Before Taiwu's words were finished, Michael and Yulongdu covered their mouths and pulled them aside.Blood Mickey also.Embarrassedly looked at Shirona and the others.

- "Ahaha. Sorry sorry, I'll take care of this guy here.


Looking at Shirona, she took Taiwu's eyes away

Why are they clearly planning to

The eyes that you want, Michaeli will store it for the big one. It's not a comparison

I mean this time is really too much

When they saw Mikuri, they temporarily silenced Dazai, Shirona, and the others nodded to each other, and then continued to look at the battle between Ash and Itaki.

On the other hand, Xiaozhi and Banmu's mega Boss Cordola uses the metal sound as a pavement to help the super-armored rhinoceros. At the same time, they can't control the super-armored rhinoceros.

Stubby's resorting to a straight dick and

Every collision will produce a terrifying persimmon strike.After the two sides collided with each other again, Ash suddenly roared.

"It's the most powerful dungeon now, Jin Liyin L Nana, cover your ears,

Xiao Zhi's voice almost scared all the people present, and he covered it because he trusted Xiao Zhi too much.There are also more than ten counties moving.With the implementation of Xiaozhi's governance

Nian and Pomoto, they know to Sakagiguchi

Hair, 4 from his reasoning.very

I planned to let Super Armor Madtail cover my ears, but unfortunately it was too late.

Thorn Lalala L↓ Mountain

Accompanied by the heavy metal Moyuichi's voice, which makes people and Pokémon feel uncomfortable, the action of the super electric rhino is clearly revealed.And the plank is also very fast to adjust the regulations

"Super armored rhinos cover their ears!,

And this time, the super armored rhino did not follow Ben's instructions.Because he is now affected by Yi Xun Gu's metal sound, he can't hear the sound for the time being, and Xiao Zhi is taking this opportunity to pull the flashlight to the construction site.

"Sorry for the old kettle. This is the hand I have always kept. I hope you can do it. Jin Xiang's hand flashes out of the light of the color.

Int and Ash then used the light to

Got mee Boss Cordola.

"Come on, L Bo Tu Ke Dora Copper and Iron - Little Basalt Diamond Bullet 11!"


When the light art in Xiaozhi's hand came into contact with Bo Shi Ke Dora.A burst of golden energy started at Bosco Dora after seeing this scene again, and he struggled madly, had to join in and press "Woo Mingming↓11!" (I want to learn! I want to learn this Recruit L Mountain and let me learn it⊥LL)

"Damn!. Tai Zai is going to bite someone ⊥⊥⊥"

And just after Tai Wu and the others got up.Ash and Shirogi this; out

Win or lose.


The roaring roar of the remnant Kegela then directly hit the Super Armored Wild Tail. While running, the object itself turned into a golden rotating energy bullet.And Sakagi looked at this menacing move and said directly.

- "Super Iron Crazy Rhinoceros L Taidi Sword"

- "Fuck me!"

Afterwards, when the Bossko name's house was built together, Tucodola and Super Iron Maniac were built together, and there was a huge explosion.


Chapter [-] The Best Meow Meow

When the aftermath of the huge explosion dissipated, Xiao Zhi patted the happy egg who opened the shield in front of him and said.

"Thank you, Happy Egg."

"Happy!" (You're welcome_Xiaozhi's father)

Afterwards, Ash took the egg of happiness and got up in front of Potukadora and Super Iron Crazy Rhino, and the two Pokémon were now in a coma.

"Huh. Sure enough. We perish together.."

Looking at Boss Cordola and Super Armored Rhinoceros who had passed out, Xiaozhi smiled helplessly.But then I patted Potucadora, who had passed out.

"Jade is not bad, at least in the "six fog three" situation where the attributes are unfavorable, it would be great to defeat one of the main generals. After all, the opponent is a veteran champion."

Then, with the horrified eyes of - : Helping people, Ash lifts Boss Cordora to the side of Shi Neng, who has been watching.

"I want him to see it till the end so please take care of it, Mother Bear."

Wearing the bear, he looked at Bosco Dora and then touched Bo Tu Ke Dora's head.

"Yi" (very nice kid)

Then Xiaozhi looked at Sakagi who had put away the super armored rhinoceros and said speechlessly.

"Dad, when did you steal the blood of my sword of the earth..."

When Xiaozhi said this, Sakagi said with a smile without blushing.

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