"Is he... alright?"_

"Don't worry, don't look at him like that. In fact, he is still a star. In their circle, he can be said to be a rising star."

Speaking of which, Xiaozhi's Li Rong became more and more terrifying, and the Snake Snake also cooperated and laughed slyly along with him.Don't know what's going on.But he'll be fine._ . Then my next Pokémon is him! "


Looking at the very familiar Pokémon Ash, Minas saw blood.

"Um.... duck-billed fire dragon. __. Minas seems to need you this time.,


Minas nodded and then rushed into the arena, and when Minas came on stage, the entire arena was boiling again. _


The four hundred and seventieth chapter engraved to come

"It's too surprising_ Player L Xiaozhi actually sent Minas out this time! Originally, according to the feelings of Xiaozhi, we thought that Minas would not play. But the current situation is too confusing. It's a surprise! Could it be that Xiao Zhi is very fond of Nas?"

"Jenny! ⊥⊥" N (fuck him_

Pfft! *NL

The host had just finished speaking. The Jenny Turtles once again started farting with their butts against his position.

"Oops, jenny turtles, don't fart at the host ⊥_⊥⊥_!"

Listening to the commotion in the rear, Xiaozhi Mouthfish Wei Wei

Tilt up, and said. "There's nothing to like or dislike. The reason why I put Minas on is just because I am now the snake king. As a gorgeous contestant, I bring the best visual feast to the audience, that's all.."_

_ "Snake King ⊥ Snake King! Snake King ⊥⊥_"⊥⊥"*N

"Poker is better than little Ibrahimovic to see how handsome L Xiaozhi's father is now!" .

"Brother Xiaozhi!."

Ash's words instantly brought the atmosphere of the entire arena into its highest state.And Xiaoxia and Xiaoji, two girls who have a deep relationship with Xiaozhi, are also excited because of the idol effect. Let sit aside

The little blue doesn't know how to complain.

"I don't understand what you group of groupies are thinking.."_

"It's different" This is double the joy!"

"That's right! You can't experience this kind of double happiness."

Just be happy.

Hoo and Sucker Golem, who were helping the housekeeping at Xiaozhi's house, said suspiciously while watching TV together.

"I don't quite understand the idolatry of human beings. Is it the same as the worship of divine beasts like us?"

Two-one dividing line --

"The fifth battle between Shigeko and the Snake King! What kind of wonderful battle can the two sides bring us this time 2,".

Xunzi's expression of Jiang Nas was solemn.

"I watched the match between you and the Duowu before.,Your Minas is really strong! But now there is no water around here!_And for me, the grass field is more capable of allowing the duck-billed fire dragon to exert its abilities. 1. Duck-billed fire dragon!. The flame splash will completely ignite the surrounding!"

"Whoo! 1!.⊥"

Hearing Xunzi's order, the duck-billed fire dragon

The flames burned more vigorously and then splashed out towards the surroundings, completely igniting the grass field.

"Hahahaha!. Now the situation is very favorable for the duck-billed fire dragon|,"

Looking at the constantly burning grass field, Xunzi couldn't help showing a smug smile. This is a tactic she has prepared for a long time. If the county's enemy is too strong, let the duck-billed fire dragon set the entire field on fire to increase the duck-billed fire dragon's combat effectiveness. Weaken your enemies.And the method of breaking the blank field is still learned by Xunzi from the previous battle between Xiaozhi and Zeye.

And Xiaozhi couldn't help but nodded while looking at the burning site.

"It's a very good tactic. For the enemy, these flames are the existence that can weaken the combat effectiveness, and for the duck-billed fire dragon, which is almost always burning with flames, these flames are its help, but it's a pity that your opponent is It's Minas.._

As a huge water curtain unfolded, Xiao Zhi looked at Xunzi and said slowly:

"The curtain is drawn, and then please enjoy the feast of water brought by Minas, Keto is coming!"

"Roar Mountain⊥⊥⊥"

With the huge water curtain opened.A huge monster made of water appeared in the arena, and Minas was in this monster.

The center of the object is protected by the flow of water.

"Appeared" 1. 1. Kaminas' big trick! Kraken Keto! This trick is Mrs. Snake's own creation, can Miss L Xunzi break through this trick!"

"Cartoon. It's really pretty _

Looking at the huge water monster Rusamine in the arena with a smile.

And Lily couldn't help but ask after hearing Russa Minai's words, "Mom. Why do you say Xiaozhi's father's self-created skill is very vivid?"

Seeing that not only Lilya was strange, everyone else also had doubts, and Lusamine explained with a smile.

"These 3 words involve a myth. In that myth, Keto is the mother of almost all sea monsters, and Keto is also a half-snake and half-fish. That's why I say This skill of Xiaozhi is very vivid."

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