"Ah" my Jiuwei Mountain⊥"

A trainer hugged him distressed after seeing his nine tails being dealt with by the frog flower.

After eliminating the opponent, Frog Flower just scratched his head with the vine whip and continued to look at the trainers. , this is the Pokémon whose third attribute restrained it by the third attribute he solved....

In the same situation, there are also fire-breathing dragons and water arrow turtles. The trainers who come to challenge are also somewhat self-aware and understand the principle of using attribute restraint, but they encounter two overlords and a plan trained by Xiaozhi. The fire dragon can only be blinded 2 and N, who has been in the crowd, discovered some special features of the three Pokémon of Xiaozhi.For example, the wonderful frog flower is an old yin ratio.All kinds of damage can be used.The water arrow turtle is a super defensive

Forts, and great power.As for the last fire-breathing dragon.

Watching the fire-breathing dragon throw a fierce bite land shark on the earth to solve N, I feel that I can't tell what this fire-breathing dragon is good at for the time being.But N can be certain.Ash's fire-breathing dragon is definitely not simple.

However, N did not publicize that he would like to see the next development. After all, in a sense, his friend Xiao Zhi is now slapping these trainers in the face, and now is the time to prove his idea is correct. , Pokémon do not need the so-called Bao Jian ball to restrain.

N will regard Xiao 2.3 Zhi as a close friend and the two have the same

The idea is related, it is better to say that Xiaozhi is the perfect responder to his own ideas in N's view.

The bond between Ash and the Pokémon is exactly what N is looking for. N knows that Ash actually has very famous old friends, but these guys are not bound by Ash but have their own ethnic group outside.But once Xiao Zhi encounters something, these old friends of Xiao Zhi will come over immediately, which is the best in N's opinion.

"So Ash. Let me witness your bond with your Pokémon::"


Chapter [-]: Shanaido: Has the old lady been cut off? !

"Looks like I'm right... I'm so nervous to see you as my friends as opponents. Even with the so-called attribute advantage, you can't do any damage to my friend's partner."

Looking at these trainers, Chao Meng shook his head and expressed his disapproval, but he also understood one thing that Xiao Zhi's strength is very strong.At least there is no one in these A who can match up with Ash.

However, Mewtwo's disdain still stimulated some trainers.So, someone else stood up.

"Although I don't know what happened to your friend. But our trainers also have their own dignity. Let me

Frog Flower will meet your prostitute, Frog Flower."

"And my swordfish!"

"Don't underestimate people, my fire-breathing dragon and I are the original partners!"

The three who stood up again looked ashamed and looked at the new three God 19 Pokémon Chaomeng, nodded and said.

"Not bad this time, then."

Saying that, Mewtwo's eyes glowed blue light and then teleported everyone with them,

The strength of the three is still considered, the new three can at least go to the arena to fight

However, when Mewtwo and the others moved to the arena, they watched

A very embarrassing scene.

"You can exchange rings with each other two"

Miaomiao, who was wearing a priest costume, looked at the people who suddenly appeared and was stunned for a moment.Then he looked at Xiao Zhi, who was wearing the groom's costume with a dull face. He didn't know what to say, but fortunately, Meow Meow was a professional.

"Well, I didn't expect that a room guest would suddenly come here, ⊥"

Only then did the trainers find a pile of Pokémon sitting behind them.And the most conspicuous of them is Shanaido wearing a bridesmaid costume and biting a handkerchief.

"Sana". (The old lady's marriage plan was cut off


"." N Wei, who knew the elf language, increased his data from a low level. , he had already guessed what happened to this Shanaido.It's just that he didn't expect Shanaido's offensive to be so fierce."

And Chao Meng looked a little embarrassedly at Russa Minai, who was wearing the bridegroom's costume and the daughter-in-law's costume, and didn't know what to say.Seems like I'm doing too much work on my own 3

"Cough - my friend what are you doing 3

Ash looked at Mewtwo and looked at him with emotionless eyes and said.

"Don't worry, I'm not officially here, it's just a make-up wedding. Now you! Sit down for me and let's finish the ring exchange.


Forced by Xiao Zhi's shock, Chao Meng directly used his super power to teleport to the Duck and Dumb Beast to sit down, while Nai Duo, the troublemaker, was biting a handkerchief and wearing a handkerchief to stay safe.

"Yi" (It's okay child. Wait for the debt. And this time according to Xiaozhi's child's statement, it's just to make up the marriage. [-])

"Sana!" (I'm not reconciled, my wedding dress! 12

In fact, the current situation is very simple.Duck and Dizzy accidentally discover the wedding dress prepared by Shanaido.And Ash and Russa Minai see it on a whim

When I planned to hold a re-wedding in my previous life, I thought that if I was married with a nutrient solution in my body, the wedding would soon turn into a funeral.

But now, seeing that there are wedding dresses, Xiaozhi and Meow immediately started sewing work and quickly transformed the wedding dress into a suitable one for Luna, which is a regret to make up for the previous life.Although Westerners are sure that there will be a wedding after that.

And who knows that the front has been finished, and at the end of this time

But in the end, Chaomeng led people to appear at this time, but Xiaozhi didn't bother to care about it. Anyway, the regret this time must be filled!

Under the eyes of Ash's two Pokémon "Nuke Harmony Friendly"

.The trainers are

Although I don't know what the hell the ex-wives are doing, it's right to shut up and bless now.

Seeing that these trainers were so on the road, Xiaozhi and Russa Minai put away themselves and continued to exchange rings.

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