"Don't kill people, at least this time the movement is too big, and if the problem arises, it will not affect you well. After all, it is not clear whether there are 25 people in the media this time."

Xiaozhi thought about Jun Shalan's words and nodded in agreement.

"Sister Lan: You're right. But don't worry. I didn't plan to kill them this time. I'm a good boy who obeys the law. Beat me in the face! Their mothers won't recognize them. they go"



Xiaoxia Nami and Jun Shalan watched the strange force that started to hold E and their faces away silently, and at the same time, they continued to stare at the _0.1 aircraft after [-] seconds of silence for E and the others.

"That's right...it's a miracle that such a simple spaceship can lift off."

Miaomiao, who was lying on Xiaozhi's shoulder, looked at the humble spaceship and expressed her opinion, and Xiaozhi nodded in agreement.

"It's really rudimentary. The one we made... ahem, I'm wrong. Compared with our unit, it's just a child's toy."

"Pickup on the skin" (Xiaozhi pay attention next time, the secret weapon almost came out!

Just as the group of people were staring at the spaceship carefully, the door of the second spaceship opened. Then, it jumped out from the second spaceship--Help Pipi?

"What's the matter with these little fat guys?"

Watching a bunch of little fan fat people come out of the spaceship, Xiao Zhi, they are all in a state of confusion. Although I heard that Pippi may be a Pokémon from outer space, this scene is really exciting. But Although it was an accident, Xiao Zhi quickly reacted and surrounded him with his own Pokémon, these little fat guys.


Pippi, you are surrounded. Now we will arrest you for airspace violations! You have the right to remain silent! But I remind you that we will use force to arrest you if you resist."


Pippi looked at Ash and Pokémon who were surrounded by them and could only hug and shiver, and then they were taken away by Ash and Pikachu in special small handcuffs one by one.

One by one dividing line --

"Okay. I think you can talk about why you pretended to be a water fleet to come to Hualan City to make trouble?"

waiting for the wizard

The regular troops of the alliance came to bring them up, and they were prepared to interrogate E, who was very interested in them before, but facing Xiaozhi E can be said to be very hard-mouthed.

"I can't change my name, I can't change my surname! Man 1. We don't bother to hide our organization!"

Looking at the tough-mouthed E Xiaozhi, a strange smile appeared on his face.

"I like a tough guy like you. Do you know why I asked my wife and them to rest first?"

"..for.:why 2"

"Because my next interrogation method is obviously not suitable for them to see, come in.


As Xiao Zhi's voice fell, Hunter J walked in and sat on Xiao Zhi's body under the strange gaze on Xiao Zhi's face.

"J3 I didn't call you 2"

"It's really ruthless, boss, thanks to me, I brought you what you wanted the most, but I brought my subordinates to the troublesome places to bring you the raw metal you want most. road level."

As soon as Hunter I finished speaking, Xiaozhi grabbed it and took it away, while Xiaozhi watched it affectionately].Jean] blushes a little.After all _ Now Xiaozhi is not dressed up when traveling, but when he is specializing in things.

"My dear Miss I, I suddenly found that you are really beautiful, so can you take me to see those Jiang Li's metallic coatings?"

Originally, I was a little moved by the previous words, but when I heard the later I, I was instantly unhappy. Isn't the charm of the old lady?

"Boss? Am I not very attractive? Why are you only staring at the metal path layer?"

Hearing J's words, Xiao Zhi showed a weird smile.

"Because the metal coating is more useful. But now is not the time to talk about this, this guy Billy handed it to you to let him understand how we tried the water fleet before."

Saying that, Ash pulled I to stand up, and Billy, who appeared behind them at some point, gave E a bright smile.

"Hi friend, my name is Billy, and I think we'll have a great time."

Looking at Billy's look at himself, E noticed something was wrong.

"Wait a minute! Don't put me and him on--don't."

Run into

The door to the interrogation room was slammed shut.one

Chapter [-] As long as I have you, I will not be lost

"Tell me the truth, boss. Aren't you afraid of having such a terrible guy?,

Looking at L, who was tightly closed, he thought that it was not cold if he wanted to write J, but he wanted Billy's joint skills. I was torture.Of course, it's even scarier than the zan game after using joint technology.superior

- It's okay, I beat them anyway.They didn't dare to mess with me either.Now let's talk business.I want to take a good look at the quality of where the Venus path is. ,

Yu Yu glanced at Xiao Zhi, J Qi felt that as a woman, she was thinking about this time.


The second layer will let you

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