Hearing Kobeiro say that, Musashi also remembered something.However, Kojiro was stunned when he heard Musashi's words. .

"Wait 2 Fiancee 2"

"That's right. Didn't you notice? Let me show you."

Said Musashi took out a newspaper from his bag, and the newspaper was the gossip of Xiaoju'er and Shirona's engagement.

"Although this newspaper seems to have gossip, it is actually quite accurate.


Something unexpected happened to Musashi.The little boy suddenly cried like a child, and he even cried bitterly.

"Um.. what's wrong with you 2"

"The goddess turned out to be engaged a long time ago.

Uh, ah, ah, go on ⊥_ L! "-I've always been afraid of women.."_

"There's no L. I also have the L of the goddess that I like. It's just...just,

Seeing Kojiro Musashi crying bitterly, he could only comfortably pat him and say.

"Okay, keep your eyes peeled, at least that way. You won't have any more hope."

"Uhhhhhhhh" 1 !_ !

With Musashi's words, Kojiro cried even more sadly.

Chapter [-] Sand sculpture netizens are happy

.Xiao Zhi, who was enjoying a seaside vacation with Xirona and the others, felt a vibration in his pocket, and then turned on his phone and found that it was his sand sculpture netizen I Love Free Online.

I love freedom, woo ming! Are you there, big boss? I'm lost ⊥L!_ !

Seeing that I love freedom, Xiao Zhi couldn't help but be happy, and then typed back.

I'm the big boss, what's wrong with freedom 3 I'm still in love 3 Didn't you say you're afraid of women?

I love freedom, what I'm afraid of is my fiancee L woo woo, my goddess has an engagement contract and is even about to get married, boss L, my first love is gone⊥


Seeing that I love freedom like this, Ash sighed and replied.

I'm a big boss, I want to open up a bit.The goddess is just a longing..You see, my wives and I have been in love for a long time._So I have no idea about those goddesses. By the way, who is your goddess of freedom?

I love freedom, Kamizrae and Shirona__ ,

Seeing the names of my two wives that I love freely typed out, Xiao Zhi was silent _ At this time, Xiao Zhi really didn't know how to comfort himself, this sand sculpture netizen.It's hard to tell him that he will take care of his goddesses 2

I'm too boss, ahem, freedom, let's take a look.You don't know them anyway, so just leave it as a thought.__

I love freedom, woo ming! _ Sure enough, you are still the big boss, you know how to comfort people, my teammates only know how to laugh at me...,

I'm the boss, it's fine. Look at it, it's normal for a goddess to marry.People are people and they need families.

I love freedom, I understand. But as soon as I think of two goddesses marrying the same person, I feel like "上小⊥

I'm too boss, alright, alright, let's take a look. ,

I love freedom, thank you big boss.

If I have time to invite you to dinner, I have pre-ordered here.

I'm the boss too, well, pay attention to yourself, I'll give it back to the companion here.

I love freedom, hey~ you straight-wife guy knows how to laugh at us, forget it, I'll take it off first

After finishing the communication, Xiao Zhi found that Shirona was looking at him with a funny expression. He couldn't help saying.

_"What's wrong?"

"What if you let your netizen know that the goddess in his heart is pulling your arm?"

"What else can you do, you're my wife anyway, and you're going to perform a quick fish cut over the bear mother's side.

In this way, I am here to help Mommy Bear make a big meal when the fish is at its freshest. .Really come out to be a chef._

"Hee hee, isn't it good? Go on"

Then Shirona took Xiaozhi and ran towards the bear mother, and Xiaozhi's snake bear immediately followed the two of them. In a sense, Xiaozhi's snake bear also thought of pestering Xiaozhi what_._

They are holding hands! They are holding hands”_ !”! The kid is famous and popular.””””Kona, he used sugar as a token of love⊥⊥ Mountain this time, ah ah ah ah ⊥"

0 ___ Ask for flowers:

touch L⊥⊥

As Musashi's fist hit Kojiro's head, Kojiro, who had been crying, was silent like Miaomiao, and Musashi said angrily.

"Really 1. What's good L_You don't know them, go there. The kid is definitely only relevant because you know them, so don't think about those who don't have 1_Our task now is to catch them. Live in that stupid beast.

Saying that, Musashi took out a baby ball L and inside was a big tongue shell that she had just captured by Kojiro's hand.

"Then we let the

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