
Just when the host wanted to continue to say something, Xiao Zhi interrupted him.

"Don't say thank you.. My Scythe Helmet and its companions have been captured by me. And I also specially gave a few suitable ammonites to my fiancee. 2 So they are not in an extinct state now, when (bj_bi ) Of course I say it not because I'm stupid but..."

Saying that, Xiaozhi called

He snapped his fingers, and there was a bunch of muscles in a large auditorium behind Xiaozhi. The meaty guy broke his clothes in an instant as he posed for himself. The powerful muscles were displayed in front of everyone, and among them Xiaogang was dying. Love was surrounded by Billy and the others.

"I'd love to see who dares to hit the attention of my dear fiancées.. I think the big brothers behind me will be very happy to play with them."_

"Eyes L my eyes l_"

"How can there be so many muscles⊥ how can there be so many muscles⊥."

"Ahhh! No! No

listen to some audience

Xiao Zhi couldn't help grinning from the screams coming from the seat, but then he said with a smile.

"That's it, then please don't let me do some bad things~ You must know that I am a bad person."

A certain girl who secretly came to the scene to watch Xiaozhi's game blushed slightly, and the little girl beside her couldn't help but say this when she saw everyone in her family.

"Big sister. Big brother, he doesn't know this. Is it easy to attract bad girls?"

"There's no way, isn't he like this, brother...'

Speaking of that, the girl called Taijie looked at Xiaozhi who was playing with the mask and couldn't help but say.

"Sure enough, it's better to be the type of Big Brother. Squinting is really cute, but if you feel safe, it's still more of Xiaozhi's big brother..

And Xiaogang, who was surrounded by a bunch of muscular men, suddenly felt that something that had no chance at all now has no chance at all.

However, Xiaozhi's side is still normal, looking at the sickle helmet Xiaozhi who is staring at the Goldfish King, said.

"Remember, this is not hunting. If you want to hunt home, I will take you to the ranch or the wild, but this time you dare to eat the king of goldfish as beef and I will beat up your wife who doesn't know you."

"Roaring Mountain"

Hearing Xiaozhi's words, Sickle Helm nodded. Anyway, in his eyes, Xiaozhi is the leader, so the leader's words must be followed. Just don't hunt that goldfish king.

But even so, Scythe Helmet's disgusting eyes still stared at King Fish King and Tatake, so that Tatake didn't dare to give orders directly.


Chapter [-] Little Thistle

Thistle, a bad girl who likes to use snake-like Pokémon, she also likes squinting Pokémon.However, squinting is her personal preference.But her ideal partner is her forever eldest brother, Xiao Zhi.

After all, when it comes to playing Snake Pokémon, Ash's Arbor and Minas are very powerful.Moreover, Xiaozhi's figure when he participated in various gorgeous competitions as the snake emperor is also the target of Xiaoji's longing.

Although some people say that longing is the furthest distance, what if the goal of longing is brought closer?

That's what Xiao Zhi did, and it's even for Xiao Ji, a little fan girl

A lot of teachings have led to a significant improvement in the use of Snake Pokémon by Thistle.And this time Xiaoji is not only to watch Xiaozhi's competition, but also to return Xiaozhi's _ _ friend to Xiaozhi's hands. After all, Xiaozhi's old friend has always been teaching Xiaoji's Snake Pokémon, although the attributes are not the same^ that's all,

one-one dividing line-one

Now on the field.Duowu no longer dared to let his Pokémon attack first.It's because Ash's Pokémon are too scary to fight.However, in the face of Tatake Xiaozhi who has become cautious - he said slowly.

"Since you

If you don't carry it, you can't do it, then the sickle helmet just uses the bubble-foam of the giant crab to hide. "


Hearing Xiao Zhi's words, Wu Wu was stunned for a while, but it was such a stunned practice that Xiao Zhi's sickle helmet had completely hidden his figure in the foam.

The Giant Claw Crab cried out as he watched the Scythe Helmet enter the Foam Bug.


Miaomiao nodded and said after hearing the words of Giant Claw Crab.

"Indeed, the guy in the scythe helmet, as a guy who used to hunt all the time, prefers to use various terrains to hide himself in order to achieve a sure-fire hit

The degree of killing, but sometimes it will use various means to play with the prey until the prey's physical strength is exhausted, and then finally make up the knife. "

"It's normal. If the prey still has this strength, the sickle helmet will send through the wound when it is preying. The result is that the sickle helmet will become the prey of others. So the necessary caution is correct." [b

The face was just about to speak. The figure appeared in the fast onion foam and slammed into the goldfish king. However, after the collision, the figure did not stop and rushed directly into the foam.

"Damn...the head is hidden, since that's the case, the goldfish king uses an ultrasound |

That scythe helmet is forced out!_"


After hearing Duowu's order, King Goldfish didn't stop and sent out a harsh ultrasonic wave to try to force the sickle helmet out, but the sickle helmet, which had already experienced various battles, had already heard Duowu talking about the ultrasonic wave. He sneaked into the water under the cover of foam, so King Goldfish's ultrasound was completely in vain.

At this time, Duowu's face also thought that it was ugly. Originally, he planned to let the Goldfish King use the unexpected ultrasonic wave and the powerful angle drill to hit Xiaozhiji by surprise, but now it seems that it is not possible at all.

At this time, the sickle helmet in the water quietly looked at the goldfish king.Like a fossil.It looked rather innocuous, but the occasional red light in its eyes proved that it was now ready to hunt the prey.

And Xiaozhi didn't bother the sickle helmet too much at this time. After all, now the sickle helmet is more suitable for him to play instead of his commander. , asking for flowers. 1:1

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