The information spreads to other areas. If you find it, look up the guy who released the news. I want to know who dares to cause trouble on my site recently. "

While talking, Xiaozhi gave Xiaoxia a look to explain to you later. Then she continued to assign tasks.

Two-one dividing line --

The Water Fleet, a trouble-making organization in the Hoenn area.They and their nemesis, the Lava Squad, have been a source of headache for the Hoenn region's elf alliance for a long time.And now the submarine that appeared in front of Xiao Zhi and the others was the supreme king of the water fleet. Why did they come here. , because of a legend about the god of the sea.

"Captain Chao, let's come

The purpose here is."

A member of the water fleet looked at the map and had reached the Kanto region. He looked at the leader of the team this time with some doubts, and the burly Tide took out a report and said, "Hmph... Of course it is. Come and see - the so-called god of the sea in the lower Kanto region, what is Lokia, actually called the god of the sea? Does it mean that the identity of the creator of the sea of ​​Kaioka is good-looking?"

Saying that, Chao slammed his fist on the console one by one, making the team members beside him tremble with fear. A What if the boss dismantles the console:

"Then why should we follow that cruise ship, Lord Yichao.."


Xiao Bing was scolded by Chao for ten days before he could finish his words, and then Chao grabbed his collar angrily and said, "It's not because our funds didn't come, damn it. Now we can only grab- z The ship is..."

And just when Chao was angry because of the funding problem, a member of the water fleet in charge of monitoring said, "Chao Tairen. There are Pokémon coming this way."

"Huh? What's so strange about Pokémon 2, just let them drive them away." He glanced at the panicked team members speechlessly. Chao didn't understand what he was afraid of. You must know that they are water ships.

Team hey, what kind of Pokémon are you afraid of?

However, the team member said tremblingly, _ "Chao Tairen, that Pokémon came from ancient times on water⊥_"

"What did you say?⊥"

Hearing the player's words, Chao thought he was joking, but he looked at the panicked expression of the player and didn't seem to be faking it, so he pushed the player away and looked at the monitor.Then Tide was stunned.

Because there really is a bear-like Pokémon running on water 11_!

Looking at the monitor, wearing Xiong Chao, who was cradling the water with his arms on his chest, was stunned for a moment, then grabbed the younger brother beside him and shouted, "

What the hell is that? _ L - a bear running on water "Am I dazzled?"

"Without Lord L Chao, is there really a bear running on the water⊥⊥⊥"

"Ha?_⊥ Is this world crazy 3⊥

Chapter [-] Coyote, hold on

When wearing bears stepped on the water and came to the inner board of the submarine, a group of teammates of the water fleet all had their mouths open. The way of wearing bears can really be said to be shocking to the world.

When wearing a bear came to the deck, he looked around and then locked on the water fleet members and slowly walked towards them with heavy steps.

The crew of the water fleet felt the terrifying pressure of watching the bear.So they are not going to sit still.

"Come out + wolf dog!"


With Ten Wolf Tai appearing on the deck, this can almost be said to be the villain

The matching Pokémon will face the terrifyingly dressed mother bear as soon as it comes out.And as the mother bear stepped forward step by step, the coyote immediately began to shiver.

His feelings told him. / This one is the absolute overlord.My little brat is the one who was hanged and beaten in front of others

"I" 10 (go away),


Following Mother Bear's incomparably domineering words, Coyote Ge directly howled miserably and ran away.And then wearing energy, he turned his eyes to the members of the water fleet.

"Yi" (let's solve it quickly)

say so

Wearing the bear raised his hand and punched the port water boat fiercely.But such an ordinary punch made the entire submarine start to tremble. This terrifying tremor was enough to prove how terrifying the terrifying power of the bear was.

And with the terrifying punch of the wearing bear, all the members of the water fleet were so frightened that they ran into the submarine and locked the door. They didn't want the bear to come in.

And wearing the bear fleet turned his attention to the monitor of the submarine

Shiodao in the submarine said with a bit of a breakdown when he saw the damage done by wearing a bear. "Hey hey hey" this joke is not fun 1 what the hell is it 3⊥"

"I don't know, Chao Tairen. But the bear just scare the coyote away with his eyes."

"I hope you might as well rely on yourself⊥"

Throwing his subordinates aside, the tide ordered the operator. "Although I don't know what it is when I dive now. But when we get into the water, he will have nothing to do with us."


Before the operator can move the submarine, there should be no medium to column tremors. Then the operator finds that the submarine cannot operate. l06e "What's the matter? Go on"

"The Tairen Sub is tangled up in something!"

"Ha 2, so hurry up and see if it's entangled in the set"


When the operator looked outside through the monitor, he found out that a huge tyrannosaurus and a Minas had dismantled the submarine's screw.

"It's not good to cut someone. But fortunately, I was prepared. Turn on the device and let my megalodon come to help!"

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