"lucky!" Geely Egg nodded with a smile.

"Then let's go."

When Ash comes downstairs, Meow and Pikachu are waiting for him along with a big milk jug and Laluras plus a Katee.

That's right, Pichu evolved

, evolved into Pikachu, and Xiaozhi has long known that his Pikachu is the legendary skin god, but who cares, he has almost forgotten the so-called plot, and maybe he can still have a little impression of what he encountered, But in Xiaozhi's opinion, he only needs to remember what Pokémon are, after all, he is not a fool who doesn't understand anything.

Speaking of which, I would like to introduce the big milk cans of Cati and Laluras. The big milk cans were bought by Xiao Zhi at the ranch, so that the lucky eggs at that time could drink fresh milk.

And now, although the lucky eggs have evolved into auspicious eggs, the milk in the family still relies on the big milk tank.

Supply, after all, Xiaozhi's forage ingredients based on nutritional knowledge make the big milk tank very satisfied. Coupled with the special massage technique developed with a girl who is inspired to become a breeder, the milk produced by the big milk tank is also extremely delicious. .Of course, Xiao Zhi's big milk tank is not responsible for fighting, but is responsible for preparing fresh milk for everyone every day. The only thing she needs to do is to eat and rest after activities.

And Ash's Laluras is more interesting. She is the child of Shanaido of Karuna. As for why Karuna gave it to Ash, of course, it was because Ash asked Joey to sell it to Karuna. When the family's drugs are discounted, not only Caruna,

Xiaoju'er's family and Dr. Damu's family also have discounts, and even the nurturer girl mentioned earlier, after all, Xiaozhi can still help with such small things, and for Joey For the family, these so-called discounts are a drizzle compared to those earned.But after hearing Karuno's sister say that she has become a champion now, this is really amazing.

The last Katie was given to Xiaozhi by the Junsha family. The reason is very simple. Xiaozhi has used the money earned from patents over the years to ask the Joey family and Dr. Damu to help open Chinese restaurants in many areas. , and these restaurants have a rule that police officers can come here at any time

Free hot dishes are eaten here, and the chef must be ready to serve the police officers at all times.

And this rule of Xiaozhi directly won the favor of the Junsha family. After all, operating in this way, even if you make a lot of money, you will spend a lot of money.But for the current Xiao Zhi, money has long been just a string of numbers, and the best thing Xiao Zhi can do now is money.It can be said that if Xiao Zhi is a stallion and has a bunch of children, his money will be enough for these children to spend a lot of their lives. This is the terrible monopoly.

In addition, because of the relationship between Xiaozhi and the doctors in various regions, Xiaozhi has a good relationship with doctors in various regions. When Xiaozhi starts traveling now, it is equivalent to opening up.

Just like the plug-in, unlimited money plus Miaomiao, a human-shaped translator, of course, Xiaozhi also has a more ruthless plug-in, which is the most disgusting and sad plug-in made by Xiaozhi himself.

"Come in first, Catty, big milk jug."

After taking the Katee and the big milk jug back into the luxury ball, Ash took Laluras's hand and followed Miaomiao and Geely Egg on both sides, with Pikachu and Hanako standing on their shoulders and said, "Then Mom, I'll go to Dr. Damu to get it. Picture book."

"Well, go back quickly, your friends are still waiting for you."

While talking, Hanako pointed to the elves outside Ash's house.

And Xiao Zhi looked at these guys and smiled and said, "I'll be back soon, and then I'll say goodbye."


Chapter [-] Little Fire Dragon

In the research institute of Dr. Omu, Xiaozhi, Meow, Pika, Churchill, and Laluras all came. Seeing Xiaozhi's formation, Xiaomao couldn't help but say: "Hey Xiaozhi, are you showing off?! You are definitely showing off. Bar!"

Looking at Xiao Mao, Xiao Zhi flicked his hat speechlessly and said, "What is showing off, Pikachu and the others don't like to stay in the Poké Ball, so I won't put them in."

"What about Laluras?"

"This child Lalulas is very attached to me, so I won't let her score goals for now." Saying that, Xiaozhi pointed to the hand held by Lalulas' little hand.

"How do you guys have such a big affinity..."

"I'm not like some guy who only knows how to make girlfriends."

"What did you say?!"

Seeing Xiao Mao's frantic look, Xiao Zhi then hit him.

"And I'm not like a guy like you who needs money from home. I've got my own money! Don't tell me you're going to travel in a sports car."

Thinking of the sports car he saw outside the door, Xiao Zhi was a little speechless, while Xiao Mao looked at Xiao Zhi angrily and said, "Don't tell me you are not prepared."

"I'm really ready,

But I asked Miaomiao to help me keep it. I will use it when I run into trouble. I'm not like you. "

"That's right, meow, we have to travel while enjoying the scenery, meow, you little devil will not understand meow!" Miaomiao is not used to Xiaomao, so she speaks without mercy.

"Damn, wait, I'll let you know how good I am when I wait for the Quartz Contest!" Xiao Mao knew that he couldn't speak to Xiao Zhi, so he could only put down his harsh words, but Xiao Zhi's next words silenced him.

"Oh? So you think you can beat meow meow?"

"Are you going to fight meow, little devil?" Miaomiao said, revealing her sharpness


"Can you still beat my Pikachu?"


Pikachu's little round face began to glow.

"Or do you think you can beat my auspicious eggs?"


Geely Egg raised his slap with a smile.

And Xiao Mao's face turned green, and these three Pokémon of Xiao Zhi were his shadow, and he also knew that the real strength of these three Pokémon of Xiao Zhi was terrifying, especially the auspicious egg, which belonged to Xiao Zhi. The most disgusting existence, he heard from his grandfather, Xiaozhi's auspicious eggs don't know

How is Dao fed? There is no upper limit on defense and physical strength, and this guy, Xiao Zhi, is crazy enough to let Geely Egg learn to be highly poisonous!What's more terrifying is that the slap of this auspicious egg is very powerful!This tm is simply an extremely terrifying super meat mountain!But even so, auspicious eggs are not the most terrifying. I heard from my grandfather that Xiaozhi's Pikachu is the most terrifying. Xiaozhi's Pikachu's strength has been a mystery all these years.

Anyway, Xiao Mao will not fight against Ash now, at least not until he understands the combat power of Ash's Pokémon.

"Hmph, I will prove my ability. You should choose the Pokémon you want." Xiao Mao said

I want to talk about this topic again, so I can only urge Ash to quickly choose a Pokémon.

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