"This fishy smell is mixed with the smell of white radish! Ahem! Ah" L1.! "

"It smells so bad!. It smells so bad."

"Mom is here, Ah Shan!_ 1 l !

Accompanied by a piercing scream, the team escorting the flame was almost wiped out.And Damaranch wanted to run away when he saw the oncoming terror, but he followed suit.

A gust of wind blew past, and those breaths quickly came towards his face.

"Not good! ⊥⊥"

Accompanied by Damaranch's scream of L, he lay on the ground with a purple face after inhaling a large amount of poison gas.

"Mom, it smells so bad!" 3_

Not long after the escort team was destroyed by the group, there were three screams in the grass, and then Musashi Kojiro and Miao Miao both lay on the ground with NVC.

"This smell. It's a kid, _

"Too vicious...",

"It stinks... it's an old fart_.

. "

After saying their 'last words'_ The three members of the Rockets team also lay on the ground motionless

The entire scene can be described as sun scars everywhere.It was so miserable.

It didn't take long for Ash with gas masks, the Jenny turtle, the water arrow turtle, etc. - the turtles came to the scene of the incident, and Ash scratched his head when he saw the scene of the corpse scars everywhere.

"This... I remember this piece of _ should no one come?"

"Jenny?" (Indeed, this slice is usually empty when eating barbecue 3 )

Scratching his head, the jenny turtle is also strange.Isn't that

Did you and the boss secretly eat a barbecue place? Why are so many people here this time? I don’t know if it’s easy to fart if you eat too much here? And this time, the constipation of the water arrow turtle boss for many years is refreshing. Comfortable afterwards.The taste is absolutely right

"Well.. Although I don't know what happened to the official, but it seems that this team should be sending the torch. It's really not too small, isn't it?_"

Saying that, Xiaozhi picked up the holy torch, and then came to Damaranch and took out the righteous holy from his arms.

"Forget it.... Help them once _. This time I will be the torch hand, right_ this real torch, etc.

Take it out later, otherwise this piece is estimated to be sold..."_

Then Xiao Zhi picked up the torch and left with the help of the Jenny Turtle and Cammy and the Water Arrow Turtle.All that was left was the mess at the scene, proving what had happened just now. .su___

On the other side, except for Xiao Zhi and the others, they are waiting for the arrival of the Holy Fire. Although it is an event that happens at every conference, this grand event is still worth watching.

"Strange, doesn't Ash watch the fire lit this time?"

Xiao Lu looked a little strange at Xiao Zhi who hadn't come yet.And Miaomiao, who was beside her, was looking at Pika who was rubbing each other's faces with Xiao Huang's Qiuqiu.

Queen Qiu shook her head helplessly and said to Xiaoxia.

"Because the old lady is eating barbecue with the Jenny Turtles... After all, who would have thought that the Jenny Turtles would actually like barbecue so much? Oh, here comes l, here comes life" Madonna looked at the holy flame Oh!"

Seeing Miaomiao greeting him, Ma Danna and Xiaoxia also hurriedly looked in the direction of the flame, but slowly everyone realized that something was wrong, because why did the figure with the flame become more and more familiar?

"Snake pattern ⊥⊥"

"Jenny L⊥!" (Come on, Dad

When you see a head with a

When the snake-printed bear was lying on the shoulders of a jenny tortoise waving its small hands.What 5 is it? Glagio and Lillie, who are watching the game here, covered their faces with embarrassment, because the one who was bringing - help jenny and Kamui and even a water arrow turtle It was none other than Ash.

The bear child Jenny Turtle is now holding Xiao Zhi's shoulder to show off his power, and Xiao Zhi is holding the torch and running to the altar of fire where the holy flame is lit.

"I'm a little tired_.. Forget it_ let's go."

Speaking of which, Xiao Zhi suddenly threw the little torch to the fire altar and ignited the holy flame, which shocked the audience again.And Xiaozhi pulled the brim of his hat


"Your courier has arrived. Remember to give a good review!"

Chapter [-] Interview

"Come on, old lady"_

"Big brother's appearance is too hot 1_"L on"

Just when the entire audience was stunned.There was a burst of cheers.Then the audience found out - a bunch of guys who looked like drinking punks were holding up a huge banner, and that banner was a photo of Ash and Pikachu Meow and Geely Egg.

"Grandma! Boss! Too!"*


After giving a thumbs up to his little brothers with Jenny Turtle, Xiao Zhi also left first.And the host, after being stunned for a moment, quickly

Round Road.

"It's really surprising!, The trainer who sent the holy fire seems to have some identity. But thank you very much for the help of this trainer! With the help of this trainer! The final jade of the conference is about to start⊥_ L !" 19_.

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