In the end, the three Gufa Pokémon voluntarily touched Ash's Poké Ball and became his Pokémon under the witness of everyone. However, just when Ash was subduing the huge fat man, a round figure suddenly appeared. In Xiaozhi's arms, he pushed little Ibrahimovic aside and waited for Blind Xin's big watery eyes to look at Xiaozhi

"poil, (b

Looking at Fat Gong Xiaozhi, who was about to cry in his arms, he wrapped her up and asked. (,

"Vinegar? Feel like I've been robbed

Hearing Xiao Zhi's words, Fat Ding nodded frantically and continued to look at Xiao Zhi with his big watery eyes.

And seeing Fat Ding like Xiaozhi couldn't help but be amused. In fact, Xiaozhi knew that this little guy had been following him, and even Xiaozhi had specially left some food for her to be afraid that this little guy would follow him as a whole. will be hungry.

Originally, Xiao Zhi thought that such a wonderful relationship would continue between himself and Fat Ding, but who knew that he could not sit still as soon as he subdued a huge fat Ding.It just came out on its own.



Looking at the fat worker Xiaozhi who was clutching his clothes with tears in his eyes, he poked her fat face and asked.

"Now you know it's out? How? Scared, eh?"

Just as Fat I was frantically rubbing in Xiaozhi's arms for comfort, another Pokémon slowly walked to Xiaozhi's side and lay down on Xiaozhi's legs.

:. 1 Ask for flowers Q __


Looking at the dumb beast at his feet, Xiaozhi hugged the fat worker with one hand and then picked up the dumb beast.

"Really two, I know you're here."

Then Xiaozhi said to Xiaolan with two Pokémon in his arms, trying not to look at Dr. Taimu's wolf-like eyes.

"Girl, I'll ask you to do something: Godfather, don't you look so terrifying, okay?"

Feeling the sharp and terrifying moonlight of his godfather, Xiaozhi turned his head helplessly and glanced at Sakagi. Sakagi turned his head in annoyance.

By the way, after being rescued, the three Rockets have been taken away by Billy and the others for quarantine inspection and will not be released until they are confirmed to be safe.After all, who knows if they have absorbed some black gas in Gengar's body. .and

How to tell the difference-


"Wow ah ah ah L_ L!_ ⊥"*

After listening to the sound of electrotherapy coming from the car behind him, Ash can be sure that any black gas is useless under the electric shock of his own Pikachu 1

"What's the matter? You still have to ask me?"

Although I always feel that the relationship between my father and Xiaozhi is interesting, but now Xiaolan is more curious about what Xiaozhi will ask her for.

"That huge fat worker. Please bring it here. To be honest, you also need a bigger one now.

bodyguard.after all.."

Xiaozhi looked at Sakagi and then looked at himself and said helplessly.

"Now your relationship is the most complicated" [-]


Chapter [-] This sugar is too sweet

"Although I know you're doing it for me, is it really okay to give me such a precious Pokémon as the ancient giant fat I."

Although Xiao Lan is indeed a little unreliable in normal times, it is also in normal times.Once it comes to the big right and the big wrong, Xiaolan still has a clear priority, just like before she strayed into other worlds. After seeing Xiaozhi discovering herself, the first thing she did was not let Xiaozhi come to save her, but let Xiaozhi be careful about the one who can teleport. Human ripples.

And now Xiao Lan is also rarely serious. After all, this matter involves the ancient giant fat worker, so it is not so simple.

However, Xiaolan is not serious now.

Use, because Xiao Zhi didn't care at all and even raised the fat Ding in his hand and said.

"I have a jealous little guy on my side."


Before Xiao Zhi's words were finished, the fat worker on Xiao Zhi's hand - jumped down on Xiao Zhi's shoulder and looked at Xiao Zhi in dissatisfaction, then looked at the snake twisted bear occupying Xiao Zhi's head, puffing up with anger .own mouth.

"Well, not only do I like being jealous, but I don't like hearing me speak ill of her-: But Xiaolan, I am serious here. After all, you see the relationship you are involved in now, one is me and the other is Sakagi's father, but you are involved in two champion, you

If there is not much protection around, Lao Ke will not feel at ease. "

"That's right, the stinky boy is right. Xiaolan, you have to know that you are a sweet tooth now. After all, if we control you, it will be difficult for both of us to win the championship."

"That's right!"

However, the real bird who has been silently listening to Xiaozhi and Sakagi's cooperation actually knows that Xiaolan is indeed a sweet pastry, but it is also thorny, not to mention the Rockets are protecting this eldest lady.How could it be that a master like Xiao Zhi, who habitually sent people to protect his wife secretly, didn't send people?

Of course, the real bird also said in his heart that he has excellent anti-reconnaissance capabilities.

In fact, the real bird has long discovered that he is also listed as a protected person by Xiaozhi, so sometimes the real bird who accidentally discovers the people in the mainland hotel just pretends not to know.

But now the real bird is more curious about how the eldest will choose. After all, according to her observations during this period, the eldest is afraid.

"Don't! I don't know what the two of you are thinking. I just have Queen Nido and King Niming that Xiao Zhi gave me."


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