The venue is too much: the repair fee is troublesome [-]"

"Jenny!" (You actually said Dad_Brothers, come on")

Just when the host had just finished complaining about Xiaozhi's behavior of destroying the venue, the Jenny Turtle was instantly upset. Tong then followed the voice of the Jenny Turtle and greeted a group of Jenny Turtles and Cammy Turtle, and poked their shares in the direction of the host. .And they also patted "You're lb. Bai," with their little hands.

"Wow Xiaozhi, your jenny turtles are too much. Don't use your butt to face others!,"


"Wow they farted 1. It's too much" Don't do this _


The hostess' screams and the audience's kind laughter. The game between Ash and Sawano is over.

After the game, Zeno found Ash.Xiang Xiaozhi asked for two autographs and one for the Snake Emperor.A wolf.After that, Xiao Zhi also called himself, the strange power that was working out with the hot monkey, and asked him to help him see the power of Zeye, and he was quite willing to pull the magic power of Pokémon to exercise, so Ze Ye's heroic force was directly pulled together to exercise.


Just when Ash thought he could rest, Potucadora hugged herself.

The pieces of his armor stared at Xiao Zhi, and being looked at by his old buddy like that, no matter how thick-skinned Xiao Zhi was, he could only pull Miao Miao and Pikachu-z to help Boss Cordola. After all, the guy who made the display cabinet for protection wanted to be able to enjoy his own glory all the time.

When a group of reporters came over, they saw Xiao Zhi who was doing electric welding with Pikachu with a mask.

"Mr. Satoshi L. can accept our pick."


Before the reporter's words were finished, Potucadora turned towards them with a terrifying expression.

Roar to the sky.

And the reporter who was sprayed with saliva by Bo Yi Tu Ke Dora's roar wiped the saliva on his face and said: . "Mr. Xiaozhi."

"Didn't you see that I'm busy here? It's been 3 days since I knew that I would be in trouble if I wanted to accompany my wife."

_ """.."*2

Glagio and Lillie, who were trying to figure out what to say after hearing Ash's words, chose to wait for a while, otherwise their relationship would be even more embarrassing.

And Xiaozhi's complaint didn't end, but he said while playing, "Listen to L, don't bother me while I'm working, no

Then Potukadola and the others will give you a slap in the face. "

"Er two of them 2"

The reporter felt as if he had caught a key point:

Immediately afterwards, a group of Bo Shi Ke Dora and Ke Mingla surrounded the reporters.

At this time, Ash's voice came from behind Boscodora.

"That's right, my boss's subordinates and wives and children... You who came here specially to look at its armor, if you disturb me now, they will be very happy to beat you up.","

"It's not already beating 1 don't slap in the face, don't slap in the face!

. "

"Mom 1, it's not me who wants to force it! Don't do this!"

Listening to the screams and the sound of being beaten from behind, Xiao Zhi shook his head and said to Miaomiao and Pikachu, "Let's change positions and continue, it's too noisy here"

"Also, let's go boss, hurry up and I'll give it back to my Madonna."

"Pick up" (I also have Chuchu and conductive flying squirrels to accompany". )

"Say as if I don't have anyone to accompany, let's go!"

Afterwards, the three guys moved their positions in order to be able to accompany their wives quickly. _


Chapter [-] This is the cheerleading uniform I prepared

"Roar⊥⊥⊥" {perfect ⊥ is just like a work of art! It's done so well" I love you so much, old lady! )

When I see the armor that has been assembled and covered with scars in the finished showcase.Bo Tuckerdola's tail kept shaking from overexcitement.

Seeing Potucadora's excited appearance, Xiao Zhi, who was lying on the reclining chair, said impatiently, "Since you're satisfied, don't hang around in front of my eyes!"

"Roar!" (No problem! 2

Hearing Ash's words, Boss Cordola excitedly pushed the showcase aside.And Xiaozhi is on this side

While drinking the drink, he cried to Xiao Ju'er, "Sister Ju'er, you know, this guy Bosco Dora is so annoying⊥ Let me rest first..."

Saying that, Xiao Zhi hugged Xiao Ju'er a little tighter. Seeing that Xiao Zhi was lying on the reclining chair with Madonna like this, Miao Miao Ye channel, watching TV, said, "Boss, you are really: .."

"Hey! This is a rare time for me to rest with my little sister Ju'er. Don't find fault with this guy who has been holding Madonna for a long time, L and you too! Pikachu!"

"Pickup!" (cut L)

look contemptuously

After taking a look at Ash, Pikachu continued to eat fruit with Qiuqiu and the conductive flying squirrel, while Ash was chatting with Xiaojuer about some things in the fashion industry.After all, there are genius-level scientific researchers like Meow Meow in Xiaozhi's various abilities have also been driven to improve a lot.

"By the way, Xiaozhi, do you still remember the Battle Model Pinnacle Award we won together when you were my manager?"

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