"Yo, I didn't expect that the fat boss is actually the ancestor of the Kuailong family. I said Brother Du. Don't you call yourself the Dragon Envoy? Why don't you hurry up and salute the Kuailong ancestor~≈?"


.....your meow is just as bad as you"_

Du looked at Xiaozhi and then at Miaomiao, a little helpless, and Xiaozhi didn't have a good look on the champion Wang.

"Really? I think my family Miaomiao is more cute than your guy., But now is not the time to talk nonsense with you. Now I have more important things."

After talking, Xiaozhi looked at Sakagi, but now Xiaozhi's expression now makes Sakagi have a bad premonition.

"You... what are you doing 2"

"Since you are so serious, Lao Ke, I'm embarrassed to not fight you seriously, happy egg.

! "


Hearing Xiaozhi calling himself Happy Egg, he stepped forward and looked at Sakamoto with a serious expression, but Sakagi instantly collapsed when he looked at Happy Egg.

"Xiaozhi...you L",

"This is my serious battle, daddy."

"Oh. Do you think I'm not ready? Go, King Nido!,"


Sakagi is called Taidi Sakagi because he has a lot of ground-type Pokémon, and now this King Nido is also one of his veterans, but this time Sakamoto's face is very.

Weird, after all, according to his understanding of Ash, that happy egg _.__ ,

"Happy Egg Builds the Strongest Defense!".


With Xiaozhi's order, Geely Egg directly created countless walls of light, and at the same time, he also activated the rounding, and in Sakamoto's speechless eyes, Geely Egg finally launched the strongest defensive skill AT-_ stance.

Seeing Geely Egg's frenzied defensive state, Sakagi finally got mad.

"Hey hey ⊥ As for what! ⊥!_ You don't call yourself a serious fight, you are a disgusting person! ⊥"

Hearing Sakagi's words, Satoshi pondered a little. After a moment, he said.

"Shan um.. After all, I brought the child Happy Egg to my wife. I am just like her parent. As the parent of this child, I definitely want to make this child less hurt, right?_So father I'm sorry ⊥ Happy Egg is poisonous!"

"Are you crazy? My King Nido is poisonous!"

However, as soon as Sakagi finished speaking, the poison thrown by the happy egg hit King Nido, and King Nido actually fell into a state of poisoning.

."This is?"

"Oh dad, you

Don't you know? In fact, I have already upgraded the poison for my Pokémon, so all the poison type will be recruited. "

You only know when you look at Xiaozhi's face. Sakagi knows that Xiaozhi is doing it on purpose.

"Damn,,. Can't waste time_⊥ Nidogan Taidi Sword Mountain"

"Come on!"

Hearing Sakagi's order, King Nido, who knew that he had to fight quickly, hit the ground with all his strength, and then countless swords made of rocks rushed towards the happy egg.

However, Xiao Zhi did not panic in the face of this trick he created by himself.

Instead, he looked at the happy egg and said.

"Erjiquan! Open the sky!"

As the happy egg stepped forward and stepped forward.Her slap slammed hard on the ground and a huge explosion occurred on the ground.

Chapter [-] Leave it to me next

Jun Shalan couldn't help sighing when he heard the sound of the explosion coming from outside Vibran City, and then looked at Xiaolan beside him.

"Fortunately, I let them go to fight outside Vibran City, otherwise I'm afraid it would have been triggered by now.

Hearing Jun Shalan say this, Xiaolan smiled embarrassedly - down.

"Hey, who would have thought that Dad would be so serious this time..."_ ,

"So now it's just a fight between gods and beasts, and mortals suffer..."


As he was talking, there was another explosion outside Vibran City, and seeing this situation Jun Shalan shook his head helplessly.



But what Jun Shalan didn't know was that what she just said was about to come true u_

On the other hand, in the battle between Xiaozhi and Sakagi, King Nido constantly launched his own attacks. However, in the face of these attacks, the happy egg can always be easily resolved, and at the same time, he added a wall of light to block Nido. before the king.

You must know that the skill of light wall is very different from the so-called game in reality.At most, the wall of light in the game is to eliminate the attack power of five rounds of special attacks.However, in the real world, the skill of light wall can create a real light wall, which can reach physical attacks, and at most resist it.

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