- "Master I, the base is almost destroyed, what are we going to do now 3"

Just when he felt that his brain was not enough because of Ash and Arceus, Yu Sheng came over, and the giant gold monster beside him was obviously more hostile.But its eyes are very clear.

"Really? Then according to Xiaozhi's statement, it's time to divide the spoils. The funds of this base are equally distributed except for the gold Xiaozhi who said he bought it from us."

"Don't you have to submit it?"

Because it is the first time to participate in this kind of action, Yu Sheng is not too familiar. Xie Xiaozhi's action method L and the side of Gamu

is explained. "According to Boss, although these funds are a small amount for him. But it would be more troublesome if they are investigated. In this case, it is better to directly distribute them to all the people involved in the operation. Even if there is a Boss in the world, it will be fine. Just gag them in the form of bonuses."

"Understood. Now that Mrs. Sebastian has arranged: that's enough."

"Well:: so do you need me to open an account for you? After all, this is your first time participating in the operation, rest assured that the bank belongs to our family.

Hearing what Gam said, Yu Sheng thought for a while and said, "Then

Just trouble you_. "

Then Yu Sheng came to Wu Village, and Wu Village was watching the village-tailed scale armored dragon constantly hammering this almost bloody corpse with his own fists, and it is probably this person who can have such deep hatred. The death of the original owner of the village-tailed dragon scale dragon

"I said man, he's almost a mush."


Hearing Wudu's words, the Village-tailed Scaled Armored Dragon let out a low roar.He glanced at his enemy and then returned to Wu Village a. Wu Village was very satisfied with the performance of the village-tailed scaly dragon, which meant that the village-tailed scaly dragon could listen to his words, and then Wu village looked at Yu.

Sheng asked, "How's it going, what's the order on the lady's side?"

"There is no order L to let the released Pokémon destroy them at will, and then they will open an account for the two of us. This time, the assets obtained from the enemy will be distributed equally to everyone."

"Wow, the old lady is really generous. No, it's not just too prescription, but also foresight. 6

It's a little strange to hear Yu Sheng say that to Takemura.

"Foresight 3"

"Well: there is such a sentence, a person does not betray just because the price of betrayal is not high enough, then if Lord Sebastian puts this so-called price

Unlimited elevation."

"Only a person with a problem in his head would betray."

Although Wu Cun was reckless, he was not stupid, and he immediately understood what Yu Sheng meant.

Yu Sheng nodded.

"Yes, if this method is not enough, I am afraid that only Mrs. Sebastian and the boss can do it. Biyi's financial resources are there."

"What about Bishas? That guy 3

"That guy is just blinded by his own ambitions. The more A does, the more he pleases these two like a clown."

". well:: though

I don't quite understand. But that guy Bishas is the one appointed to blame, right?"


"Then I understand⊥. But Yusheng, do you have your own ambitions?"

Hearing Wu Du ask this, Yu Sheng said without thinking, "Of course, ambition is also a driving force."

"Oh? So what are your ambitions?"

Yu Sheng said with a smile.

"Become a retainer of Lord Sebastian's family."

one by one dividing line one by one

"Xiao Zhi, are you sure you want them on tomorrow?"

"Well, I'll feel sorry for them if I don't let them go."

"I feel like you're provoking someone"

"Why am I provoking that second flying king?"

At this time, Xiaozhi was preparing for tomorrow's 8th quarterfinals, and Kera watched the magic treasure that Xiaozhi prepared and couldn't help but observe a moment of silence for his opponent. It was really the magic treasure that Xiaozhi was going to send this time. It's really scary for a novice.

And Xiaozhi couldn't help showing a wicked smile on his face while looking at the other two figures except Absol Heruga and Big Wolf.


That guy won't be autistic because of this, but to be honest I feel that my Tu Longbei alone is actually enough to make that guy autistic. "

Tiejiabei next to Xiaozhi heard Xiaozhi's words, and the smile on his face became even stronger. Ever since he heard that the guy with the sassy bag that he had dropped before was the dragon queen, Tiejiabei's mood has always been very good. , although only a few of the so-called dragon kings are really dragons.But it was enough for him to be proud of.

Then Xiaozhi's iron armor looked at Kona's iron armored shell proudly, and Kona's iron armored shell nodded with a smile. As for Xiaozhi's iron armored shell, he put a series of six dragon-type kings in a row.

I still admire the iron shell of Kona.

Later, at the invitation of Xiaozhi's iron shell, Kona's iron shell went to the swimming pool with him.

On Xiaozhi's side, he gave the fossilized pterosaur beside him a fresh raw pai zhang.

"Just take a break and wait for the semi-finals. It'll be your turn."

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