.It is actually beneficial to choose to stay in Hollywood. In a sense, the cat bosses are the local snakes in Hollywood. Many things or information can be obtained in the first time by their own unique methods. In this way, if anyone wants to I am afraid that they will also be discovered by the cat boss at the first time.

"Brother, are you really not going to Zhenxin Town with me? There is obviously a better life there.

When Ash was filming for Ka Lunai, Miaomiao found Granny Cat again.As for the doubts about Meow Meow, the old lady cat explained

"No need. Again, Hollywood is here to keep us alive.. In this case, we have an obligation

Protect it while he's about to rise again. "

Speaking of which, the cat boss looked around at the buildings that were being rebuilt.

"I was just like you when I was still Meow. I came to Hollywood to be able to stutter. Although life is sometimes not easy, at least I live very easily here. Then slowly my side Gathering a bunch of you guys, I also evolved into a cat boss, in a sense this is my first home."

Saying that, the cat boss looked at the meows behind him.

"And these guys are already used to it, although we can't go back to when Hollywood is in decline.

Help, because that's a human thing. But now that the master has started rebuilding Hollywood.Then we guys have to help the master in our own way, and also help our own home."_

Speaking of which, the cat boss came to Miaomiao and put his paws on his shoulders and said.

"But... your kid is really not bad. You still remember us when you are so promising. Although I have only contacted the master, we already recognize him just by showing respect for our decision."

"Boss... even if you say that, the boss is still a worrying guy. Although we know he is very powerful. But he is always unconscious.

Don't worry about him, whether it's me, Pikachu, Happy Egg, or other idiots. We don't have much to do, just stay by the boss's side..."

"This is enough. Sometimes some things don't require you to do too much, and often companionship is the greatest help."

Looking at the cat boss unexpectedly, Miaomiao didn't expect the cat old lady to say such a thing.But seeing Miaomiao's surprised look, the cat boss smiled.

"Don't underestimate your big brother, although you are indeed very smart, there are some experiences that we old guys know a lot about.


The cat boss took his younger brothers to eat fish first.Now they can do whatever they want: go and eat fish anywhere in Hollywood, after all, the whole of Hollywood is now Ash's territory.

Mian Miaomiao looked at the cat boss unexpectedly. Now he suddenly understands why the old lady has respect for many people whose achievements are not as high as him.It's all because of - one word, experience.

Chapter [-] The emotion that never changes

"Xiao Zhi, if you agreed to act with me next time in a movie, you must play Yu Zi!".

Before Ash left Hollywood, Karuna grabbed Ash's head and said with a very serious look, but Ash's eyes kept glancing down.

"Xiao Zhi, I'm serious!"

"That... compromise. _ __. Is it okay to play and ride ten? I don't like useless things like princes. You see, saving the princess is actually more about riding, right?"

Hearing Satoshi say that, Karuna nodded and said after thinking for a while.

"Alright, then

Next time you have to play a knight-earth character-you haven't seen enough 2."

Originally, Karuna wanted to say something, but when she found out that Ash- was staring at her, she was speechless.And Xiaozhi said after looking at it.

"Well... how can I say 2 can never be enough..."

"Grumpy...get up quickly."_

"oh oh!".

Well, after all, Satoshi is also a carnivorous type, and he and Karuna are a fiancée-.

So some communication between the two is a must, right? Just like Xiaozhi and Lin have been communicating with him recently.Small

After Chi and Karuna pierced that layer of window paper, they communicated frequently.

Of course, Karuna's change - some people can still see it, but they can't say anything.After all, Karuna is also their big boss now, and if the boss gets angry at that time, the consequences will be terrifying.

And the people on Xiao Zhi's side can't say anything, the whole Hollywood is being treated as a dowry..._ _

And before leaving Hollywood, Karuna solemnly told Xiao Zhi's head.

"Remember our agreement and play the knight for me next time!"


Come on... it's really Kumamoto_Kuma, isn't it fun?"

"I know it's fun.. but Xiaozhi_. Don't you think your looks are not suitable for a mascot?"

"What's wrong with my appearance_

"Didn't you notice it yourself?" (x said Ka Luna, with Xiao Zhi's head turned to 05, but a group of female stars who came to film on the other side were secretly inspecting Xiao Zhi and the others [-]a

"Those guys have been watching you secretly for a long time, you have to be careful."

3 Even though she said so, it was obvious that Karuna was now facing her private x-chi face. 2 tables dark

The actress who was observing in the middle looked at Karuna speechlessly.

"Don't worry, they should have self-awareness, and I don't think I'll watch those stars, well at least it's definitely out of play now- Ka Lunai, you also know my fault, it's not that I've been together for a long time, I really can't watch it superior."

Karuna also knows that what she is saying is the truth, and it's not like she and Xiaozhi have just known each other since they just met - step by step 3

So what Xiaozhi said is right, unless those female stars are like Xiaoxia-Er and travel with Xiaozhi for a while, or Xiaozhi really won't have feelings for them.

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