After finishing speaking, Hoo looked around again, and the current situation is - the staff of the Tailu Hotel are at the chef team.

Eating a buffet. Ash's Pokémon, too.Even those three super ancient giant Pokémon are having dinner together.._

And Chao Meng looked at it strangely after hearing the question of Ho-oh-Eye said e

"What's wrong? Isn't this normal? After all, the real problem has been solved. Isn't it normal to take a good rest so that you don't get too tired?"

."....Are you sure

Looking at the people around him and the Pokémon, Ho-oh felt that there was something he didn't turn around.

And just when Ho-oh was thinking about it, he was entrusted by Ash to protect him.

Hanako and Xiaoxia were wearing bears carrying a fruit feast and passed by, patted Fenggan's wings and said something, and continued to protect Hanako and the others.

Feng Yu tilted her head in confusion when she heard what Wu Xiong said.

"What does it mean that I will become more and more used to it in the future? What do you think of the other world?"

"Me? I don't know. But I just feel...",

Ho-oh, who looked at the lively scene in another world, said with a smile.

"I choose to enter Ash's ball

Then Ho-oh from another world took out a luxurious ball from his feathers


"Really an interesting person

Unlike the lively and bustling outside the base car, apart from the three Rockets who have been passed by Dianman and Madoka who was pulled by Billy to film, White and others are still in isolation. 2 But it seems that few people still remember these archaeologists.As for Koichi?

Now Xiaozhi is sleeping peacefully on Lin's lap.Lin, on the other hand, smiled and looked at Xiao Zhi who was sleeping soundly.

"Well... as expected, I'm still very envious_I admire the bond between the boss and the big sister Lin_

"Pika!" (Me and Chuchu have

"You can't stimulate me now, I have my family Madonna. And the bond between the two of us can be cultivated. The most important thing is that Madonna and I live together now. How about you?

Hearing Meow's words, Pikachu puffed out his mouth in disgust.I thought about whether it was [-] volts, but I stopped this bold idea when I thought that Xiao Zhi was still sleeping in the base car. ,

But!. Pikachu stopped his daring thoughts, and Shaneduo, who had been secretly watching Lin and Xiaozhi, had his own too daring thoughts, so Shaneduo secretly found Mewtwo and said his own thoughts. .

And after Chaofan heard Shanaido's thoughts, he was stunned for the first time.

But then there was a hint of trouble in Chaomeng's eyes.

"What you said... It's really good. Maybe you can give it a try. I just want to see if there are any good trainers!"

I don't know what to say after hearing the Shanaido plan. But it seems interesting?

And just as the evil plan was about to be implemented, Ash's other Pokémon were discussing whether to wake Ash.

"Let's go wake up dad"⊥"

Jackie Turtle, as an action faction, intends to act directly, however

It was pulled back by the hot monkey by the head.

"You just let the master rest for a while.

"I understand why the master said that you can have children, Jenny Turtle, or I should find time to accompany my stinky flowers.

The fire-breathing dragon thought for a moment after listening to the words of the wonderful frog seeds, then scratched his head and asked.

"Well.. To be honest, I go first and it seems that I haven't seen the right eye yet.."_

When I heard the fire-breathing dragon say that, Abel came over and said. ,

"Then wait and see.. We guys actually let nature take its course. As a result, we even have children now... no_said

To be honest, when you have children, the responsibility will be heavier, the guy in Bosco Dora should be the most vocal..."

Boss Cordola scratched when she heard the words of Abel. Twilight said a little embarrassedly.

"No way. Actually, I don't want to leave the boss's side for too long, but the minerals in the land owned by the boss are really good. My children grow up there... If it weren't for my wives, they would already be kings. I won't be here forever."

"It's really tiring to hear you say that. . . fortunately I'm just following the master.",

Speaking of Xiaozhi

Li Yanma looked at Heluga and the Great Wolf Dog again. He remembered that these two actually had a lot of cubs.

"Aren't you worried about your own cubs? 2" If you are alone, if you continue to protect them, it will hurt them. It's good for us to follow the master like this, besides..."

Heluga looked at Serpentine, who was heartlessly eating a tree fruit.

"Although I know that the boy with the weak head has a strong impact, but as expected, we can be relieved by following the master.

"Ouch, is this a parent_meeting? Then I can't be absent.

The giant fast dragon came over with two plates of beef.

Divide it between the Great Wolfdog and the Black Lugar

"Anyway, now that I have two other super ancient magic treasures to protect my wife in Zhenxin Town, I am relieved. Oh, I really hope to see my future cubs, but if I say small, I am jealous. Huge fat worker is not already Was asked by Xiaozhi to protect Xiaolan's Y-head?"

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