"Big milk jug, roll it up!"

As Xiao Zhi's voice fell, the originally lazy big milk tank instantly entered the battle mode, but the body that looked cumbersome and unwieldy rolled at an extremely fast speed, and then rushed directly towards the fire-breathing dragon's jet flame.

Accompanied by the violent rolling of the milk tank, the flames of the fire-breathing dragon were easily knocked away by her, and then rushed directly to the fire-breathing dragon in the sky.

"The fire-breathing dragon continues to go up kl."

Since the fire-breathing dragon can fly, she avoided the rolling of the big milk can this time, but Xiao Tsubaki looked at Xiao Zhi speechlessly.

"'How much does this guy like to counter-attack and his Pokémon fights so furiously.

"Sichuan big milk tank, shoot it down with a stone!,"


Originally, Xiao Chun was still thinking about how to fight against Xiao Zhi, but Xiao Zhi's next order surprised Xiao Zhi, and Tai Milk Tank no longer pretended to be leisurely, but looked at the sky in the sky seriously. The fire-breathing dragon then picked up the stone beside him and threw it out. The terrifying force directly caused the rock to fly out like a cannonball.And seeing this--Zhao Xiaochun immediately shouted, "It's Yanbeng L fire-breathing dragon, dodge!_


Although the big milk tank is not a rock-type Pokémon, Xiao Tsubaki doesn't intend to let the fire-breathing dragon insist on seeing the strength of Ash's big milk tank throwing the rock.

However, just after the fire-breathing dragon dodged the first stone, she was directly hit by another, which was the first stone that Tai Milk Jar had prepared long ago.

"Who said you can only throw one 3"

"Not good"

Seeing that Tsubaki, who had already taken out the third stone, knew that if he couldn't find a way to avoid this game, it would be over.So she said directly, "The fire-breathing dragon charges with the flash by falling!"


The fire-breathing dragon turned into a fireball and bleed Ash's big milk tank.one

Chapter five hundred and twelve

Xiao Tsubaki's fire-breathing dragon's flash charge with the help of the falling power is so fast that Xiao Zhi has not even come to order the big milk can.

And seeing this situation, the host was very excited and said, "I hit God and finally hit Xiaozhi's Pokémon with a powerful trick. ⊥" Sure enough, the fight is right _ L!."

Everyone can understand the host's excitement.After so many games, Xiao Zhi has been crushing almost all the time, and in this case, someone finally suspected that he could defeat one of Xiao Zhi's Pokémon. The host is not excited.


However, after the smoke cleared, everyone found that although the big milk tank and the fire-breathing dragon each received different damages, neither of the two magical treasures fell.

- "It's a good response. Use the speed of the fall to increase the power of the flash charge. If it is a normal situation, I am afraid that the battle is over."

"But even so, it hasn't defeated your big milk tank. Your big milk tank's defense is really good."

Xiao Chun was also very helpless at this time. She originally thought that Di Feng could defeat Xiao Zhi's big milk tank, but now it seems that she thought too beautifully.

And for Xiao Tsubaki's helplessness

Xiaozhi smiled, in fact, the milk tank just now was blocked with rocks from a rock avalanche.

"It seems that I have more advantages now, it's already very good to be able to do this."

Hearing Xiao Chun's words, Ke Na, who had been watching Bizhai, smiled and then she covered her face with one hand and said, "Du Tianyu, your cousin is so naive...to think that Xiao Zhi has no success."


Du looked at Kona and didn't know how to answer, just like what Nian said, he really couldn't relax when dealing with Xiaozhi.Otherwise you never know what new tricks Ash will come up with in the next second.


Big milk tank, drink milk. "


When Xiao Zhi said these words, the others thought they had heard it wrong, but they did not hear that what Xiao Zhi said was to drink milk.

Then Tai Milk Tank really showed this trick.However, Xiao Chun found that the physical strength of the milk tank seemed to have completely recovered. 2.⊥

"No, drinking raw milk doesn't just help Pokémon recover - half of their stamina.".

Suddenly, Xiao Chun thought of a profile of Xiao Zhi, the creator of the Star Potion series.So Xiaozhi is in nurturing.

"Huh, let's

Is that right?” In order to make my milk tank produce high-quality milk in a large milk tank, I have always used the highest quality forage and even herbs as food for her, and sufficient sunlight every day is also indispensable , if you don’t have it, you can go directly to the most advanced sunbathing, and the last and most important point is the top-level massage, so as to ensure that the milk effect of the milk tank is so good that it will explode, otherwise why do you think my happy eggs are so healthy?”

"_.You: You really have time..."

Xiao Chun was a little dizzy when she heard these tedious steps mentioned by Xiao Zhi, but she had to admit that she wanted too much milk, this effect is really good.

"For a chef, ingredients are very important. Fortunately, Xiaoxue and Xiaozi's craftsmanship is no problem. Otherwise, I would be worried that the milk produced by the uncomfortable massage of the big milk tank will not be good."


Just when Xiao Tsubaki was speechless, the big milk tank, whose physical strength had completely recovered, rolled directly again, and this fire-breathing dragon had no strength to fly again because of the continuous battle.

"I didn't let you feel it before, but now I'll let you taste the unique skills of my family too milk can" Ultimate scrolling."

Seeing the big milk tank rushing to the blood so fast, Xiaochun, the spray dragon, roared: _ "

Fire-breathing dragon on purgatory"

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