"This is also the result of its own efforts_ Then the Super Crazy Rhinoceros 1 battle mode is launched"

"Roaring Mountain"

Hearing Xiao Zhi's words, the super armored rhinoceros raised his arms directly.Seeing this state, Zeno suddenly thought of something that was mentioned in the Pokémon Pokédex.

The super armored rhino will fill the hole in the palm of the hand with rocks and fire it with muscle power

Go out occasionally and _ fly out of the small fist stone.

"No way,

When he thought of the previous operation of Xiaozhi Longlongyan, Zeye thought of some possible terrible possibility, and Xiaozhi said with a terrifying smile.

"Deep Breathing Rock Ripples Gatling" Scattering Mode "Fire at will"

Then the super-armored rhinoceros condensed a terrifying power in the hands, and then the super-armored rhinoceros started to launch frantically like a fort.

"The King of Mountains digs a hole,"


After hearing Sawano's words, look at Iwa who is facing his face.

The Stone Bullets Mountain King immediately began to dig holes and hide in, but Xiao Zhi's Chaoli Crazy Rhino didn't mean to stop at all.

"The enemy has entered the ground? Then the super armored rhinoceros L pile driver mode" and mark the ground!"


When Super Crazy Rhino heard the pile driver mode, he immediately stopped the terrifying barrage and directly inserted a hand into the ground, while Xiao Zhi said with a red light in his eyes, _"The Rotary Wall Breaker L [-]th Company send!"


Accompanied by - a roar, the super armored rhino hit the ground five times.

The gyratory wall breaker is

A powerful trick to inject powerful energy into the enemy's body through zero distance, and this trick is a melee lore specially prepared by Xiao Zhi for the super armored rhinoceros.

And now Xiao Zhi let the super armored rhino carry the ground to..._


With a final loud bang, it was said that the king came out of the cave.But at this point it was already in a state of confusion.__

"Not good.. The King of the Mountain is in chaos_

Seeing that his Chuanshan jade fell into chaos, Zeye knew that this game was over, but Xiaozhi did not let Zeye wait too long, but said directly. "Final blow! Avalanche-style thunderstorm launch!&q


Bombing the entire site with endless ripples of boulders suffered again.

And when the smoke cleared, the King of Mountains was already lying on the ground.Looking at the appearance of Chuanshan dry, Zeye said speechlessly, "I was actually scared and passed out." Thank you for your merciless hand_

Zeye saw it just now. In fact, the Super Armored Crazy Rhino did not directly attack the Panshan King, but attacked its surroundings, and the Panshan King was directly frightened and passed out 4.1 in this terrifying barrage.So in fact, apart from being shaken and chaotic before, Chuanshan jade is not a big problem.

"The King of Baoshan is out of combat!"


"Too violent⊥ I like it!"

Listening to the cheers in the audience, the super crazy rhino could not help raising his hands to accept the cheers of the people, while Shaozhi looked at his old friend with a smile and accepted the enthusiasm of the people.

Zeye looked at Xiaozhi suddenly - smiled and said silently: "It's a wonderful game. Whether it is me or the audience, it is great to see what I want to watch.

Chapter [-]: The Shield of the Earth

Sawa Ye actually knew that with Ash's strength, he could completely kill himself, but Ash-Na did not choose to use ordinary functions to kill him, but used a combination of functions and self-created skills to fight, which not only added appreciation but also let Ze Wild won't lose so ugly. After all, being directly killed by ordinary functions and being defeated by self-created skills that have never been seen are completely two concepts. ,

And Sawano couldn't help but smile when he saw his last Poké Ball.

"This is my last partner. _Come on" At least at the end, it proved that we persevered!,",

As Sawano released his last Pokémon, the two Nidos

Linuo appeared in the arena, and Xiao 25 ​​Zhi watched this you, Dolino, take out his last: a baby ball.

"Should I say you're lucky? It's up to your Nidolino to learn how to become famous and young."

Saying that, Ash threw the last baby ball.And with the opening of the last baby ball, a dark purple king Nido appeared in the middle of the arena.

"Roar! 1⊥1⊥"

"Roaring Mountain⊥⊥"*N ,

Accompanied by the roar of King Nido, Nidoran and Nidona in the stands couldn't help but follow: they screamed together, and Nidolino, who was holding in Gragio's arms, could not help but follow.

The same is true.

"Is it actually King Nido?_"

Seeing that the Pokémon on the last day of Xiaozhi was actually Nido Wang Zeye was a little surprised, but then he showed an excited smile

"Ah, I didn't expect you to like you, King Nido and the others as much as I do!_"

"Isn't that of course!"

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