The blending finally produced a highly corrosive and poisonous venom. This venom is also thanks to the royal stinky mud and the flame queen lizard in the Alola region.And this mixed venom I use slowly for my poison-type Pokémon after continuous dilution, so that they can also use this venom.At the same time, let them also produce antibodies. Finally, the poison system is too poisonous and the touch is completed.It is a terrifying ability that can poison the opponent just by touching it, and if it is too powerful, it can directly corrode the enemy. "

"Wait?.⊥Poison-type elf, is it difficult?"

Thinking of some possibility, Xiaogang looked at Xiaozhi unexpectedly.And Xiaozhi nodded and said, "That's right.

, My family's poison-type Pokémon is the ultimate insurance. No one can imagine that the most dangerous protection has been lurking all the time, isn't it "9"

And in Xiaozhi's house, two Arbo monsters are giving two small beads to Guisi.

"Check! Enter Arbor"

"You said let me absorb the venom from this bead? I see. But what is this? It feels dangerous.


"Okay, but how did Xiao Zhi come up with such a dangerous thing?" As he said, Gusi swallowed the beads and began to absorb the power of the venom.

The Arbo monster left slowly. It appeared this time just to give the venom beads it refined to Guisi, otherwise the Arbor would usually protect Zizi in secret.As the most powerful Pokémon that Ash has tempered with his special venom, Abel's own venom can completely poison a champion Pokémon.And because of this, this viper and its tribes are Ash's ultimate defense. For those who quietly sneak into Ash's house, Aber and Aber snakes don't mind using their own venom. get rid of them.

"Mr. Arbor. This is what I tried to do based on the recipe left by Ash, I hope you like it.


"Cha L. Arbor!"

Watching the roast mouse Arbor that Xiao Zi sent over directly swallowed him. Then he spit out a letter to express his satisfaction.

"The person who sneaked in here before was solved by Mr. Arbor. Thank you." Xiao Zi smiled when he saw Arbor very satisfied, but then thanked Arbor again.

And Aberdeen nodded.In fact, it knows that Hanako and Xiao Zi know about its dark insect actions.But the Westerners all acquiesced to their behavior, which is the trust in Xiaozhi and the trust in him. Otherwise, no one would dare to let Abo blame this poisonous snake for wandering around.


Hanako usually seems very natural, but she knows everything that Xiaozhi has paid, although Xiaozhi is indeed very successful.But there are also a lot of troubles. There are many forces who want to kidnap Hanako and blackmail Satoshi.After all, the fact that Xiao Zhi is the owner of the mainland hotel is still very easy for various organizations, but they have absolutely no courage to attack Zhenxin Town.. So they always send people secretly.. And the result is this group of guys who are sent Become a manure blower in the back mountain of Zhenxin Town.

"Check". Arbor! "

"Why? What does Mr. Ghost Arbor mean?"

"Oh, he said he was going to let himself

Your own children are hidden in your sleeves.This is safe and secure. "

"Check!" Arbor nodded to indicate that he was right, and Xiao Zi also said with a smile, "Well, then thank you, Mr Arbor."


Wang Hao Zhao) and then a small-Abo snake was hidden in her sleeve along Xiao Zi's arm.And Xiao Zi has no discomfort with this. After all, the era she used to live in was very dangerous. If it weren't for the possession of Xiao Zhi (Aaron) and Lucario where she lived, I'm afraid there would be more attacks now. She has a means of self-protection and she feels a lot more at ease.


Don't worry, I will take good care of her. "


After getting Xiao Zi's promise, the Aberdeen completely disappeared, waiting for those over-thinking guys to reappear.His task is only - one, to obliterate - z to kill Hanako and the others e-

Chapter [-] The Golden City

The Yellow Market is also one of the best cities in the Kanto region. But it is more famous for the Golden Gym. . The reason why the Golden Gym is famous is also very simple. Because the gym trainer Nazi is too strong.People can completely abuse a group of people relying on Yongjila, not to mention that Nazi can communicate with Yongjila when she gets serious.

And just as Xiao Zhi and his party were about to step into the golden city, an uncle appeared teleportation.However, as soon as he appeared, he hugged Ash's legs.

"Xiaozhi L. You've come to the fore." Nazi's child has been angry again recently.Now I can't even see my own wife, please hurry up and calm Nazi down!


"Oh, uncle, why did you provoke Nazi. And can you stop hugging my leg? It feels very strange."

"No! I don't want my wife!

"Meow meow auspicious eggs hit me!"

"Learn about L on auspicious eggs⊥."


Boom! With a brutal beating.The uncle holding Xiaozhi's leg_ was beaten up by Miaomiao and Geely Dan, and Xiao Huang asked worriedly: "Brother Xiaozhi, is he alright?"

"It's okay, it's not the first time he's been beaten, don't worry

All right.But then again.Now I guess Nazi is looking at it:

Just like Xiao Zhi thought.At this time, Nazi, who was looking at this side with her superpower, was smiling and couldn't close her mouth.Although it was her father who was unlucky, Nazi couldn't help it. After all, she didn't mind how unlucky this father was and what Nazi didn't know was that there were still many surprises to come.

When Ash-Pedestrian just stepped into the golden city, a bunch of firecrackers rang.Then two Hawaiian-inspired 'beauties' appeared and rushed towards Xiao Zhi.And Xiao Zhi saw this situation and directly activated his secret skills. (e-_

"Defense is coming!" One hand grabbed Xiaogang beside him

Step forward.Afterwards, Xiaogang was warmly received by two 'beauties'.It was sending flowers and kissing again. Even because Xiaogang turned his head, he even kissed the short-haired 'beautiful'.

Musashi, "Gonghui L, you are the one millionth visitor to Golden City!"

Kojiro. "Please accept our lucky prize!"

However, Xiao Zhi watched the Rockets and the two of them take Xiao Huang and the others behind him and slowly backed away, "You two - at least make up a bit of a lie. The Tailu Hotel in Golden City was number one four years ago. Millions of guests gave away great prizes-. I said Kojiro, you are a man! Can you

I can't stop wearing women's clothes⊥"

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