Roll with the wheel ball that is like a wheel itself.that name

have a bad premonition.And a younger brother said in his ear, "You are the first person to enjoy a Lubart-class meal, and I will let you change today!"

Afterwards, he helped the people put the reporter in the Taizi and slowly walked towards the rolling wheel ball.

"Use your happiness for the rest of your life to repent! I don't want it. 1 Mountain L⊥"

When Junru arrived, what I saw was

Help the well-behaved reporter ask questions obediently r" and Shaozhi and Ke Na are careful, the only person who may see some discord is the reporter who is being scolded by Aruba63

4 Xiaozhi? We received a report saying this

Are you the only one who knows what happened to the violence?"

Pushing aside the reporter and coming to Xiaozhi, Jun Shalan directly asked Xiaozhi about something.And when Ash heard about the violence, he immediately understood that some people couldn't wait, "Well, there is someone who is arguing with me. So _so it's being Aruba now"-

She looked at Jun Shalan, a reporter from Aruba who was raising her eyebrows and whispered in Xiaozhi's ear, "What did he say to make you so angry?"

"Tell you what you describe as looking at my money."

"Okay, I understand something."

After hearing Ash's explanation, Junzilan understands why Ash is like this

Angry.Then quietly whispered in Xiao Zhi's ear. "Then I'll go back and check the person who reported it. It seems that he's doing something else. And let your people work harder."


And when Junsha was about to leave, the reporter wanted to ask Jun Fan for help.

"Tuanzui L now you just have to enjoy the Aruba experience"

"woo woo woo woo!"

After his mouth was stuffed with socks, the reporter was completely desperate.

And Xiaozhi also ended the interview here.Hidden gave the last instructions to the younger brothers before leaving.

"Help him get his hair. Look at his messy hair."

Then Xiao Zhi's smile began to quaint.

"Give me a stab at the bottom!"

"Hey hey hey up"

Hearing Xiao Zhi's words, Geng Gui patted Wang Fei and stepped forward, then looked at the reporter maliciously.

"Woooooooo!" Mountain"

And seeing Geng Gui like this, Xiao Zhi said with a smile, "Okay. Then I'll give you 5.9 Geng Gui after receiving Wan Lai, which will make him extremely cool."

"Hey hey!"

Salute to Xiaozhi

Li Genggui stretched out his dark hands towards the reporter

"Woo Mingwu! ⊥⊥ on"

that day.The reporter's screams resounded throughout the sky.And the person who reported the call was also controlled by the police, and he planned to find out that those people behind him were operating. The Elf Alliance will not tolerate this kind of guy who intends to do things during the competition. e_

Chapter [-] Xiaomao, you must get a sign

"I said Xiaozhi. Is it alright for you to just live in this castle like this? Didn't the Elf League say it?"

In the evening, when Xiaomao came to Xiaozhi's old castle hotel for dinner, he didn't know what to say when he saw the ghost Pokémon floating around constantly.

And Xiaozhi helped Xiao Huang get the crab meat out- : and said 1_ "I have reported to the alliance, so there is nothing to do, just pay some money when the time comes."

Listening to Xiaozhi's local tyrant's speech, Xiaomao felt Xiaozhi's local tyrant nine again, but Xiaozhi shook his head and said 1_"" You're scolding yourself in this way.

I know you have shares too. "

"Please, my share is still with my dad and the others. They said that they would allow me to use it when I was more prudent."

Saying that, Xiaomao reluctantly took a sip of coffee and said, "With a peer like you by 03's side. How can I be unsteady_. . They worry about the wrong place_

"Well... there's no way this is normal. But Xiaomao..."

Hearing Xiao Zhi's tone, Xiao Mao suddenly stiffened and asked, "What's wrong?"

"I hope you can get a medal at least without meeting me.


Hearing Xiao Zhi say this, Xiao Mao had a bad feeling.While Xiao Zhi was cutting the steak with a knife, he said slowly, "Anyway, your Pokémon have also been trained with my old guys for a while, and it's absolutely impossible to say that they won't win a medal. You are right, right? ?,"

". What if I don't have a medal.."

"I'll let you feel what happens after Supreme Aruba..."

"If you can't make money, if you end up with Nanami and I have a child, the surname is OK, so Xiaomao, for the rest of your life, you must win if you want to govern."


Looking at the steak that was cut into countless pieces on Xiaozhi's plate, Xiaomao nodded in cold sweat.

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