"Drilling holes

2 is indeed - a nice way to do it, but what if? Too steel snake too shocking! "

Hearing Xiaozhi's words, Taigang Snake's eyes flashed, and then he smashed his body heavily on the ground, and after a short shock, countless rushing energy rushed from the ground to the sky.And Chuanshan Wang flew into the sky under the impact of this move.

At this time, the big steel snake standing upright was waiting for the King of Mountains.

"Not good"

"It's over, hit."


With the impact of the giant steel snake.

The huge steel snake was crushed on the ground

Fei and Lu remind you that there are three things about reading_ Collect, recommend and share! (zhangti anbao88)

Support Fei Lu) original works, enjoy the joy of reading 1

Chapter [-]: The Blasting Team!

Earth Impact, this move is a unique move specially prepared to deal with enemies hiding in the ground.Under normal circumstances, it is true that the trick of earthquake is more effective.But the side effects of the earthquake are really Mrs.

Not to mention the great damage and economic losses caused by the earthquake, it also affects one's own people.At that time, it is normal operation for the trainer to be buried because of the earthquake.

But Earth Impact is different.This trick is launched by using the ground-type Pokémon's control of the ground energy, and the clump of the ground triggers a Di strike to attack the enemy. , and just Chuan Shan Wang is an example.hit the earth

One-stroke, Chuanshan Wang was directly hit into the air. After entering the hard position, it was finally solved by Taigang Snake's attack.

Will it be a bit embarrassing if Chuanshanwang is hit and solved.Those who know the situation don't think so.Bi Yi Taigang snake body is placed there.Whoever gets hit can't stand it.

And Zeye couldn't help but sighed as he watched his Chuanshan King lying on the ground.

"I didn't expect the first game to be an instant kill.

In fact, Zeye also watched the game between Xiaozhi and Duowu before. In his opinion, the game between Xiaozhi and Duowu was a brutal killing game. Duowu was completely killed by Xiaozhi just after letting his Pokémon use a skill.

Zhi's self-created technology has been solved, and now I am afraid that I will also encounter this kind of ending.

But thinking about it, the opposite is his idol no matter what. If it wasn't for the gorgeous score, the battle would have been resolved long ago.But the more this is the case, the more excited Zeye is. Although this time, Xiaozhi didn't send out the signature Pokémon of the Snake King, but these are obviously at the level of the old buddies.That being the case, let's leave a fight without regrets.

Thinking so, Sawano released his second Pokémon.

"Let's go" Dashihua Erxi! "


Go, Rumble Rock. "

To bring the big steel snake back to Xiaozhi this time, only Ronglongyan was sent, but when Xiaozhi's Ronglongyan appeared, the Tailu Hotel exploded.

"Not good! It's bas' rumbling _ Emergency alert on the rock⊥ Prepare for explosion-proof!" Lu "Quick, quick! The explosion-proof team is protected⊥"

"Huh?" *N

Seeing a group of people from the mainland hotel constantly protecting her in front of her. Xiao Ju'er looked at Lin and Nanami, who knew Xiao Zhi the best, and asked e.

"What's the situation? It seems to be too problematic.."

Seeing the helpless expressions on Lin and Nanami's faces, Xiaoju II knew that the solution might be very exciting.

On the other hand, Xiao Zhi did not rush to attack after Long Longyan's appearance, but reminded Zeye in the spirit of humanitarianism.

"Friendly reminder, the next battle will be very exciting, find your own cover.


Hearing Xiaozhi's words, Zeye was stunned for a moment, and Xiaozhi took out a dust mask and put it on his face, and at the same time did not forget to bring it to the dumb beasts who came with him. As for Pikachu and Meow? The two are now in the auditorium with their girlfriends.

and small

After wearing the dust mask, Zhi said, "Actually, my family Longlongyan has a nickname in our company. It's called the blasting group. Now let's let you feel it.. Longlongyan! Blasting stone!"

"Roaring Mountain"

Hearing Xiaozhi's words, Long Longyan screamed excitedly, and then two stones condensed in his hand and threw them at Taishihua, while Zeye looked at the two seemingly harmless stones without even thinking about it. Shouted, _"Dodge! Dashihua dodge⊥"

Although I don't know why Longlongyan just threw two stones, but because Xiaozhi is his idol, Zano is sure that Xiaozhi will never let his Pokémon go blind.


And seeing Zeye so decisive, Ash also extended his thumb and praised.

"Smart enough."

And just as Ash's voice fell, the two stones thrown by Longlongyan began to emit white flashes after they just touched the ground. Then:


Two huge explosions were generated. The terrifying impact directly blew a hole in the place where Dashihua had just been.

. "...."*N

At this moment, the whole place is silent, they know why the people in the mainland hotel are like that, and they also know that Xiaozhi

Why wear a dust mask.

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