Hearing what Xiao Zhi said, wearing a bear nodded and then immediately returned to Xiao Zhi and put Xiao Zhi on his back.

".. um:: It turns out that she is really like a mother. , Hahaha:: Contestant Xiaozhi was surprised

There's a cute side..."

"This is my bear mother and my relatives, please don't make a mistake, thank you."

After saying that, Xiaozhi lay on his body and looked at Chun, and Xiao Chun looked at Xiao Zhi speechlessly, and then took the Tyrannosaurus back and said, "This time I was careless_ But don't think I will admit defeat so easily. Come on out Fossil Pterodactyl L."

As Tsubaki threw his baby ball, a fossilized pterosaur appeared in the arena.

"Roar! 1⊥⊥"

With the roar of the fossilized pterosaur, the host said excitedly: "Oh, oh! It's actually a fossilized pterosaur L. You must know that before the

The second Pokémon the player has been using is Dragon King, so who will the player Ash send to fight 2.8?"_

Looking at Tsubaki's fossilized pterosaur, Xiaozhi smiled and said.

"Isn't this a coincidence? 2 It just so happens that I have a guy who really wants to have a good fight _ so let's go" Fossil Pterosaur! "

"What?⊥"*N ,

When Ash's luxurious ball was lifted away, the ancient tyrant appeared in the sky again.


A more terrifying roar than Tsubaki's fossilized pterosaur sounded, and Ash's fossilized pterosaur was satisfied

Looking at my opponent, I didn’t expect to be able to see the same clan, 2 Then this means - something ⊥ I can have a good time today⊥_

Chapter 4 This is the Iron Fist of Friendship (Part [-])

"It's too surprising that the player Ash also has

Wanpterosaur!. This is really an unimaginable scene. So what kind of regular competition can these two sides bring us? Let's find and wait for it⊥⊥⊥⊥"

Both Xiaozhi and Zhi ignored the excited host and looked at Xiaozhi's discovery that Zhi's fossilized pterosaur was well-bred, and its combat effectiveness should be fairly objective.

Tsubaki also discovered through observation that Ash's fossilized pterosaur belongs to

It belongs to the kind of very fierce type, but I don't know why Xiaozhi's fossil pterosaur seems to be very excited when he sees his own fossil set dragon?

What Xiaoqing doesn't know is that the reason why Xiaozhi's fossil Daolong is excited is because it is deflated. Originally, he was very confident as a far-stone pterosaur.But since it was conquered by Xiaozhi 14, it revealed that the stronger one than a famous fossil pterosaur under Ten Xiaozhi's hands was basically in rehabilitation training and endless stock hits for a period of time.Now that he can finally see a person he can fight, can he not be excited? Even if the fossil pterosaur on the opposite side is the mother of Xiaozhi's fossil pterosaur, he will not be merciful.If you can't get out of your own breath, you will definitely

"I know you've been wanting to vent lately, so fossilized pterosaur. Feel free to attack!"

"Roar 1⊥⊥"

With a roar, Xiaozhi's fossilized pterosaur instantly smelled the oil and launched a slamming attack on Xiaozhi's fossilized dragon.It can be said to be extremely excited for Xiao Zhi to let himself attack the fossil pterosaur at will.It is precisely because of this that the fossilized pterosaur directly inspired his fierceness. His attacks were fast and furious. If it wasn't for Xiaochun's fossilized pterosaur's response, he might have been hit by Xiaozhi's fossilized pterosaur.Xiao Tsubaki didn't think that the slamming power of the fossilized pterosaur that was in a state of madness would be weak, even if his own fossilized pterosaur was not afraid of ordinary skills.

And Sanzhi's Fossil Pterosaur- After hitting its head into the ground, it not only did not have any shock damage, but even more damage.

Get him excited.With the even more terrifying roaring fossil pterosaurs, it was directly another - this fossil pterosaur rushing towards the small chun.

"Is your fossil pterosaur going mad? To be honest, this kind of opponent is the best L fossil pterosaur to deal with." Fear. One because, in the eyes of the ground, a mad opponent is the best way to deal with it.However, Xiao Zhi cage was facing him.

"Really? Fossil Pterodactyl Ultrasonic Strikes Back!"


When I saw that Xiaozhi's fossilized pterosaur actually obeyed Xiaozhi's order and used ultrasonic waves to react

After the hit, Xiao Chun was really surprised. After all, in her opinion, the crazy Pokémon, especially the Fossil Menglong, could obey the commander's orders. It was really surprising.

And Shan Xiaozhi saw Xiao Hao's doubts and said, "Whoever said that madness must have side effects, I believe that as long as I beat enough stocks, he will not become a thorn."

-m I thought you took good care of your Pokémon _

Xiao Chun didn't expect Xiao Zhi to use this method.And Miaohao beside Xiaozhi said helplessly, "No way. The fossil pterosaur guy has always followed the ancient principle of eating the weak, so let him not create it.

into trouble for other

It's also necessary for his guy to help him out.This is the iron fist of friendship⊥

"Could the heart say that ___ this is too stupid?⊥"

"You just found out, that's why I said that it is necessary for him to train well." But is this the time for you? Look at your own fossilized pterosaur. "


After Xiao Zhi reminded Xiao Hao, he found that his fossil dragon was already a little uncomfortable.Seeing this, she hurriedly said, "Get out and destroy it with

Immortal light kite him! "

"Keep chasing!"

"Roar_" When facing Xiaozhi's fossil Zhi_long's continuous spraying, the fossilized pterosaur that destroyed Xiaozhi didn't even dodge, but rushed directly to Xiaozhi's fossilized pterosaur with the destructive string light. Then bite Xiaochun's fossilized pterosaur.

"Very good. Use the trick I taught you ⊥ deep bite!"

Subsequently.The horrible tearing began.deep bite this

The terrifying part of the trick is that after biting the enemy with a bite, deep bite can deepen the damage.And the most intuitive performance is that at this time, Xiao Hao's fossilized pterosaur looks extremely painful.


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