With the flying of various skills, countless elite trainers were lost under the attack of the ghost Pokémon in the ghost castle

The fighting ability is even the same for Shiba, and now only Du is still sticking to a, but at this time Du also, only Kuailong can fight.

"Come on, fast dragon! The last dragon god leans up"


As the power of Kuailong's whole body began to gather the phantom of a dragon, he rushed towards the Dark Night Demon, but just when Kuailong's ecstasy attack was about to hit the Dark Night Demon, the dark night The figure of the demon actually changed and then dissipated, and then the dark night demon appeared from the dark night and hit the fast dragon with a frozen fist.

"1 woo!⊥⊥"

With the second scream of the fast dragon, it flew upside down and slammed into Du's body.And Du was also hit and flew to a person's feet.

"-You:: at what?"

Xiao Zhi looked at the abused Du and didn't know what to say, but Du said with a wry smile. "You guys are slow enough... ahem - I'll leave it to you next"

"-. So why are you fighting outside my house when you have nothing to do?"


Xiao Zhi's words made him a little confused, and Kona, who came back with Xiao Zhi, said helplessly, "I want to remind them. It's a pity they didn't listen.


"Well: I will ask the alliance for compensation. Are they really all without eyes?"

Saying that, Xiao Zhi came to the Dark Night Demon and said, 2 "Thank you, Big Brother Dark Night Demon."

"Woolen cloth:"

The Dark Night Demon roared in response to Xiao Zhi and then led Wandering Night Spirit and the others out of the way.At this time, Xiao Zhi brought Xirona Xiao Ai and the others to the front of the castle and said to the group of people who had awakened; "Next time, please remember, you have to look at the house number!"

Saying that, Xiaozhi pointed to a very eye-catching Tai card next to the door.


"On the Mountain" N Everyone who was lying on the ground at this moment felt a huge embarrassment.Chinese_,

Chapter [-] The Castle Hotel

- "One by one, they are inspiring people. If they hit other people's homes casually, the guests in the family can't stand it anymore."

Looking at Du and the others, who were very embarrassed, Xiaozhi said angrily, and then said to Xiaoxia and the others who followed up and looked at the castle curiously, "Okay, it's cold outside at night, let's hurry in and finish eating. Let's eat.

Saying that, Xiao Zhi knocked on the door of the ghost castle.

"I'm back ⊥"

As the gate of Taimen was slowly opened, the ghost castle finally opened its mysterious door to everyone present. / And as the gate opened, the scene inside the ghost castle appeared to all eyes

Before, under the bright light, candlelight spirits were flying around with plates, and on these plates were some food that had just gone.

And some ghost-type Pokémon around the world eat at the table.

Seeing this situation, Xiao Zhi was stunned for a moment and then turned over the sign that said Xiao Zhi's house._ It said Castle Hotel. 96

"I didn't expect it to be business hours now, so it would be a bit inappropriate to wear this."

Saying that, Xiaozhi snapped his fingers and a candle flame flew over.


"Prepare us a dress, thank you, by the way.

If Crystal Lantern and Shield Scabbard are too busy, let them do it first.I see a lot of customers. "


Zhu Huoling bowed and left quickly.And it didn't take long for a group of candle fire spirits to come over with some dresses.In front of them, a crystal lantern and a sword monster with a strong shield flew in with a dark purple dress, along with two Gengars, two ghosts, and two ghosts.

"Oh? Thank you Crystal Lantern and Shield Sword Monster."

With the help of two ghost Pokémon, Xiaozhibao wears a dark purple dress and goes from thousands of

The young ghost Stone took a crooked village in his hand and looked at them.

"Next time, remember to communicate clearly with others, and then you must know the ghost Pokémon who come to the castle hotel. They are all gentlemen and ladies."

And it seems to be in response to Ash's words._The Pokémon in the ghost castle gave Ash and Ash's wife a slight gesture and then continued to eat.

Blood followed Xiaozhi and the others into the ghost castle, and the night demon followed them into the castle after seeing Eryandu.

With the gate of the ghost castle closed.Only Watanabe and a group of elite trainers were left blowing the cold wind.

"Ghost Stone, is the family seat I want ready?"

"Of course, Boss, Sister Serena and Sister Nazi are already waiting. I'll arrange to serve it."

"Okay, thank you. You all hurry up and take your seats. What would you like to eat, Mother-in-law Chrysanthemum?"

The mother-in-law Kikuko, who came in with Ash and the others, was looking at the ghost Pokémon around her and was asked by Ash and said with a smile, "Whatever.

"It's normal, meow, after all, it's not just ghost Pokémon who come here."

I heard mother-in-law Chrysanthemum

Instead, Miaomiao helped Xiaozhi to answer first, and after hearing that, Juzi's mother-in-law asked Xiaozhi, _"Well: Can I go and talk to him?"

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