Seeing that Xiao Zhi was surfing with Maguire, Minkrant smiled relieved.

"Thank you so much this time, Xiaozhi. You created an opportunity for us guys. We never imagined that we would get this opportunity, and it would be so close to our dreams."

"Really? But can you fulfill your dreams? It's all up to you."

"Ah, of course. You have created such great conditions for us. How could we possibly lose" This is the dream of our poor life."

looking emotional

The Min Chuan Te Xiao Zhi (ahdi). They didn't laugh at them, they are truly respectable people when some people spend their entire lives in order to dream.

"Then let me help you. Come on folks, make the waves even more--a bit! Let me see if these idiots can make their dreams come true!. L!."

"Hooer⊥⊥"*N ,


With the roar of Ash's Pokémon and the cry of the King Whale King.The tide is getting higher and higher, and countless surfers are riding this wave to their ultimate goal, the rock with the flag of Ajian.


"Come on, everyone", let us idiots rush to the end of our dreams together! "

With Xiaozhi's arms and a second call.The waves headed for the rocks, and the surfers, led by Minert, dashed to their goal together, and Ash's side?

- "All of them!. Let these three guys act as fireworks for the fun!"

"No! ⊥⊥ Mountain"*3

At that moment, the radiance of the dead light shot up into the sky, and that moment when countless surfers planted their flags on the rock, that moment was a miracle? No.. that was just - helping idiots in two _ storms

With the help of walking idiots, their dreams are fulfilled.___

If miracles have color 2, maybe the color of miracles on that day is dark blue 2 because that dark blue wave carries countless people to witness the moment when their dreams come true.

Boom L small⊥⊥

With the huge explosion of the Tyrannosaurus submarine, huge fireworks burst into the sky.

"Why do we have to be fireworks!

"Maybe it's because we're bad guys, nah?"

"But... it might be nice to see so many people fulfilling their dreams?"

"Remember to give us some

Like it~"*

Watching the three guys flying away, Xiao Zhi finally recovered from the runaway state

"Like it? I will really like it

Then Xiao Zhi looked at the surfers below who were caught by the Howler Whale King and shook his head.

"This is really... a bunch of enviable guys,


Chapter [-] Calel's Green Onion Duck

A group of surfers at sea outside Binu are either lying on their stomachs or lying on the back of a huge king howler whale.And Xiaozhi couldn't help but slightly raised his wings when he saw these guys gnawing their horns.Really fun bunch of guys.

And just when Xiao Zhi was thinking about it, the group of surfers led by Min Chuan looked at Xiao Zhi and roared loudly.

"Thank you! Thank you for making our dreams come true L⊥⊥" *rough

Talking - someone in the gang actually cried, and Xiao Zhi looked at these guys and suddenly felt that these guys were a little cute

"It's nothing. I just got a little mad because the token my wife gave me was soiled.

.As for helping you, I'm just one of those things. "

"Even if you help me out, it's a real dream for our gang of incompetent guys."

Saying that, Min Chuante looked at the rock full of flags. "Perhaps. There will be a new biography after this.

"Perhaps. Maybe."

"Really? Then let the legend go on."

--Separation line one-

When Ash and the others returned to the beach, they were greeted by countless applause. Of course, after the applause, Ash was handcuffed by an acquaintance

"I said go. What do you mean?"

Looking at the handcuffs on his hands that are obviously similar to those used by Jun Shalan - Xiao Zhi looked at Jun Shajing, who should not be here, and Jun Shajing was not angry. Pointing Xiaozhi's head said.

"You are too embarrassed to ask you, do you know if you just ran away and scared a lot of people, and you actually created super waves. The most important thing is that the movement is similar to the Pokémon riot!"

"Well: I'm chasing the bad guys!" Just go back with me and take a transcript, really, but there are very important things on my side if

If it wasn't for you, I wouldn't have come back. "

Hearing Jun Shajing say this, Xiaozhi asked e

"Very important thing 2" but it will go a lot smoother if it is not rooted.Come to Xiaozhi, let me introduce you to the helper Mao who is going to hunt down the green onion monster with me.Too scallion duck from Calel region!"

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