At this time, on the roof of the Hualan Taoist Hall, the Rockets trio and a group of Pokémon hunters in Water Fleet costumes are doubting their lives.

"Uh: what a sturdy slatless board.."


It hurts: why is the ceiling so solid..."

“Our perfect debut ah meow::”

Just when the Rockets trio complained that the ceiling was too strong, the leader of the Pokémon Hunter organization, Hunter F, asked his subordinates in a weak voice.

"Who told me before that this ceiling was simply reinforced? You told me it was called simple reinforcement?"

"Old lady:: but it's really simple and solid.."

"Which construction team is in?"

"Internal construction team of Tailu Hotel.."

". You idiot L Continent

The construction team inside the hotel is the one that burns the most money. Their so-called simple reinforcement can all be installed without a cover under the Pokémon riot.”

Just as he was talking, the ceiling of Hualan Taoist Hall slowly opened, and then the Rockets and the people from the Pokémon Hunters organization fell into the performance pool of Hualan Taoist Hall like dumplings.

"Although the pirates who suddenly appeared seemed very clever, Mr. Penguin still took the protection of Miss A fish as a priority and brought Miss Mermaid to a safe underworld."

With Miaomiao narrating with a magnetic voice, this field is saved.But Hunter F was going to do it this time

So he shouted after swimming in the pool.

"Don't move. We are the water fleet L. Now it's a robbery!"

Just after F had just finished speaking, a group of water-type Pokémon slowly emerged from the water and looked at him with terrifying eyes.

":Look at L, give me a megalodon! The little ones also take action"."

With the order of F, the people from the Pokémon Hunter organization began to throw their own treasure balls.And these Pokémon are almost all toothfish or coyote.

However, before the harsh words were released, more water magic treasures appeared in the

in front of them.And Xiaozhi, who was hugging Xiaoxia with the princess, said with a strange smile with red eyes.

"Now, it's my script!"

After speaking, Xiaozhi gave Miaomiao a wink_ and Miaomiao understood it instantly and continued to speak in a magnetic voice.

"In order to protect Miss Mermaid, Mr. Penguin no longer intends to hide his true truth. Therefore, he directly commanded his subordinates to fight with Haizi."

A group of Pokémon have already fought together when talking. Of course, it's more like crushing than knocking down. Don't forget that Xiaozhi is a group of his own.

Pokémon called.Among them, there are many overlord-level Cunwu.

"Damn" Megatooth gives priority to attacking that is the trainer! "

Seeing that the battle situation was unfavorable to him, he immediately ordered the giant jade shark to attack Xiaozhi and Xiaoxia.And the giant tooth shark also rushed straight to Xiaozhi and Xiao.Xia, but the two


With a terrifying roar. _Another fierce beast has already bitten on F's Megalodon, and this beast is Xiaozhi's Megalodon.Nine_


Chapter [-] Lushan Hundred Bears

"Roar L⊥⊥⊥⊥"

"Giant Tooth⊥⊥⊥⊥"

Accompanied by Ash's megalodon, the beard-cut megalodon was bitten by Ash's megalodon. At this time, Ash's Megatooth Shark's eyes are full of violence.And in this case, some viewers also found that something was not right.However, they were smart and they didn't run away in a hurry. After all, the current scene is obviously that the Hualan Taoist Hall has the upper hand.

And Xiaozhi's Megalodon stubbornly bit F's Megalodon while launching a rocket head hammer and rushing directly to E.

When the other water-type Pokémon saw this, they immediately made way for the old lady.

The rocket head of Xiaozhi's giant tooth "Sansantu" shark is much stronger than the rocket head of the jenny turtle, and it is not the same as the supreme head hammer of the jenny turtle.The power of Megalodon's rocket head in the water is even more terrifying.Because the magic version of Megatooth's rocket head hammer is called -

"Torpedo Head Hammer!. 1 Mountain 1_".


Accompanied by the burst of water on the surface of the water.Hunter P and his megalodon soared into the sky, and the second one also flew up and helped him.

And just as they started to fall, the giant pincer crab led his little brothers and the fast swimming frog to get ready.looking approaching

F and them, the giant claws led the claws to perform the crab claws together. The fast swimming frogs used brute force collectively:

Afterwards, Hualan Taoist Hall began to put on a rare trapeze performance.

And Xiao Zhi picked up the microphone and said, "Now that the bad guys are restrained by their righteous partners, they are ashamed of a hero to give them the final blow, so who is this hero?"

As Ash's voice fell, Hualan Gym fell into darkness, and then countless searchlights shone on Nanamei: "The clothes beside him can be"

And no mother

There was the slightest bit of stage fright.Instead, the puppet bear raised his hand to greet the cheers of the audience.


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