry. As you can see, my wife is on the phone with me. I'm here to excuse them, so I can block them_

Then Xiao Zhi ran away with Pikachu Arbor and Bo Tu Ke Ming, and after Xiao Zhi ran away, the fire-breathing dragon, the carp, the dragon, the frog, the seed, the Jenny turtle, they blocked the reporter, Jenny turtle even straight

Picked up his butt to face the reporters.

"Jenny!" (I'll release the gas as you step forward)

However, how could the reporters understand the words of the Jenny Turtle, so they ignored the Jenny Turtle and planned to find Xiao Zhi, and the Jenny Turtle did what he said, so, _


"Mom, it's so stinky, go on a little ⊥⊥" l

Chapter [-] Dog Food

When the Jenny Turtle blocked the reporter with his own poisonous gas.Xiao Zhi ran to a secluded corner and continued talking to Russa Minai on the other end of the phone. "" I finally got rid of them here. By the way, is there anything Rusami_Nai is looking for from me?"

"Xiaozhi, let me make sure that there should be no one around you?"

Hearing Rusami Nai look around suspiciously, after confirming that there is no one, he replied affirmatively, "Well, there is no one except my Pokémon. If you have anything, please tell me."

"Is there no one around? That's fine. By the way, Xiaozhi, do you still remember our previous

Agreed? "In a dangerous matter.. Of course I remember." Speaking of which, Xiao Jia's hands trembled. Now he knew that the main event was coming.

And just as Ash thought, Rusamine said in a more and more gloomy voice. "Since you still remember. Then why do I change the channel here to see the news that you are doing something 2 I now that there is no one around you, I will be able to yell at you unscrupulously! Can you bastard save me? Dim Sum Y↓ Is it possible that I have to let me feel the feeling of being born to you before I can stop? Believe it or not, I will fly to you right now and cut off your limbs and keep you by my side to take care of you?


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