"Yes, please rest assured that the security measures in Nubi City are sufficient."

After everything was over, Xiao Zhi was invited by Mintratt to his parents to have a light meal, listen to the story between him and Maguire, and then said goodbye to the middle-aged pair who had just completed their dreams.

On the way back to the "Zero-Zero" Hotel, Ash said to Pikachu on his shoulder

"It's really great, the friendship between Marcure and Mintram. Maguire is willing to feel the waves for Mintram all the time. Mintram is willing to accompany Maguire all the time, maybe that's what I like about this The reason for the world? After all, although this world has darkness 2, he also has gentle people."

Thinking of the old man who spent his whole life with Kirby, and now Minshant and Maguire Ash, I feel that this world is really wonderful.Just with yourself.It was the same as what he had longed for, at least in the world he was in.

And always with Luca

Arceus, who was watching Ash secretly, asked Leo to the blue light spot beside him.

"If Ash knew, the world he lives in would have such a gentle person because of him, what do you think he would think?"

Hearing Arceus' question, Lucario's proud voice came from the spot of light.

"Little Satoshi would not think so, because Mrs. Ash would always say that he was a brave man who chased ducks on the shelves, so Mrs. Ash who was gentle would not admit it."

Having said that, Lucario paused for a moment, and then the light point seemed to be looking directly at Ash's figure.


"But I know that all of this is because of Ashita-sama:: Kihara who wishes the world to be gentle, and the gentleness buried in Ash-sama's scriptures.."

"Oh yes, that idiot Jin is just duplicitous. In fact, he really loves this world..."

While the two Pokémon were communicating, Ash frowned, and then slightly raised the dumb beast and the Duck, who were sandwiched by him, and asked Pikachu on his shoulder.

"I feel like someone is talking about me. What do you think, Pikachu?"


"I do not know either

What is the situation but I can feel that someone is talking about me. "

In the end, Xiao Zhi didn't find anything and it was nothing.

And Xiaozhi's vacation is not always without things, for example, on the third night, when Xiaozhi and the others plan to rest.Because Porkby, this little guy, Ash, saw a knot that made his jaw drop.

Xiaogang is really famous.

Don't think what Xiaozhi and the others are doing at night, it's really just a few people watching TV in a big room. After all, even if Xiaozhi wants to do something, Xiaozhi's mother Hanako is still there, this time it's a family


And when a group of people were leaning against the stove, eating supper and drinking hot chocolate.Porkby, the curious little guy, pressed the button of the TV because of curiosity.. So the TV station switched to a premium channel, and then:

"After Mr. Billy, the elf of the forest! We finally won a new friend! The elf from the rock, L Xiaogang"

rub L

Silently changed the station, Xiaozhi touched Porkby's little head and said 0. ...___

"Pokeby, don't move blindly, some things move, but something big will happen..."



Little Porkby looked at Xiao Zhi and then smiled and opened his hands to beg for a hug, while Xiao Zhi picked up the little guy and returned to the bed while turning his head and saying to the Jenny Turtle, who had completely evolved into a bear child.

"Don't grind your teeth at night. Don't play pranks, or you'll go to sleep by yourself!

"Jenny!" (Don't worry, boss!

Afterwards, Xiao Zhi was a little helpless to lie down with his own group of Pokémon. The consequences of being too intimate. If this guy is not because of the fire-breathing dragon's tail, Xiao Zhi believes that the fire-breathing dragon will come too.

And Shanaido glanced at it with a smirk because

Happy Egg who is too big to sleep with Ash- : A happy face rests on Ash's arm.

And I don't know why, this time, the dumb beast and the Duck Duck that I followed over actually patted next to Xiao Zhi, making Xiao Zhi feel more and more like a nanny taking care of able children.

And in this quirky 1.4-sided and warm atmosphere, everyone fell asleep.Of course, one of them didn't sleep, but looked at Xiao Zhi with a nostalgic smile.

"It's only at night like this that I can see the old lady like you again:: It's really so nostalgic. Now I'm also the boss of your Pokémon. The thousand-year wait is over.

It's a waste.".

After speaking, Gui Si evolved with a peaceful smile.

The evolved Ghost Stone uses his own hands to help Xiao Zhi make the quilt and then starts his own guarding work. This is what Ghost Stone wants to do, and that's it. ,

Chapter [-] Hold my family Shanaido

That night, Ash had a nightmare, and in this nightmare came endless screams.And this scream came from one person, Xiaogang.

"Help" 1 I don't want to be such a star, go _ L l."

"Stubborn Elf Xiaogang⊥_ 1 !

"Rising star!. Will surpass the existence of the forest spirit!"


When Xiaozhi suddenly opened his eyes, he found that the sound of the TV show was no longer in his ears. Looking at the Pokémon around, Xiaozhi and Xiaozhi calmed down because of the fright of the nightmare.

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