"Of course, Billy's career is more important. But does Billy need our help? To be honest, in terms of interrogation, our institute is still

very good at. "Although he said he wanted to help, Xiaogang found that Jonathan's eyes had been piercing Billy's tide all the time. Those eye sleeves were like seeing a peerless beauty.

"Of course. I think Chao will be very happy to be friends with us. After that, there will be you Xiaogang bax!"

Holding Xiaogang's shoulders, Billy showed his uncle sunshine smile to Xiaogang. 6,. "I just heard that you wanted to do an examination just now. Although you are Xiao Zhi's friend, I will let the most beautiful nurse here to help you. Of course, if you are interested, we can bring you to train together."

After he finished speaking, Billy pushed Xiaogang in with one hand in the tide.

"Sign wait 1 I just remembered that I still have

"It doesn't matter, it doesn't matter. I'll check your body first. The female researchers here are all-wait for a beautiful woman, you are blessed."

...Xiaosheng or check it out:

Hearing Billy say that the first-class beauty Xiaogang's heart was shaken.However, he didn't want to think about what type of so-called beauties in the eyes of these people.

"Um:: it hurts in the back:,"

Just when Xiaogang and the others walked in.Awakened by Billy's tide.

And as Tide wakes up, he can feel a kind of tearing pain in himself.And when he looked at the person who hit him, Chao was desperate.

"No no! Why are you still here 2⊥ I want to leave here! I don't want you to come near me!"

Although the tide is constantly struggling with this.But Billy's fighting strength as the second captain of Ash's security department is not something he can resist.Plus for some reason Billy seems to be more comfortable with men. So Tide's struggles are just in vain ___-_

"Stop struggling, my dear Tide. We have a lot to learn from you, so um.

.. I hope you will like these new friends soon. "

Saying that, Billy's smile became brighter and the tide was desperately struggling.

"No, no! You can't think about it 1. No⊥⊥⊥Ll⊥"

Then the Taimen inside the Pokémon Research Center slowly closed.

one - dividing line one by one

"Xiaozhi, Mr. Tori from the security department won't attack Xiaogang, right? What if Xiaogang awakens some strange hobby?"

Tailu Hotel here.Xiaolu, who was still eating dinner, thought of a terrible possibility, so she asked Xiaozhi a little worried.

for a while.And Xiaozhi said after a toast with Pikachu, "Don't worry.. Although this altruistic hobby is a bit strange. But he will never force others. So as long as Xiaogang doesn't have that intention, it's fine. But In fact, don't worry about Xiaogang now. We have more important things here, you say, Kona 3"

As he spoke, he turned around. At this time, it was Kona who was sitting in the table behind Xiao 0.1 Chi.

And when Kona saw Xiaozhi found himself, he smiled and asked, "When did you find out?"

"When you came over with the dish. Although it has been restrained a lot recently, your

The predator-like sight is still too obvious. "

"Okay. Looks like I need a change."

"Sister Kona."

Xiaolu looked happy at Ke Na, her former idol and now her sister, and Ke Na nodded with a smile.

"It seems that Xiaoxia you have achieved very good results this way."

"child ⊥"

Chapter [-] The role of ice crystals

Although it can be guessed that Kona will see it out.But Xiaoxia didn't expect that Kona would point it out directly, so she blushed a little.And Xiaozhi saw that Ke Na was so speechless and said, "It's full of resentment. If you can, don't pinch my soft flesh again."

"Think about how to compensate me. Otherwise, I don't want you to review the feeling of hunting again."

"--How dare you study ice crystals 9"

ice crystals.A special substance that a whole group of doctors took out from the body of Hoo in another world, according to Dr. Taimu, this is already a first-level skill of the profound meaning.to be able to use this level

Xiao He, who is not a trick, also guessed it.Definitely that little boar.

However, these ice crystals kept Ho-oh under control and even in a coma.But on the other hand, these ice attack ice-type trainers will be rare treasures. After all, this is the product of mystical skills - and it can even affect 14 Hoo. This alone is enough for many people who know it to go crazy.

And there are eight or nine of these ice crystals on Xiaozhi's side, and a few of them were given to Kona to let her study at will. Of course, only a few people in the Kona family know about this. After all, Kona is a family of ice. people.Although a family is educated by elites, it will have a brain if they are not kept together.

Bag pumped.Or an idiot who thinks he is the Son of Destiny.

At that time, everyone will lose face because of these stupid families who let Xiao Zhi perform a unique trick.It's embarrassing when you get it.The patriarch was even more embarrassed.

So these ice crystals have been studied by Ash and Kona almost all the time.The people of the Suzhi family want to observe and sign a lot of formalities before they can borrow it from Xiaozhi.Thinking of Kona, it really sucks.

As for someone who wants to pay for their own backup and borrow it from Kona, they will be dismissed if they don't even see the Enterprise Spirit Alliance when they have a mission.

"It's very helpful for me, I should say it is

Is it the ability of the legendary mystery level?

M is enough to let Chenglong and them stay on the body, and they will improve a lot.Coupled with the reverse deduction from these profound meanings.You can create your own profound skills. "

For those ice crystals, Kona can be said to be very aware of the actual champion level as a nominal king, and she knows the terrifying degree of the profound meaning. "The Sea Man

Now that there is a ready-made mysterious power in front of him, Kona will definitely do everything possible to explore the power.Seeing that Kona was so serious, Xiaozhi nodded understandingly, but then he took her hand and said, "Although I know that there is a mysterious power.

How attractive you are in front of you.But if possible, should we take protective measures first? The continuous injury on the hand is definitely not formed in the past two days. "

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