
With the first Botuko Dora punched in Howe

Nine's heroic force was hit in the air without a struggle, followed by the first, third, fourth, and so on.Following: The steel fists in the hands of the afterimages hit Haoli, and Haoli has no ability to counterattack at all, and just after all the afterimages gave Haoli a punch, Potucadora’s body was accompanied by a powerful punch. The jump has reached the top of Haoli, and then the phantoms of two iron and steel white tigers gradually emerged behind Potucadora.

"Is that the Flaming Roaring Tiger?"

"It's not like that. It's obviously a steel type, right? And it's so handsome!"

"Tuan Mouth! Look good,"

with steel

The phantom of the white tiger became clearer and Ash and Potukadora roared together.

"The white tiger bites hard" ∠ roar,"

As Boscodora's fists got closer and closer to Haojiu Steel, the white tiger's mouth also opened towards Haoli, and then.

"Break Up"


Like a steel white tiger biting Haoli, the two Pokémon plummeted straight onto the arena, stirring up the smoke and dust of Saint Infinite.

And when the smoke cleared, Bo Qi Ke Lula was just like a king; generally standing beside the violence that had passed out in a coma.

"Haoli lost his ability to fight!"


"Boscot Dora Bosco Dora L Bosco Dora on" *N ,

Here's a heartfelt cheer from the audience, as they've just witnessed Potucadora's power and the same:

"I want to learn this, I have to learn it 1 is too handsome, I have to learn it!. 1 !

"You calm down for me L. Now let's go to Fengyuan, hey, hey, come and help! Taiwu is crazy!"

Holding on to Taiwu.. Mikuri didn't expect this guy to lose his composure completely because of a skill.while together

The Four Heavenly Kings of Fengyuan who were watching the game all laughed, and even Long Tianyu Yuanzhi, who had always been sullen, had a smile on his face.

"Well, it's normal for that guy's functions to be liked by people. Anyway, I'm jealous of some of his own functions."

Kayue, one of the Four Heavenly Kings, said with a smirk, and then touched Absol e next to him

"And to be honest, I also plan to see if the Alpha Wolf has any good evil-type functions. At that time, I will prepare some things to learn from him. Really, that guy definitely has a bunch of functions that make me envious.

"Hey? Huayue-kun, you and Xiao

Are you familiar with Chi-kun too?"

Glancing at the ghost king Furong Huayue nodded.

"Yeah, in fact, Bang guy is probably familiar with everyone present, right?"

Talking about flowers and looking at Genji and Bonnie

Yuanzhi nodded and said, "I'm still acquainted, anyway, when that kid was in Fengyuan, he often rented boats from my side to go out to sea, um, almost forgot to wait and call him to remind him of his roaring whale. And the roaring whales have recently come to harass my fishery again."

On the other hand, Bonnie covered her face and said.

"Allah, Ash's words are ours

There are indeed some family business contacts, so it is normal to know each other. "

Then the four of them looked again and shrugged their shoulders together.

"Dawu Taiwujun is more useless to say


Mikuri was stunned for a moment and then said in surprise, "Hey, hey, is that guy so connected? Does it mean that he knows both the Four Heavenly Kings of Fengyuan and the old and new champions!"

"Ahem, that guy at the head wolf knows quite a few gym owners.",

"This guy is horrible::"


However, is it a bit too scary to find that Xiaozhi's relationship network is too scary? This feeling is simply a huge thumbnail?

Kayue seemed to have guessed what Mikuri was thinking and said with a smile, "You think too much, we have known each other before we became the Four Heavenly Kings. Bringing a bunch of younger brothers and using evil-type Pokémon to create a pile of blood and blood is really refreshing!"

Speaking of which, Huayue couldn't help revealing her closeness.It was a great time

However, when she heard his words, Xiang Rong was stunned for a moment.

"Hey? I remember that besides Pikachu Miaomiao and Geely Egg, there are only Crystal Lantern and Shield Sword Monster beside Xiaozhi?"

"Hey? Isn't that Tiejiabei's child?"

"What nonsense are you talking about, that kid is the Dragon Legion."

"Wait!. No way 2!"*4


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