Chapter [-] Are you sure?

- "Pikachu and Stingray? Finally don't have to worry about being accidentally injured"

Adek was relieved to see the last Pokémon sent by Ash and Sakagi.The battle between Ho-oh and Mewtwo just now was terrifying.Adek was suddenly glad that he was far away, otherwise it would have been miserable.

Thinking of this, Adek looked at Shirona and the others again, and then at Ash, and suddenly felt a mouthful of old blood want to spurt.

"Although I guessed it before, I didn't expect that the champion Shirona was going to get married: cough cough-forget it. This time I came here for nothing and witnessed the battle of the beasts with my own eyes. Although I don't know

What is the elf on Sakagi Pavilion Master's side, but it's enough: It's just a pity that it might be better if the ending is a battle between the gods and beasts?"

Just when Adek said that, he suddenly found that Hirona and the others were looking at him with the eyes you were making.

"What's the matter?"

Looking at Shirona and even Daigo, he looked at himself with strange eyes and Adek took a step back.

"It's alright, _ It's just that you are wrong this time, Champion Adek: Ash's Pikachu and Sakagi Kantor's Big Stinger::"

Having said that, Taigo stopped. He felt that it was still Adek's own feeling.

Feel the horror of Pikachu and their fighting power:

On the other hand, Xiao Zhi didn't take care of Adek. It would be nice for him to witness some things with his own eyes.

"The duel between the first partners. It ended very well Ash, so let's start,"""Mountain"

While talking, Sakagi slowly stretched out, and on his wrist was the keystone that Ash had given him earlier.

"Stingray mega evolution 1_"__


As the hornbee transforms into a ball of light and then bursts open, the amesa hornbee appears in

In front of everyone, and now Sakagi, a mega stinger bee with no hidden injuries, has long since stepped into the divine beast⊥

And seeing the big needle bee qi Xun Xun fully opened Pikachu's body also began to emit arcs. After that, the aura of the beast-level began to be vain.

"22 Is it too late for me to change my words now?_

At this time, Adek had already felt that something was wrong, especially when he saw that Xiao Zhi asked Happy Egg to protect the people he knew.

"Pikachu L Tai needle bee on the lightning field/Gathering Qi↓"

With the outbreak of the power of the two beast-level elves, the whole scene

It started to get out of hand.

"It's just a gym battle"_As for changing the terrain?!"

Looking at the cloudy and gloomy sky and the falling rain, Adek felt that his face was so painful. How could the gym battle between these two end so easily?_!

And just when Adek was thinking about this, a thunderbolt struck him instantly, making Adek jump into Damaranch's arms instantly, and Damaranch, whose blood pressure had just exploded, was caught by Adek in such an instant He fell to the ground, foaming at the mouth of the leaves.

“President Damaranch 11 1⊥”

Did not go

In charge of the small theater behind him. After a slight observation, Ash and Sakagi shouted at the same time, "Go on" and attack with Tuwan Volt∠ double needles!"

"Pikachu! ⊥⊥!"

"Om!" on"

In an instant, the battle broke out.

The arc on Pikachu's cute cheeks surged, and then his whole body sent out a powerful electric shock to the mega_ horn bee, and the red light flashed in the mega horn bee's eyes, and the mega needle bee directly hit Tuwan Volt with his own needle.

Then, in the eyes of Yulongdu and the others, the mega hornbee broke through Tuwanvolt and rushed directly to Pikachu.iron tail sink

”’s tail turned into Y Baise and then slammed into the poisonous needle of the needle bee, and started V 喁, feed, feed, this is really the strength of the sky needle bee is a bit stronger than that of Maiyi and Piyuqiu?

Come on

Seeing that Pikachu and Keli, who were fighting directly, finally started to fight, it was really these two magic treasures.

A little over the top. . Hand-to-hand combat, not only in the sky but also lightning strikes ten thousand volts. : It's thunder and lightning, and there is also a face mask. Nima is straight, and that big needle bee is not easy to do? What the fuck is it to open the thunder and lightning now?

The Pokémon are so crazy and spit too much __

At the time, Pikachu and Mesa backed away from each other and their momentum became stronger after another fight, and then the two

Plus scary.Railgun Pikachu wreaked havoc on his hands. The thunderbolt started on his little

Get up and tell.see all_

Text version of the novel! (zhangti

anha). fa original much as possible

enjoy reading

Chapter [-] Give a shield here too!

The super electromagnetic gun, the English name is Rai1gun, which is the magnetic rail gun. ,_

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