"No l⊥⊥⊥⊥"


Chapter [-] Bear Child Jenny Turtle

- "Xiaogang, remember to add more exercises, we are waiting for you to become a real man and exercise with us."

"Yes, L Xiaogang, we believe that you will definitely become our good partner!"

"help me.."

Watching the scene where Billy and Jonathan said goodbye to Xiaogang, who was restrained by the joint technique, Xiaozhi turned his head silently.Then I saw Happy Egg Meow Pikachu and Jenny Turtle were all holding back their laughter, and Xiaoxia and Konaqi had already laughed.

"Save me Xiaozhi!"

In the face of those who reach out for help

Xiaogang Xiaozhi pushed him to hell with a smile on his face.

"No.. That's the proof of your friendship. You can say goodbye to them. By the way, I'm better than Billy and the others with joint skills. -superior."

Silently glanced at Xiaogang, who was locked by Xiaozhi and didn't know what to say.In this case, Billy also said.

"Gang, what Xiao Zhi said is true. He did win us with his knuckles, but he won the friendship of all of us with this. Now it's your turn, Gang._ "

"No ⊥⊥"

Watching Xiaogang Cona, who was attacked by various joint techniques, quietly asked in Xiaozhi's ear.

"you do this delibrately?"

"That's right, other people in the province can't walk when they see the beauty. Otherwise, he will trap us."

Hearing Xiao Zhi say this, both Ke Na and Xiao Xia nodded understandingly. Although it may be a little unkind, Xiao Gang's problem really needs to be cured.Otherwise, who knows if they will pit their own people.

one-one dividing line-one


Wagging his tail proudly, the jenny turtle turned to Shanai.

Doo and Chanas show off - rubbing Ash's head while holding Ash, just like a kid who keeps showing off his parents to others.

Of course, although he looks cute in the eyes of Kona and Xiaoxia, he is hateful in the eyes of Shanaido.

And the reason why Jenny Turtle has this kind of performance is actually very simple, because he has joined the battle for Xiaozhi.It's just that his position is similar to that of Happy Egg. Happy Egg is to protect his favorite dad, Xiaozhi, while Jenny Turtle wants to protect his parents from being snatched by the blank guy Shanaido.

"Sana on the hate is obviously me and my favorite

Xiaozhi's preconceived knowledge 1, what are you doing here, you little brat?)

"Gai l." (That's right!, this is our war, don't join the little kids ⊥)

In the face of the threats from Shanaido and Minas, the Jenny Turtle showed a naive smile, and then continued to hold Xiao Zhi's head madly, making Xiao Zhi also bewildered.

"Although I'm very grateful that you like me so much, but isn't it a little strange for you to be like this, Jenny Turtle?"

Miaomiao sighed at the childish behavior of Jenny Turtle.

"It's almost done, Jenny Turtle, being like a bear child all day will make the boss very uncomfortable.

confused. "

"Pikachu." (Yes, mature.)

However, for Ganmiaomiao and Pikachu, Jenny just made a face and then lay on Ash's shoulder.And Xiaozhi looked at the Jenny Turtle and smiled helplessly.

Although this child has been abandoned before, but now it seems that there is no such heartbreak.

"Jenny Turtle, you are getting better and better now.

Seeing that the jenny the turtle Xiaozhi, who was constantly provoking Shanaido and Minas with the wagtail field, helplessly took the bear child away. A. As for Xiao Zhi, who is still playing with his jerky tortoise with gusto, and asks for flowers._


Looking at the interaction between Ash and Jenny Turtle, Kona suddenly said.

"It seems that you don't have to worry about taking care of children in the future, L Xiaozhi, you can definitely take care of your children."

Hearing Kona's words, Xiao Zhi looked at the jerky tortoise he was holding and said helplessly, "If our child was so bearish, I would have spanked his butt long ago. "

"Oh? Why don't you play 2, Jenny Turtle?"

"Because I'm afraid the boy farts


Hearing Xiaozhi's words, Xiaoxia and Kena couldn't hold back, Xiaoxia is Jenny who knows Xiaozhi

How strong is the radish of the turtle, and Kera's words have also been seen on TV, they still remember the bad luck of those reporters

"Xiao Zhi... really my idol_ ah... If only I could learn some tricks..."_

Seeing Xiaozhi who easily made Xiaoxia and Kona laugh, Xiaogang couldn't help showing an envious look, and he also wanted to please girls like Xiaozhi. …__

If Xiaozhi knew what Xiaogang was thinking, he would definitely be speechless.Because Xiaogang's so-called love of girls is actually because Xiaozhi and those people have known each other for a long time, and there is no so-called trick at all.

And just when Xiaogang was thinking about it and walking, he didn't notice an unexpected guest under his feet, so without Xiaogang noticing, he: z his feet were on a hard turtle shell. And still toe kick w_

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