Chapter [-] You will become a big star

After some interrogation Ash they finally settled on one thing.The guy who was tied up was just a hapless guy being targeted by the Rockets because of her sucker puppet.

And surprisingly, this woman named Ajin is the one who caused Xiaogang to be beaten:

"Well, to tell you the truth, Xiaogang, you really changed your faults. There is also Ajin female soil. I don't have any good experience to pass on to you. In the performance group, Xiang Duo is just a piano player or a trapeze player."

"But:: Even so, you are the most successful show troupe with this. Must have a good experience~2",

Seeing Ajin Xiaozhi, who humbly asked himself for advice, was a little helpless.Xiaozhi didn't expect that Ajin could recognize him even if he didn't wear a mask.Is this the legendary fanboy?

"Well.: Let's talk about experience-: When training, the combination of work and rest is the most important thing, and."

Seeing Xiao Zhi who was interviewing over there, Xiao Gang silently shed tears.

"Could it be random - does a beautiful big sister know Ash?"

And just when Xiaogang was uncomfortable, Billy patted him on the shoulder and put his arm around his neck in a friendly way.

"Look at Xiaogang bey

. b_oss he's just famous because he does a lot of things, I have a good idea if you want to be popular.It depends on whether you dare to do it or not, of course it is absolutely safe and legal. "

"2: Why do I have a bad feeling?"

Looking at Billy's sunny smile, Xiaogang felt no warmth, only a deep chill.

"Don't worry Xiaogang bey. We are friends. As long as you nod your head, we will pack you into a mountain of stars, (in terms of philosophy)"

As he spoke, Billy's smile grew brighter.And Xiaogang looked at the concentrated essence

After listening to Xiaozhi's understanding, Ajin made up his mind.

"Good Mr. Billy, please make me a star" I want to take control of my own life!"

"Very well, this is what young people should be like! Come on, Xiaogang, we will make you the most masculine star"_(My philosophy school has a new porcelain member again")".Bg"Thank you Mr. Billy! I will definitely live up to your expectations to become an action star"." (0Es, "Oh, what a good boy! I love you flying

I don't know why Billy had a hint of joy on his face when he heard Xiaogang saying he was going to be an action star.

Then he hugged Xiaogang with a bear and said.

"Xiaogang beyL, we will never fail your trust L. You will definitely be the most dazzling star!".

"Thank you"_Mr Billy! "

Looking at the two people who were hugging and almost crying, the others silently moved away from them.

And Garm, who had been observing secretly and collecting information at the same time, silently touched the cat boss beside him and said.

"Tsk tsk tsk, another poor bastard who doesn't know the truth. I hope I don't get spoiled: but."

Saying that, Gam pressed himself

The face county, then a screen unfolds in the eye part.

"Do you want to spread the information about the quasi-gods in the hands of the Pokémon Hunter organization? I understand the mission. I hope these guys will like the gifts that bess gave them."_

Saying so, the corner of Garm's mouth showed a cold smile.She'd love to see someone unlucky like the guy who angered their horrible bess. _,

Two-one dividing line --

"Thank you very much for your information! I will work hard with you as the goal, and Mr. Xiaogang thanked you for your help yesterday! Then I'll say goodbye first, the members are still waiting.

. "

Seeing Ajin's departure, Captain Xiaogang was a little concerned about gains and losses, but Billy couldn't help but pat him on the shoulder when he saw him.

"Come on Xiaogang Bay, work hard to become _ to understand."

Looking at Billy's sunny smile, Xiaogang suddenly felt a power gushing out.Then he nodded heavily.


Xiaozhi silently glanced at Xiaogang and Billy, and the corners of their mouths showed a very strange smile.

How could Ash, Billy's boss, not know what Billy's so-called 'star' is?

Indeed|&If it is successful, it will indeed be very famous and even received. Girls are sought after, but:

"There has never been a so-called shortcut in the world, Xiaogang, why don't you understand?"

On the other side, Qingmei's grandma slowly forgot about Xiaogang's situation out of curiosity, and then she scratched her head strangely.

"What's the situation? Although the three fates between the one named Xiaogang and him have increased, but what kind of situation is this obviously going to happen?"

"What's wrong grandma?"

"It's fine. It's just that the kid named Xiaogang will be like this in the future.

what. "

"Oh, grandma, it's better to calculate when Xiao Zhi and I will have children in the future."

"Emperor girl, even if Xiaozhi's life is not clear at all, let me count... You are really my good granddaughter."


Chapter [-] What is really important

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