Seeing that he seemed to be unwelcome by everyone, Dream was unhappy, and then he came to Chaomeng with tears and sat down to express that he was not a threat.

And seeing the dreamy expression, the mouth fish with a super dreamy expression tilted slightly. I don't know why it felt extremely comfortable.

_ "Xiao Keke. Although there are some troublesome intrusions, I still wish you all the best. When the real wedding is to be held, it must be even more grand."

Then Mewtwo raised his hand and activated his superpowers, and countless colored light bands appeared in the castle.

And seeing Chaomeng so much that the king wants it. Make a good deal with Xiaozhi

Not to be outdone, the dream of the department has created countless brilliance with his super power. .Seeing this scene, Ash's Pokémon looked at each other and immediately started their own performances. At least they have to do something for Ash at this moment.The two Ho-oh and Arceus acted similarly after looking at each other.

Looking at the unusually lively wedding due to Mewtwo's actions, Xiao Zhi put on a smile on his face, and then Xiao Zhi looked at Lusa Minai and said.

"Although it's a little strange, but...that's not bad. Once again, it's great to be able to meet again. Luca Mina."

I heard Xiaozhi say that, Lu

Samina hugged Xiaozhi and said in Xiaozhi's ear.

"It's great to be up again, my Ash, my...".

Chapter [-] Blessings from n

Although some people still do not understand what happened. , But now the only thing that needs to be done in this situation is to bless.I'm afraid I'm not going to be beaten up for making trouble at someone's wedding.

And the same kind of battle that was supposed to be carried out will be nothing.After all, the arena is now a wedding venue. .And even though the two married people are happily hugging each other, the eyes of the surrounding Pokémon are all staring at everyone present. _ . If you die at this time, there will be no scum left.

On the other hand, N is trying his best to hide his figure. Although he also blesses his friends, but at this time

It's better not to expose yourself, but sometimes the more you don't want things to develop, this is how things develop.

"NL, don't hide from L. I saw you. Since you're here, don't hurry up and help me be the best man. It's too much⊥"

When Xiaozhi saw a certain introduction wearing a hat to forgive the guy with the color hair, Xiaozhi knew that his friend was coming. And Xiaozhi was also very surprised that N would come here. After all, this and Lusa were originally It was a coincidence that Minai made up the wedding in her previous life. At first, Xiao Zhi thought he was himself. There would be no acquaintances here.In the end, I didn't expect the product N to come, which surprised Xiaozhi.

"NL, don't stand still, you bastard, L, come up! There is a human best man here, and you are here!"

Seeing Xiaozhi calling himself that. N sighed silently and then looked at Xiaozhi with a smile.

"Really... do you guys like to make trouble for A that much? But congratulations, you have a very nice wife"

Saying N, he stepped forward with a smile, and Mian Xiaozhi also put his shoulders on his shoulders and introduced to Russa Minai. ,

"This is N. my old friend, this guy loves Pokémon and we have a lot in common. Although in a sense this guy is a bad guy

man, but I think this guy is pretty good. "

"Don't speak ill of others in front of others... but congratulations, Xiao Zhi."

Saying that, Rent Xiaozhi gave him a hug. This is N's blessing for his friend.

"Thanks, right now you can chat with Chao Meng. I think the two of you may have something in common."

Hearing Xiaozhi say this, N smiled and nodded.

"Of course, that's what I meant. That Pokémon called Mewtwo is really amazing, and I think I can have a good chat with him."

For Mewtwo N

I must have a chat, but now N is more concerned about the other people.__

"To be honest... you invited these guys, I'm really a little scared to witness your marriage_, looking at Arceus and the two phoenixes, N feels that the trembling three holy beasts hiding on the other side are really Very poor.

However, facing the somewhat speechless N Xiaozhi, he waved his hand and said a

"It's alright, that alpaca-like guy is a voyeur. Just ignore him. As for the two ho-ohs? One is that my patient is recovering now, and the other is the guy who made trouble for my treatment. "

'This guy really


Hearing Xiaozhi introduce himself like this, Xiaozhi World's Ho-wang looked at Xiaozhi speechlessly. He didn't think that Xiaozhi would hold grudges to such an extent that he still didn't forget to mention this matter. .._

And some of the trainers sitting in the audience are already preparing to write a suicide note.After all, they have heard some relatively explosive news, and these news are just terrible⊥

Looking at the dark face of Arceus, everyone present knows. 2 They may not be able to get out alive._

And the reason why Xiaozhi said this is actually very simple, no

No matter what these people do this time, their memories are all settled. After all, the less people know about Arceus and Ho-wang, the better, and the best way is to make them lose their memories.

And just when Xiao Zhi thought about letting Chaomeng give the trainers and their magical treasures present a group of amnesia. . Where Xiao Zhi can't see, Russa Minai is looking at N with terrifying eyes, which makes the king of the plasma group tremble.

"Cough.. Miss Rusamine. Is there something wrong?"

"You don't get close to Xiao Zhi, I don't want my husband

to be bent. "


Chapter [-]: Unwelcome Dreams

"So after that, Mewtwo and Arceus used their abilities to delete the memories of other trainers except you and put a memory of chatting with the island owner. Then it's over?"

At this time, in Xiaozhi's house, Xiaozhi, who had already returned home, was explaining to Lin and the others what he had gone to before, and another important point was.r_

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