"roar up"

, When the blood is on the foodie. _-The nephew may let the prey die, and when the frog flower is reached by the Megalodon, he has already lost.moment of fright

! One bite and dragged him directly into the water.However, Haran started to make the wonderful frog flower, which was not originally a water system, in a state of drowning.

You must know that the real world is not in any game. The kind of diving with Pokémon is to lie on the body of the Qikongbei and make water directly.

The second trick is to wear a Hong Kong water suit and let the Pokémon wear a face, and this kind of area cannot enter the area where the water pressure is too high, two roaring whale kings.

The trainer took it into the deep water with his mouth in his mouth.

And now the wonderful frog flower water is in the state of slipping water, in fact, this battle 4 has ended.And for the battle piles that can be quickly resolved.complete

Intentional one-shot fatality is the best.

So Xiao Zhi slowly raised his hand and said

- "I wonder what the last move is" Ash's mixed tears,

Hearing Xiaozhi say this, he danced Xiaozhi's flag and shouted with Shan Xiaozhi.

"Deep bite!" Rough

Nian followed Xiao Zhi and the famous treasure giant shark, who said the last trick, biting Lin Xianba to the surface, and

At this time, a large black shark appeared under the giant tooth shark.


Boom L12 snaps your fingers.an outbreak.black

With a snap of his fingers, the fish closed his mouth full of fangs in the air, Duo Wu knew that he lost,

Yuzaifeilu Novel App Text Version Novel 1

- (zhangtianba88)

Support Fei Lu) original works and enjoy the joy of reading!

Chapter [-]: The Alpha Wolf is back, will the others be far behind?

"Clam Flower is incapacitated! In this battle, Ash will win"

"The winner of this game is Xiaozhi player L, but in a sense, it is expected. After all, Xiaozhi's multiple identities have proved that he is not simple!"


"Come on, boss" *N

Accompanied by the cheers of the audience, Xiao Zhi successfully won his second victory in the competition, and Xiao Zhi also took off the noodles he bought. Xian Dai said on the face of the jenny turtle who had been pulling the one he wanted to play.

"Your so-called gorgeous skills are still

Play the quilt in the gorgeous contest. If it is a gorgeous Dazhai, it may be feasible for you to take the gorgeous route.But unfortunately it's not here. , This is a win-or-lose arena, if you don't have the determination to bite the enemy's throat, you are the prey whose throat is bitten. "

"On the Tooth"

As if in response to Xiao Zhi's words, the giant tooth shark also came out of the water and came to the blind walk.Xiao Zhi touched the giant tooth shark and said.

"Great, it seems that you will be in charge of playing the villain "Deep Sea Shark" - it will definitely get a good box office."

"On the Tooth"

I heard Ash say this about the Megatooth shark

He showed his own smile and showed his sharp teeth in front of everyone.At this moment, the baby balls on Ash's waist were all opened. The Pokémon who played with Ash this time all looked at Ash with anticipation.

Seeing them like this, Xiao Zhi shrugged and said, "Okay, anyway, time is enough now, let's go have a big meal, and I'll cook"_.

"Hoo!" L

Hearing Xiaozhi say that, Xiaozhi storms the carp dragon and they all showed their happy faces. And Xiaozhi also smiled and shook his head, then took out a half mask with a weird smile, and turned to his body.

"Finally, after the alpha wolf came back,

Who else will there be?"

As Ash's voice fell, half of the mask was inserted on the ground, and the audience broke into a more enthusiastic shout after falling into a silence for a while.

"Boss! So handsome!" *N6. Xiaozhi's group of younger brothers gave it to him. "Xiaozhi waved the flag and shouted. And Xiaozhi also pointed to them very much.

Seeing that Xiao Zhi was there, it could be said that he behaved like a slut with Michael, Xiao Lan touched Xiao Xia and said, "Let's go. If you don't wait, Xiao Zhi will probably be eaten.."

After hearing Xiaolan say this, let's look at the second gang of female viewers who have obviously started to act.

Xiaoxia nodded, and Sundae also stood up and said, 2 "I'll go too, Shirona, Xiaojuer and the others are too famous to go and it's more troublesome. What about you, Lin Xiaoxue and Xiaozi?"

Lin looked at Xiao Zhi's situation and said with a smile.

"It's okay, I'll leave this to you. I'm afraid I'll headbutt him in the past."

."...." *N

one-one dividing line-one

When Xiao Zhi first came out, he was not surrounded by a group of female fans.Because a bunch of uncrowned kings are already waiting for Ash.But just when the uncrowned kings put the microphone in Xiaozhi's mouth, another

The wave is here, now.

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