The family is in the arena, and Tiejia Jian has already fainted.

Xiao Zi in the audience silently wiped her eyes.Just now she heard the best confession in the world.

And in the auditorium, a person recalled the previous picture with a smile on the corner of his mouth.

"What catches the ducks on the shelves:: Anyway. You are the one who really saved the world. The brave are also people You are really great: Fire__

Chapter [-] Crushed It

- "It's amazing that L Xiaozhi's ghost stone actually created an extremely powerful red realm to pull us all into it, and finally defeated the armored shell through the attack in the fantasy realm. It's so surprising L⊥ "! But can there be a greater hero under the ghost stone? To be honest, just now

However, as soon as the host finished speaking, the Jenny Turtles faced each other with their butts and then madly farted at his position.

"Oops! The audience don't fart towards the host ⊥⊥"

And when the host screamed, Ghost Stone said slowly, "Ah other heroes? I'm sorry, I

The only hero I know is this one ^ Bird's hero" Only this hero is the hero I identify with. "

"Um.. sorry..."

Of course I don't know why, but the host obviously felt that Ghost Stone seemed to be a little angry. If he didn't do well, he would be taught a lesson, so he quickly apologized - next.

The face ghost Stone slowly returned to Xiao Zhi's side.

"How about it, boss, isn't my trick powerful?"

"Well... it's really powerful, _ an illusion that can cause real damage, this is a really good trick."

"Hey, boss, you're fine, but then again, isn't this guy Genggui awake yet?"

Looking at Gengar Stone, who was sandwiched by Ash, he couldn't help; - Le.And Xiao Zhi patted Geng's face and said, "That's right. Who's to blame for drinking so much?"

"Hahaha, this guy will pay attention in the future, the boss should prepare for the next battle."


Then Xiaozhi looked at Xiaozheng, and Xiaozhi couldn't help shaking when he saw Xiaozheng, but soon he adjusted his state and threw his third baby ball.

"Go on the wind speed dog!_"l

:, "The wind speed dog? In fact, my side is also bon,


As Xiaozhi's voice fell on T[-].. Xiaozhi's wind speed dog appeared from the treasure ball and then turned his eyes to the opposite wind speed dog. Xiaozhi's wind speed dog looked at Xiaozheng's wind speed dog for a moment. dropped some.After all, Xiaozhi's wind speed dog has the suppression of the realm.

"Since the opponent is also the wind speed dog, then go on the wind speed dog to attack the enemy with flame jets to create favorable terrain"

In Xiaozheng's opinion, if you want to win now, you must use the terrain. This time the enemy is the wind speed dog, so use the ice field

Terrain characteristics of the land 1. And Xiaozheng also has his own abacus.His wind speed dog has a unique trick that no one else can think of

And Xiaozheng's wind speed dog according to Xiaozheng's command constantly sprayed flames around Xiaozhi wind speed dog, with the influence of high temperature, the ice was directly melted. The space where Xiaozhi's wind speed dog can move is Fewer and fewer.

"Very good" is now!. Wind Speed ​​Dog uses Dragon Fury!"

"Small⊥"*N .


Accompanied by Xiaozheng's wind speed dog howling.A tornado of water is heading towards Ash's wind speed dog Di

go with.

"It's too surprising that the wind speed dog of player Xiaozheng can use Dragon Fury!. Will player Xiaozhi's first defeated elf be produced here"_"

As soon as the host finished speaking, Xiao Zhi's voice came over.

"Cerberus blazes, crush it

With the vicious dog from hell biting on the waterspout, the terrifying flame directly evaporated the waterspout, and the hellhound, who was burning with flames, looked at the wind speed dog on the opposite side.

"It's over.... Comet thrust up_

"Ow! ⊥_⊥.1 on"

Accompanied by: The flames of the hell dragon's long howl s The hell made up of flames rushed directly towards the wind speed dog.

"Get out of the way. The wind speed dog!"

However, Xiao Zheng's words were completely in vain, and the speed of the comet's thrust was very fast. , When Xiaozheng just finished speaking, the huge fireball had hit the wind speed dog, and then knocked it away

And when the wind speed dog that fell into the water floated from the water, he was already in a coma when he came up.

"Xiaozheng's wind speed dog is incapacitated! ,"

Seeing that the wind speed dog had already won Xiao Zhi, he looked at Xiao Zheng and said, _ "You

The idea of ​​​​is really good, but you forget the combat power of the opponent, but your Dragon Fury is really good.Then I'm not talking to you, Gengar! Wake up, wake up⊥"

Saying that, Xiao Zhi slapped the sleeping Geng Gui on the face. _

Chapter [-]: Arceus: He has proposed marriage successfully

Snap on 2 accompanied by a very crisp sound L The still sleeping Geng Gui Junyu woke up, _ It looked at Xiao Zhi and then patted Xiao Zhi's face, which was dizzy and flat.

"hey hey"

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