
Scum! "

Looking at the opposite Gongfeitian Mantis, even though Xiaozhi said not to underestimate the opponent, Taijibei still shook his head, because it was compared with Xiaozhi's Flying Mantis.The flying mantis in front of him couldn't put any pressure on him at all. Although he wouldn't underestimate the enemy, in Taijibee's eyes, the enemy didn't even need to evolve the bond between himself and Xiaozhi.

And Ash also understands the meaning of the thorium bee.Therefore, instead of evolving the bond, he said calmly, "Tai Needle Bee, feel free to use it."


Hearing Xiao Zhi's words, a red light flashed in Tai Quanbee's eyes.then on it

Exudes a dangerous atmosphere.And Feiwu Mantis had to stand up when he felt the threat of the giant stinger bee to him. He knew that his opponent was a terrifying guy.

And the hornet did not give the flying mantis time to meet, along with: the afterimage of the giant hornbee has already rushed towards the flying mantis, and its poisonous needle is already ready to go.

The sudden attack of the big needle bee also made Fei and Tian Mantis stunned for a while. However, the fighting consciousness developed by the eagles of the Fei Tian Mantis clan instantly alarmed wildly, which made Fei Tian Mantis take the lead in evading.

But it was this step that avoided and saved the flying mantis, and it was too needle in its position just now.

The bee's poisonous stinger is digging deep into the ground, and the grass is withering at a speed visible to the naked eye.

"It's too terrifying, and the big thorium bee of the player Xiaozhi is not only very fast, but also terrible for drinking the venom of the needle! The grass has already withered because of the venom of the needle bee⊥⊥ Shang"

Xunzi looked at the ground that was touched by the needles of the giant needle bee and could not help but shed two drops of cold water, which was really terrifying.If his flying mantis were hit, he would probably die, right?

And seemed to see what Shigeko was worried about, Xiaozhi said to Xunzi: "Fangshan is a competition after all, so we won't use too domineering venom.

Needle and bee stings are more than a few items that will make you completely lose your combat effectiveness for a period of time. "

'That's scary too

Looking at the venom smoked leached from the bee venom needle of Taizhen, I understand that this battle will bring bad luck to the flying mantis.Fortunately, the flying mantis itself is mainly based on speed, so Baryon feels that he still has a chance.

"Since the opponent's poison is so terrifying, the flying mantis doesn't need to hide its strength! Show your speed and come to L. Shadow clone!"


After hearing Xunzi's order, the figures of the flying mantis began to increase. And the audience began to get excited.

Although the skill of shadow avatar is heard a lot.But there are still very few people who can really see it, and now there is actually a flying mantis that can use shadow clones. This can be said to be a surprise to everyone, and Xiaozhi looked at the opposite side using shadow clones and looked at Taizhen Bee Dian Nodding his head, he said: "Freely move 0 m"_,


Hearing Xiao Zhi's words, Tai Chi Feng slowly nodded and then started to fly in random motion.Accompanied by the flying of the Tai Thor Bee, countless figures of the Tai Ji Bee began to appear, and Xunzi said in surprise when he saw this situation. "Your stingray!"

"That's right, the shadow clone can do this trick of my family too. And it can also move at high speed!"

And as Xiao Zhi's voice fell, the Taiji bees and the flying mantises collided. With the continuous confrontation, the number of flying mantises became less and less, and the Tai 4 needle bees did not see sincerity.Finally, wait for the body of the flying mantis to be exposed in front of the bee.Everything is almost over.

"Looks like it's our first move, so the final blow. Vampire Touch of the Stinger!"


With a flash of red light, the thorium bee quickly appeared in Feitiantang

behind the beetle.And the flying mantis slowly fell to the ground as if it was sucked by the king's physical strength.

"Flying Mantis lost its ability to fight!"_

Chapter [-] Tigress

"Squirting...it's really tough... __- but are you able to deal with it next!

Seeing that Xiaozhi easily defeated his two Pokémon Xunzi, he didn't plan to hide it anymore.Therefore, she directly dispatched one of her own little trump cards.And when Cageko's Pokémon appeared, the host and the audience were stunned, because this time Cageko sent out a Lama Bud!

"Miss Xunzi actually sent a lama bud⊥ I don't know what this means?."

This time even the host didn't know what to say.After all - only lama buds really don't have much to explain. .

But Xiao Zhi interrupted him, "Idiot". The more this is the case, the less you can't take it lightly. You are a host.Your task is to mobilize the emotions of the audience instead of raising doubts! ,"

"terribly sorry!"

Although I don't know what's going on, the host chose to apologize. It's just that Xiao Zhi speaks too much like his leader. Should he be called the big boss? The deterrent force even exceeds that of many people.._ _

And just after the host apologized, Xiao Zhi continued, "That lama bud does look normal. There is nothing wrong with it. But that's just looks. If you combine the girl

The situation in the town has a very dire situation

After saying that, Xiaozhi took a deep look at Lama Ya and then at Xunzi and said with a strange look, "I thought it was just a legend, but now it seems that everything is true.

As if guessing what Ash was going to say, Xunzi's face immediately turned ugly.She looked at Xiao Zhi and said: _ "That's all nonsense!"

And Xiaozhi ignored Xunzi's words at all and directly said the terrifying fact behind it.

"Actually... Girl Town is not only rich in so-called beautiful women, but also in tigresses"

At that moment, the audience was silent. Xunzi was biting her kimono and looking at Xiaozhi, she seemed to want to come up and bite Xiaozhi directly.Mian Xiaozhi said with a strange face: "After all, beautiful girls are easily put in danger, so girls in Girls Town are habitually learning various martial arts, among which judo is the most important. Lord, and that Lama Ya is obviously a master of judo, so if you fight it without knowing the situation, you will indeed be overcast.”

At this moment, the audience looked at Xiao Zhi in admiration. , they really didn't expect Xiao Zhi to know so much, and Xiao Zhi nodded to the monarch snake beside him.

"Go, monarch snake, try to avoid melee combat."


Nodding, Monarch Snake took a look _ Minas then rushed to the arena. When Monarch Snake rushed to the arena, the audience was completely boiling

"The Monarch Snake! The Monarch Snake! The Monarch Snake

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