"Huh? Do you want that native metal layer?" 2 Seeing that Bo Tu Ke Mingla nodded and handed the native metal coating to it, while Bo Tu Ke Dola directly threw the native tool layer into his mouth Eat it directly, and then the momentum on Dr. Cordola changed and then nodded.

"Well, I know why

So little stuff.Then continue to beat the carp dragons:"

After Xiao Zhi arranged the division of labor among his Pokémon, a large batch of flying machines also came to the back mountain of Xiao Zhi's house, and the two leading people were Billy, but he was now sandwiched between them. Xiaogang.

"The boss has a mission 3"_

"Yes, this mission is very dangerous. What did you bring Xiaogang for? This mission is very dangerous."

Seeing that Xiaozhi was a little dissatisfied, Billy smiled and patted Xiaogang's head and said a

"An bss, we also do this to train him. So that he can be on his own, this is a man

friendship. "

Hearing Billy say that, Ash lowered the brim of his hat slightly.

"What kind of man's friendship...it's just a bunch of idiots". However: It is because of the feeling of being idiots that the heat is moved, so Xiaogang's safety will be handed over to you. "

. "Understanding"

"No! I don't want this kind of friendship!"


Accompanied by Billy's second shot, Xiaogang's neck came - a sound L and then Xiaogang was silent.

And just when Xiaogang was silent, Chaomeng also came. . At the same time looked around and asked.

"Who is the opponent this time?"

"Not sure yet, but since everyone is here, we'll set off."

one-one dividing line-one

White, an archaeologist. She is currently investigating the Pokémon civilization, and this time it should have been an ordinary archaeology.However:

"Hands up." You're surrounded. Now you have the right to remain silent. But we also have the right to shoot you."

Looking at the surrounding Pokémon and the famous cars that have been transformed into gun battle mode, White feels that he is in the wrong movie.

The scene is over, and the staff of Tailu Hotel also have this suspicion.

My own boss came here for ten days. The whole mode was changed. As a result, this car has become an artillery equipment. Are our style of painting not right?. And is the number of bosses a little too large? Are you sure you are not fighting? ?

In fact, it's not just the employees of the Tailu Hotel who are stunned. At this time, in a base car that has been armed and the same as the base, Xiaoxia, Xiaozi, Xiaolan, Sha Lanlin, Hanazi, Nami, and the invited Tai Mubotu, Momosakagi and Mato are in a state of dizziness

"Did I say Xiaozhi:: Zhiyu?"

Sakagi looked at the high-tech equipment around him, and he found out that Xiaozhi was a really famous guy. :. And at this time, Xiaozhi didn't care about the helplessness of other people, but held a loudspeaker in the Shout out to White and her archaeological team there

"Now you immediately put down all the items in your hands" we will take care of you for the time being"

"Really: I can't even shout:"

Listening to Xiao Zhi's unskilled propaganda Jun Shalan _ shouted out the loudspeaker that took Xiao Zhi.

"Listen! Now you're on a private tour. We have the right to kill you. Put down your weapons and throw down right now.

L otherwise we will start a storm! "

"Did you hear what my wife said? 1 Put down your weapons and surrender immediately L, or we'll attack right away"

"Jenie Jenny" (surrender, surrender)

'No wonder they got married. :'*

Seeing that it can be said that God synchronizes Xiaozhi and Jun Shalan, it is not unreasonable for others to find that Xiaozhi and Jun Shalan will marry.

On the other hand, White and the others raised their hands helplessly and thought at the same time.

'Archaeology is as far as shooting at guns?

Of course Ash couldn't hear what they were thinking, but

Is it necessary to capture these people, so under the action of a group of Continental Hotel employees wearing protective clothing, White and other archaeologists were placed in the isolation belt.


Chapter [-] Super Ancient Giant Pokémon

- "Xiaozhi" How can you lock up people! They just don't have toots!!.⊥⊥"

When he saw Xiaozhi lock up White and other archaeologists, Xiaogang's sense of justice broke out. He protested to Xiaozhi righteously, and then was caught by the Pikachus in the Zhengbao base car for a while. Electricity.

"Is it a second official?"

He let out a mouthful of black air, and Xiaogang lay weakly on the ground, and looked at others like Xiaogang and shook his head speechlessly.Can't you see that? Now obviously Ash is in a state of tension and he still has the mind because the woman protests with Ash:

And Xiaozhi is passing by

After confirming the identity of White and others, he looked at them and asked.

"I have confirmed your identity here, and you are indeed an archaeologist certified by the Alliance. But I need to tell you one thing. L here! It is a private territory!, Are you doing archaeology here without any permission? ?"

"I'm so sorry!" *NL

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